The Development Competence of Educational Staff Division in the
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Airlangga through
Training and Education Method
Dra. Ec. Mardiana
Student Master of Management Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Keywords: Development Competence, Training, Education, Human Resources.
Abstract: The change in environment strategy is a dynamic characterized by the occurrence of the rapid development
of the science and technology. Besides, facilities and infrastructure also use information systems with digital
techniques that are modern and sophisticated. This has emphasized the importance of the development of
competence for human resources in organizations and institutions, especially in the faculty of veterinary
medicine Universitas Airlangga. Therefore, this report presents a discussion of the development competence
of education through a training and education method. The method used in this research is qualitative with
the procedures of the research yielding data that is based on descriptive observation, objectives of the
research and the interview. As for the result, the pursuit of this obtained the development of a competent
form of education through the training and education method. The development of competence should be in
line with the development of a career, then it can be seen as a growth and development strategy, and
regarding the quality of staff the purpose is the development of competence in human resources.
At this time, there has been a dynamic
environmental change (environmental setting). It is
very dynamic and is marked by the very rapid
development of science and technology. In addition,
facilities and infrastructures use digital information
systems and techniques, which are very modern and
sophisticated, so it takes knowledge and skill of
every human resource. This is a challenge that must
be overcome to meet the needs and increase the
competence of human resources, hence the
necessary competence development.
Implementation of Tri Dharma Higher
Education, in the administrative governance,
required the development of human resource
competence to be applied in the field of education
staff at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of
Airlangga University. Given that the journey of the
establishment of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Airlangga University began in 1962 and developed
until now, it cannot be separated from the
intervention of human resources and the educational
Viewed from the perspective of the national
education system, the role of educational staff of
students in an institution of higher education is still
dominant and very important to the information
system technology today and the influence of
sophistication is inevitable. But because of the
process of education/learning, research and
community service, especially the administrative
management role played by educational personnel
should coincide with the progress of information
technology. So their functions will not be
completely ignored as educational personnel, in
service to students, including preparing to meet the
administrative needs for educators. According to the
Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia
Number 10 of 2016 the Education Personnel are
members of the community who are devoted and
appointed to support the implementation of
education. Teachers are assigned to carry out
administrative, management, development,
supervision, and technical service to support the
education process in the education unit. Regarding
the education staff, especially in the Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University, this
includes education, student affairs, finance and
Mardiana, E.
The Development Competence of Educational Staff Division in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Airlangga Through Training and Education Method.
DOI: 10.5220/0007536800210027
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 21-27
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
human resources, facilities and infrastructure,
information system unit, librarian, laboratory, and
technician learning resources.
According to the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 18 Year 2002 Development is an
activity of science and technology aimed at utilizing
proven scientific principles and theories to improve
the function, benefits, and application of existing
science and technology, or produce new technology.
Development is an attempt to improve the technical,
theoretical, conceptual and moral skills of
employees in accordance with the needs of the
office. The purpose of development is to increase
work productivity (Hasibuan: 2002: 69).
Development is based on the fact that an employee
needs a set of knowledge, skills and abilities
developed to work well in carrying out their duties
and functions during their career.
The long-term career preparation of an employee
for a series of positions is what employee
development is about. Along with that, development
has a wide scope. As Smith (2000: 2) suggests,
"Development: the growth or realization of a
person's ability through conscious or unconscious
learning". This means that development
encompasses all aspects of employee quality
improvement not only education and training.
Development is more focused on the general long-
term needs of the organization. The results are
indirect and can only be measured in the long run.
Training is directed to improve work performance;
while competence is the skill of an expert. Where
the expert is defined as someone who has a certain
skill level or high knowledge in a particular subject
gained from training and experience. Thus, the
purpose of competence development is to improve
future job skills.
The reality that occurred above experienced
distortion in its implementation. Improving the
quality of human resources through education and
training has often not been directed towards the
analysis of the needs of organizations/work units.
This condition prevents optimal outputs or outcomes
in the implementation of education and training for
improving the performance of employees and
organizations. For example, it happens that in the
year 2017 there is only training for the veterinary
faculty laboratory in which the majority are
honorary and contract laborers. Training followed
OHS training (safety and job security). These kinds
of factors ultimately lead to the development of
educational personnel whose skills are not maximal,
because it is not in specification in the field. Also,
the development of competence should apply to all
levels of education personnel, in order for each
employee to experience competence in continuous
improvement in line with the development of the
The vision of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
of Airlangga University is to become a leading
faculty at national and international level, a pioneer
of development in education and research in
veterinary and animal husbandry, independent and
innovative based on religious morals, ethics,
environmental sustainability and animal welfare
while remaining oriented to the welfare of the
While the mission of the Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine of Airlangga University is first conducting
academic education as a profession, being specialists
in veterinary and animal husbandry based on modern
learning technology, which can produce graduates
with professional ability and a strong desire to
develop science, entrepreneurial spirit, religion and
ethics. Secondly, conducting basic and innovative
research and innovative high-quality research in
veterinary work and livestock to support the
development of science, education and community
service based on religious morals, ethics,
environmental sustainability and animal welfare.
