Structural Design and Numerical Analysis of the Electric Explosion
Valve for Quick-opening Marine Gas Cylinder
Rufeng Deng
, Yufeng Li
and Daizong Xiao
The 713 Research Institute of CSIC, Fuhua Street, Zhengzhou City, China
Keywords: Marine cylinder, the electric explosion valve, mechanical linkage, quick opening.
Abstract: To meet functional requirements of the electric explosion valve for quick-opening marine gas cylinder, a
quick, reliable and safe opening mechanism is designed, which is driven by electric explosion pressure. The
structures of electric explosion cavity and over-pressure exhaust are designed respectively to assure the fast
sex and security. The article analyses detonation pressure of squib start. The mechanics calculation and
strength check are conducted to the electric explosion valve
opening and closing. Finally, stress conditions
of the safety diaphragm are simulated and analyzed. The results indicated that the designed the electric
explosion valve of
quick-opening marine gas cylinders responds rapidly and stable performance that can
address the needs of the security, reliable and fast input for naval ship fire fighting system, rationality of the
mechanism design of the electric explosion valve is confirmed. It has much more practical value in
The electric explosion valve is the key component of
naval ship sprinkler system as a control valve and
plays a role in controlling gas in the system. After
research, it found that the universal electric
explosion valve is bulky, complex, slow response
and poor stability naval ship fire fighting system,
and it's difficult to meet the requirement of rapid
opening of pneumatic valves and other equipment in
special places such as ammunition depots and oil
depots, which affects the performance of the whole
spray system seriously. In this paper, a kind of the
electric explosion valve of quick-opening marine gas
cylinders is designed, which uses detonation
pressure caused by the electric explosion valve
detonation. Then the mechanism can be opened fast
by mechanical linkage between the components. It
characterize by its simple structure, small volume,
fast reaction speed, high reliability, etc.
The marine cylinder is used to store compressed air
and provide a driving gas source for pneumatic
valve opening. The electric explosion valve can
realize starting control and media isolation of marine
cylinder. As an isolation valve, the electric explosion
valve is the key component of marine cylinder,
which is normally close on standby. Once request
signal is received, the electric explosion valve will
be detonated instantaneously, driving the valve body
to open. At this point, compressed air in the cylinder
discharge rapidly under the high voltage, achieving
the function of fast gas supply about marine
cylinder. The electric explosion valve is the key
component of the spray system , which directly
influence the vitality of naval vessel and various
high-risk places.
3.1 The Electric Squib
In general, marine cylinders are located in
equipment tanks or ship corridors, therefore, reliable
remote control is required when opening, so it is
necessary to provide the opening power. we adopt
ignition that is electric detonator in accordance of a
small footprint, fast opening speed, secure and
requirements. It has the characteristic by small
volume, light weight, great power and high
adaptability to circumstance.
On duty, once request signal is received, the
electric explosive valve will be detonated
instantaneously. The high-temperature and high-
pressure air produced by detonation with rapid
pressure rise. The electric explosion valve opens
mechanically under the action of the detonation
pressure of the electric detonator. Ignition timing of
the electric detonator tube can reach millisecond,
characterized by quick, powerful and small scope of
action. It can not only meet the need of quick
opening , but also ensure the safety and reliability of
Figure 1: The structure diagram of electric tube.
3.2 Mechanism Design
According to the functional requirements and
characteristics of the electric detonation tube, the
electric explosion valve of quick-opening marine gas
cylinders is designed, which is mainly composed of
electric explosion cavity, safety diaphragm, piston,
crank, rotating shaft, pressure arm, valve core, etc,
as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2: The schematic diagram of electric valve device.
(1) Electric explosion cavity
The electric explosion cavity is designed on the
electric explosion valve, and the effective isolation
was realized between the electric detonation
chamber and the valve body cavity. To ensure that
the gas flow into the piston cavity while the
explosion debris is isolated by the angle design
between the electric explosion cavity and the piston
bore. The electric detonation tube is installed on the
electric detonation chamber to ensure the rapidity of
the electric explosion valve.
Safety diaphragm
In order to prevent the cylinder from cracking
due to high pressure, over-pressure exhaust structure
is designed, the main principle of which is to install
the safety diaphragm in the over-pressure exhaust
structure. To ensure the cylinder intact and the
personal security, the safety diaphragm will burst
automatically, releasing the gas in the cylinder,
when pressure in the Marine cylinder exceeds the set
pressure value of 13MPa~15MPa.The design of
safety diaphragm realizes the security features of the
electric explosion valve. The schematic diagram of
the over pressure exhaust structure is shown in
Figure 3.
Figure 3: The diagram of over pressure exhaust structure.
3.3 Operating Principle
There are three types of working conditions: closing,
opening and inflating.
