These individuals consist of a given function and
various possible symbolic expressions. The process
of generating the initial population can be seen as a
blind search process in the program space. When
generating the initial group of individuals, a function
is first randomly selected in the function node set as
the root node of the syntax tree; then, the same
number of child nodes are selected according to the
number of independent variables handled by the
function. For each subtree starting from the child
node, an element can be randomly selected from the
union of the function node set and the end point set
as the node of the subtree. If the selected function is
a function, it will be repeated. The above operation
process; if the selected end point, the subtree stops
2.3 Fitness Evaluation
When the individuals in the population replicate,
crossover, and mutate, the evaluation scale of the
individual in the GP algorithm is called a fitness
function. The fitness evaluation of the GP algorithm
uses standardized fitness, initial fitness, adjusted
fitness, and normalized fitness.
Standardization fitness is consistent with the
maximization of fitness in genetic algorithms, and
can be expressed in the following simple form:
irriS −=
In the formula, S(i) is the output value calculated
by the individual i fitness, rmax is the maximum
original fitness, and r(i) is the original fitness of
individual i.
Primitive fitness is a measure of the natural
description of the problem, usually obtained by
directly calculating the absolute error between the
individual's output and the expected output,
In the formula, S(i,j) is the calculated output of
the individual i at the jth input value; C(j) is the
target expected value corresponding to the jth input
value; M is the number of training samples.
The standardized fitness is adjusted, and the
adjusted fitness a(i) of the individual i is calculated
by the following equation.
In general, S(i)≥0, then a(i)∈[0,1]. Therefore,
the greater the adjusted fitness value, the better the
individual. Adjusting the degree of fitness is better
than the standard level of fitness for the best
individual, especially when the standard fitness
approaches zero, adjusting the degree of fitness can
amplify small differences in standard fitness.
The normalized fitness degree is a selection
method based on the fitness proportion, which is
calculated by adjusting the fitness degree. The
concrete expression is
In the formula, M is the size of the population.
The normalized fitness degree has the following
three ideal characteristics: n(i)∈[0,1]; the greater
the fitness value, the better the individual is:
2.4 Selecting Strategies
The GP algorithm selection strategy includes fitness
proportion selection method, fitness ranking
selection method, roulette selection method and
tournament selection method.
2.5 Genetic Manipulation
GP algorithm genetic operations include: copy,
crossover, and mutation. Among them, the crossover
operation is based on the rule that the higher the
fitness value is, the better the probability of being
selected is. From the current population, two parent
individuals are randomly selected. The tree structure
of two parent individuals is shown in Fig.1; then,
from two A node is randomly selected as a cross
point in the tree, and the entire sub-tree below the
cross point is taken as a cross section (as shown by a
dashed box in Fig.1 ).
Figure 1: Tree structure of two parent individuals.