Third, opportunity to develop expertise in the field
of veterinary science and animal husbandry in the
community. The realization of a mutually beneficial
partnership with related institutions in order to
realize the independence of the faculty oriented to
quality and ability to compete at national and
international levels.
In supporting the vision, the mission and faculty
authority, it is necessary to change the paradigm of
faculty thinking from a strong institution with the
development of education and science into an
institution oriented to the organization of
information provider and public service in the
context of academic development in the Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine of UA.
Development of human resources is a very
important element in the organization because
employees are a very important asset in achieving
organizational goals that have been established.
Notoatmodjo (2003: 4) argued that the development
of human resources is a process of planning
education, training and management of personnel or
employees to achieve optimal results. Development
represents an employee-oriented future in
employment and emphasizes improving the ability
to perform new tasks in the future (Siagian, 2007:
183). In planning the development of employees, it
needs good coordination between each work unit in
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
the organization with the personnel. This is
important considering that each work unit is more
aware of the need to develop the competence of
employees in the work unit. The personnel
department should be able to undertake the
development planning of employee competency in
order to have employees that can carry out the duties
and functions of the organization. With planned
development, the organization has employees ready
for use when needed for a particular position or task.
Therefore, the employment section serves as a
supporter in the implementation of employee
development activities. One form of development is
related to the improvement of competence of
knowledge, skills and attitude behavior for
employees in each work unit.
The formulation in finding an answer to this
problem involves first asking how the development
of the competence of staff of the Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine of Airlangga University is
achieved. Second, how will the flow of education
and training methods be created?
The purpose of the formulation of solving the
problem is to know the form of competence
development of the staff at the Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine of Airlangga University through education
and the training method. Then, to know the flow of
education and training methods that will be
2.1 Competency
Competence is a collection of knowledge, skills,
attitudes, and values as a performance that affects a
person's role, actions, achievements and work.
Associated with competence, Byham et al. (1996
cited by Manopo 2011: 12) says that competence is a
set of specific behaviors that can be observed and is
needed by someone to succeed in carrying out roles
and achieving company targets. According to Lyle
M. Spencer, Jr. & Signe M. Spencer (1993),
'Competence' is the basic characteristics of a person
usually associated with effective performance
according to certain criteria/superior performance in
a job.
2.2 Characteristics of Competence
According to Spencer and Spencer (1993: 10)
competence consists of 5 (five) characteristics,
1. Motives are where someone consistently thinks,
so they take action. Spencer (1993) adds that
motives "drive, direct and select behaviors
toward certain actions or goals and away from
others". For example, someone who has
achievement motivation consistently develops
goals that give a challenge to themselves and
they are fully responsible for achieving these
goals and expect some kind of "feedback" to
improve themselves.
2. Traits are characters that make people behave or
show how someone responds to something in a
certain way. For example, self-confidence, self-
control, fortitude or endurance.
3. Self-concept is the attitude and values of a
person. Attitudes and values are measured
through tests for respondents to find out
the value a person has and what is interesting for
someone to do.
4. Knowledge is information that someone has in a
particular field. Knowledge is a complex
competency. The knowledge test measures a
participant's ability to choose the most correct
answer but cannot see whether
someone can do work based on his knowledge.
5. Skills are the ability to carry out certain tasks
both physically and mentally.
According to Abdurrahman Fatoni (2006) the
general purpose of education and training is seen in
the context of fostering employees to be able to:
a. Increase personality and spirit of service to the
organization and society.
b. Improve the quality and ability, as well as good
skills in carrying out their duties and leadership.
c. Train and improve work mechanisms and
sensitivity in carrying out tasks.
d. Train and improve work in planning.
e. Improve knowledge and work skills.
It can be concluded that the purpose of education
and training is to improve the knowledge, abilities,
attitudes and skills of employees so that they are
more professional in carrying out their work so that
the goals of the organization can be achieved and
have relevance to employee performance. While the
benefits of education and training are to improve the
stability of employees and provide opportunities for
employees to develop themselves so that carrying
out their duties can run effectively and efficiently.
Many efforts are made by each organization so that
employees can develop in the sense of increasing
their knowledge and skills to carry out their duties.