(1) Closed state
Because the marine cylinder will supply the air
source for the pneumatic valve only when spraying,
the electric explosion valve is normally closed. In
the initial state, the detonator tube is not activated.
The crankshaft is driven to rotate, so that the shaft is
locked with the pressure arm, and then the pressure
bar is manually turned. At this point, the valve core
is pushed down and the vent is closed, so that the
valve is closed, as shown in Figure 4.
Figure 4: The diagram of electric valve closed state.
(2) On state
In case of danger, the electric explosion valve
should be opened reliably when the marine cylinder
needs to provide air source. At this point, the
detonator explodes when an electrical signal is
received. The resulting explosive pressure pushes
the piston up and the piston rod hits the crank. The
crank turns the shaft, forcing the shaft to separate
from the buckle of the press arm. The compression
force on the valve core is released, and the pressure
arm rotates, causing the pressure bar to turn over.
Meanwhile, the valve core moves up rapidly under
the action of spring force, the valve opens, and the
compressed air is sent out. The opening linkage
design of the electric explosion cavity, the spring
structure and the electric explosion valve mechanism
realizes the fast and reliable opening of the Marine
rapid opening gas cylinder electric explosion valve.
In addition to the electric detonation drive, Marine
quick-opening valve of cylinder can also be
manually opened by turning crank, as shown in
Figure 5.
Figure 5: The diagram of electric valve open state.
(3) Plenum
The marine gas cylinder needs to be refilled by
use or other reasons, which causes drop in pressure.
By Rotating the hand wheel, drive the needle valve
stem and make the needle valve center move to the
right. Finally, needle valve is open and the air vent is
connected to the cylinder(as shown in Figure 6). The
cylinder is filled with compressed air from air vent
by the ship's air source. The needle valve will be
closed when the pressure in the cylinder reaches the
set value. At this point, the ship's cylinder is in
normal standby.
Figure 6: The diagram of electric valve inflatable state.
4.1 Analysis of Detonation Pressure
During Explosion of Electric
The electric detonation tube contains detonators,
transition agents and main charge agents, including
C, H, N, O and other elements. Chemical reaction
equation of explosives:
abcd 2 2 2
11 11 11
CHNO cN bHO ( d b)CO (a d b)
22 24 24
→+ + ++
The explosive pressure of ammunition is related
to charge density, ammunition composition and
calculate reaction. Engineering calculation formulas
of detonation pressure:
Formula of explosive detonation velocity is as
Type: Pj is explosive pressure, GPa; ρ0 is
ammunition composition, g/cm3; D is detonation
velocity, km/s; φ is property value of ammunition;
N is the amount of gas produced per gram of
explosive, mol/g; M is the average molar mass of the
gas component of the explosive, mol/g; Q is the heat
of chemical reaction per unit of explosive, J/g.
48 4 56 64
ab c d
++ +
56 88 8
120.9 197.7( )
12 14 16
ab c d
++ +
Type: Hf is the production enthalpy of
explosives, J/g.
Figure 7: The relationship between blast velocity and
powder density of TNT ammunition.
Figure 8: The relationship between blast pressure and
powder density of TNT explosive.
It can be seen from the above that explosive
property is closely related to charge density. As long
as charge density of explosives is mastered,
detonation speed and pressure of electric detonator
can be determined accurately.
4.2 Force Analysis and Strength Check
of Electric Explosion Valve
(1) Closed state
The electric explosion valve is closed when the
marine gas cylinder is on standby. At this point , the
valve body is balanced by the friction of the CAM
bite between the shaft and the pressure arm, as
shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9: Force analysis of pressure arm.
The force exerted by the valve core on the
pressure arm:
xt h
D=1.01 ( 1 1.3 )
Type: Fx is the force of the valve core on the
pressure arm, kN; Ft is the force of air pressure on
the valve body, kN; Fh is the force of spring on the
valve core, kN; Pq is the pressure of the gas in the
cylinder, MPa; S1 is the area of action of gas on
valve body, m2; k is the spring coefficient, kg/mm; x
is the spring compression amount, mm.
By analyzing bearing condition of arm under the
closed state of the electric explosion valve, we find
force of the shaft on the pressure arm using the lever
Type: Fz is force of the rotating shaft on the
pressure arm, kN; Lx is distance from Fx to the
fulcrum, mm; Lz is distance from Fz to the fulcrum,
(2) On state
When the electric detonator receives a certain
current signal, the electric detonator ignites and
explodes, breaking the balance. By overcoming the
friction between the rotating shaft and the pressure
arm, the pressure arm rotates and the pressure arm is
separated from the rotating shaft. At this point, the
valve core can overcome the gravity of itself and the
pressure arm and the pressure bar and moves up
rapidly under the action of spring elastic force and
gas pressure in the cylinder. Results the compressed
air in the gas cylinder flows out through the valve
body outlet.
a. Force analysis
Since the crank is connected with the shaft by
solid state, they can be regarded as a whole, so the
crank bearing is the shaft bearing, as shown in
Figure 10.