Improving the ability of employees can be done by
The Development Competence of Educational Staff Division in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Airlangga Through Training
and Education Method
providing training and education to those who are
useful to improve knowledge and operations in
carrying out work assignments. Training is an
activity to improve one's work ability in relation to
economic activities (Ranupandojo, 1993: 77).
According to Wursanto (1999: 59) training is a part
of education that involves the learning process to
acquire and improve skills outside the education
system that apply in a relatively short time and with
methods that prioritize practice rather than theory.
Education and training are the same as development
which is a process of improving work skills.
The method used in this study is a qualitative
approach. According to Bogdan and Taylor (in
Basrowi and Suwandi 2008: 1), qualitative research
is one of the research procedures that produce
descriptive data for observing research objects and
interviews. Hadjar (in Basrowi and Suwandi (2008:
23) stated that qualitative research aims to gain a
general understanding of social reality from the
perspective of participants. This understanding is not
determined in advance, but is obtained after
analyzing the social reality that is the focus of the
research. Based on the analysis, conclusions are then
drawn in the form of general understanding.
In the implementation of this study the author
uses data collection methods, namely interviews. To
explain and interpret, with other events, in this study
the object of documentation is archives and data in
developing employee competencies. Informants in
this study are people who are considered to know the
object of research or unit of analysis as the target of
the study (Riduwan 2007: 54). While Nazir (2008:
172) explains that information is, from a collection
of individuals, on certain events with the quality and
characteristics that have been determined. In
connection with this study, the researcher
determined purposively (purposive sampling) people
who were considered to know the problem of the
study, as many as 7 people, while the informants in
this study were as shown in Table 1.
In the Table 1 the numbers for each informant
are given in accordance with the Department in the
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. They are the unit of
analysis in this study, namely the resources that have
attended training outside the institution or not. From
there it can be analyzed for the suitability of
competencies with the training that has been carried
out. Then, knowing the form of competency
development that must be implemented. Then, the
flow of the education and training method will be
applied by the education staff of the Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University.
Table 1: Field of Educational Staff Division FKH UA
Source: Data FKH 2017
4.1 Forms of Competence Development
of Educational Staff
Mathis and Jackson (2001) illustrate that
competencies are visible and hidden. Knowledge is
more visible and can be recognized by companies to
match people with jobs. For skills, although some
can be seen, some are less easily identified. But
hidden competence in the form of skills that may be
more valuable can improve performance.
Competence is defined as the ability to carry out
tasks at work which includes applying skills that are
supported by knowledge and abilities according to
the conditions required. Thus the competency
standard can be assumed as a formulation of the
skills and expertise that must be possessed by the
workforce in carrying out the work in accordance
with the requirements established/agreed upon
(LPPKMITB, 2005: 3).
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
The competency development includes through
education and training. Competency development
should be in line with career development. Here are
some kinds of competencies:
1. Technical competence measured from the level
and specialization of education, functional
technical training and technical work experience.
2. Managerial competence measured from the level
of education, structural training or management,
and leadership experience.
3. Social cultural competence measured from work
experience related to plural society in terms of
religion, ethnicity, and culture so as to have
national insight.
Departing from the background of the problems
that exist in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Airlangga University, the form of educational staff
competency development is by the method of
education and training tailored to each department.
This is in order to create excellent service in
providing services to the academic community in the
university environment, and the achievement of
efficient organizational goals and increased work
Sule and Saefullah (2009) outlined the employee
development program in the organization that is off
the job training, namely:
1. Executive development program, which is a
program for sending employees to participate in
various special programs outside the
organization related to case analysis, simulations,
and other learning methods.
2. Laboratories training, which is in the form of
programs aimed at employees to participate in
simulation programs on the real world related to
organizational activities where the methods
commonly used are role playing methods,
simulations and others.
3. Organizational development, which is a program
aimed at employees by inviting them to think
about how to advance the organization
Employee education and training contributes to
improving organizational productivity, effectiveness
and efficiency. Understanding of education as
proposed by Soekidjo Notoatmodjo (2003) means
that formal education within an organization is a
process of developing abilities towards what is
desired by the organization concerned, while
training is part of an educational process whose
purpose is to improve the abilities and special skills
of a person or group of people. According to Rivai
and Sagala (2014) training is a systematic process of
changing employee behavior to achieve
organizational goals. The training relates to the skills
and abilities of employees who are oriented in
carrying out current work in order to succeed in
carrying out their work.
Education and training for employees must be
provided periodically so that each employee
maintains their competence to improve
organizational performance. Therefore, this training
program must get attention through training needs
planning for each employee. This is an effort to
develop human resources (HR) especially to develop
intellectual abilities and human personality. In order
to obtain maximum results in employee
development, education and training programs are
needed in accordance with job analysis so that
employees know the purpose of the education and
training they carry out.
It can be concluded that the purpose of education
and training is to improve the knowledge, abilities,
attitudes and skills of employees so that they are
more professional in carrying out their work so that
the goals of the organization can be achieved and
have relevance to employee performance. While the
benefits of education and training are to improve the
stability of employees and can provide opportunities
for employees to develop themselves so that in
carrying out their duties can run effectively and
4.2 Flowchart & Strategy for
Developing the Quality of
Education Personnel Through
Education & Training Methods
In achieving the goal of developing employee
quality, before undertaking education & training, the
organization must first determine the training needs.
Done with the aim to increase the effectiveness of
training. Assessment of the effectiveness of training,
not only seen from the output, but the outcome,
namely improving employee performance. Without
determining training needs, the organization cannot
guarantee that training will produce results in
accordance with the agency's objectives. To analyze
training needs, it is necessary to understand each
field in each department. The following is a table of
data about human resources, especially education
personnel in the college environment of the Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University.
The methods that can be used in the
implementation of education & training programs
according to Dessler (2000) are:
The Development Competence of Educational Staff Division in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Airlangga Through Training
and Education Method
1. On the job training (training at work), is training
for employees to learn a job while working on it.
2. Job instruction training (job instruction training),
is the registration of each basic job title, together
with key points to provide employee step-by-step
3. Lectures (learning), training in a fast and simple
way of presenting knowledge to trainees, such as
when sellers must be taught the special
characteristics of a new product.
4. Audio visual training (audio visual training),
employee training using audio visual techniques
such as film, television, audio tape and video
tape, this method can be very effective and
widely used.
5. Programmed learning (programmed learning), a
systematic method for teaching skills that
includes presenting questions or facts, allows
employees to respond and give participants
learning immediate feedback about the accuracy
of their answers.
6. Vestibule or simulated training (training porch or
simulation), training employees on special
equipment outside the workplace, such as pilot
training in aircraft, so that costs and hazards can
be reduced.
7. Computer assisted instruction training (computer
based training), is training employees using
computers, this training uses a computer-based
system interactively enhancing the knowledge or
skills of trainees. Computer-based training
almost always includes presenting trainees with
computerized simulations and the use of
multimedia including video tapes to help trainees
learn how to do their work.
Flowchart & strategy for developing the quality
of education personnel proposed by the researcher
include work analysis, analysis of the needs of each
field, analysis of resources. Following work analysis
Figure 1: Prosedur Performance Analysis
Through performance analysis it will be known
the level of importance of an education and training
for human resources, especially the staff of the
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga
University. Then the next analysis is the needs
analysis of each field. The process consists of first,
identification of performance standards of
educational personnel. It is a standard benchmark of
work that is, job description, job design, job
specification, standard quality of work, work
instructions/job manuals. Second, Identify the
performance of education personnel. In general there
are some things that must be understood through
performance appraisal, among others :
1. Performance targets achieved
2. Compliance with predefined performance
3. Problems faced with the solution
4. Profile of achievement
5. Recommendations
After the process of identifying the performance
with the assessment given, what needs to be done is
to identify the needs of the development of
educational personnel. In this case the need can
cause the gap due to the differences of each field of
educational personnel. Then for Third, the analysis
of resources. There are several kinds of human
resources in the development of educational
personnel, consisting of the number & qualifications
of educational personnel, costs and facilities that
support. The more complete the facilities, the easier
it will be for the development of education
4.3 The Purpose of Developing the
Quality of Education Personnel
Through Education & Training
The process of developing the quality of
education personnel through the provision of
education & training in order to improve the ability
and quality of education personnel. The purpose of
Education and Training is to improve knowledge,
skills, skills and attitudes to perform professional
duties positions based on personality and ethics of
human resources in accordance with the needs of
In educational and training activities, there are
many benefits that can be taken by the organization,
among others:
1. Increasing employee motivation and work
2. Improve product / work performance of
3. Increase loyalty and profitable cooperation,
4. Reduce the fear of facing new tasks in the future,
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
5. Streamlining communication so that more
6. The same perception of tasks to be accomplished
7. Improving employee discipline against
normative rules or habits
The education & training method is an
organization's long-term investment process. Here's
the investment process,
Figure 2: Organizational Investment Process
This will create an active and developing
organization. Both the institution and human
resources in this case are educational staff of the
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga
Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded
that there is a need to develop competencies for
education staff at the Faculty of Medicine of
Airlangga University through the development of
competencies of the Faculty of Veterinary Education
staff submitted by the authors along with the flow &
strategy of developing the competency of the
teaching staff of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine,
Airlangga University. In order to achieve the
agency's vision and mission and organizational
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The Development Competence of Educational Staff Division in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Airlangga Through Training
and Education Method