Figure 10: Force analysis of the axis and crank.
L=F LF ××
kkf f
Type: Fk is the opening force required for the
rotation of the rotating shaft, kN; Lk is the distance
from Fk to the fulcrum, m; Ff is the static friction
between the rotating shaft and the pressure arm; Lf
is the distance from Ff to the fulcrum point; F'z Is
the force exerted by the pressure arm on the rotating
shaft; μ is the friction coefficient between the axis
of rotation and the pressure arm.
Between the axis of rotation and the pressure arm
is the force and the reaction force.
Through equations (11), (12) and (13), the
opening force
required for the rotation of the
rotating shaft can be obtained.
is the area of action of electric detonator
explosion on piston.
When the explosion pressure is greater than the
of the opening force, the electric explosion valve can
be opened quickly in linkage.
Strength check
The strengths of crankshaft and spindle are
checked because they bear the maximum stress at
the moment of explosion pressure. Crankshaft and
spindle are stainless steel with the following
characteristic parameters:
a) Elastic modulus: E=2.06 * 1011Pa;
b) Poisson's ratio: u=0.3;
c) Yield strength: σs 540MPa.
According to the conditions above, finite element
modeling is carried out for cranks and spindle. The
model size is in mm and the stress is in Pa, as shown
in Figure 11.
Figure 11: Finite element model of crank and shaft.
The forces of crankshaft and spindle are
analyzed, when a certain explosion pressure is
applied. The strengths of crankshaft and spindle can
meet the demand when the force of crankshaft is not
greater than its yield strength, so it is reasonable.
The detonation pressure of the electric detonator
tube is about 15MPa, which imposes a constraint on
the contact surface of the rotating shaft and the
pressure arm. At the same time, 15MPa detonation
pressure is applied to the contact point between
crank and piston rod, as shown in Figure 12.
Figure 12: Pressure distribution of crank and spindle.
As you can see from the figure above, the
maximum stress value of crankshaft and spindle is
413MPa, which less than yield strength. The results
demonstrate that it meets the requirements of design .
4.3 Simulation Analysis of the Safety
The safety of the safety diaphragm is determined by
blasting under certain pressure. Blasting can be
realized when pressure is greater than tensile
In order to ensure that the gas pressure can be
discharged safely between 13MPa to 15MPa, the
appropriate safety diaphragm needs to be selected.
The pressure resistance of the safety diaphragm is
related to its materials and thickness. Here, the
material of the safety diaphragm is tin bronze, and
its characteristic parameters are as follows.
a) Elastic modulus: E=1.24 * 1011Pa;
b) Poisson's ratio: u=0.34;
c) Tensile strength: σb= 700-800MPa.
According to the conditions above, finite element
modeling and force analysis are carried out for the
safety diaphragm.The model size is in mm and the
stress is in Pa. As the thickness of the safety
diaphragm is only 0.1 mm, shell element PLANE63
is adopted. One side of the safety diaphragm is
restrained from contact with the pressure ring, and
different forces are applied on the other side, as
shown in Figure 13.
b) 13MPa.
c) 15MPa.
Figure 13: Pressure distribution under different pressure of
the safety diaphragm.
As you can see from the figure above, the contact
part between the safety diaphragm and the pressure
ring has the maximum force. At 12MPa, the
maximum stress is 680MPa, less than σb, then the
safety diaphragm does not burst; At 13MPa, the
maximum stress is 736MPa. Within the range of
tensile strength, so it may be blasting; At 15MPa, the
maximum stress is 849MPa, more than σb, which
satisfies the blasting condition.
The electric explosion valve for quick-opening
marine gas cylinder is one of the important parts of
spray system. In this paper the following
conclusions are made through mechanism design
and numerical analysis:
(1) The mechanism is designed with electric
explosion chamber and over-pressure exhaust
structure. By means of electric detonation tube drive,
spring structure, lever principle and mechanical
linkage, the electric detonation valve can be. Some
features including reliable closed, security
inflatable and rapid opening quickly are
(2) It is proved that the characteristics of the
electric explosion valve are simple structure, little
volume, quick response and high reliability through
numerical analysis of the closed and open state of
the valve mechanism, and strength check of
crankshaft and spindle with the maximum force..
(3) The safety of the valve is verified through the
finite element simulation analysis of the force of the
safety diaphragm. At the same time, the electric
explosion is a more practical marine mechanism and
(4) The electric explosion valve for quick-
opening marine gas cylinder can be applied to
marine compressed air cylinder. In addition, the
method of mechanism design and numerical analysis
can also be applied to the design of valve body
structure on marine cylinders such as inert gas,
corrosive gas and various liquids.
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