human resources, facilities and infrastructure,
information system unit, librarian, laboratory, and
technician learning resources.
According to the Law of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 18 Year 2002 Development is an
activity of science and technology aimed at utilizing
proven scientific principles and theories to improve
the function, benefits, and application of existing
science and technology, or produce new technology.
Development is an attempt to improve the technical,
theoretical, conceptual and moral skills of
employees in accordance with the needs of the
office. The purpose of development is to increase
work productivity (Hasibuan: 2002: 69).
Development is based on the fact that an employee
needs a set of knowledge, skills and abilities
developed to work well in carrying out their duties
and functions during their career.
The long-term career preparation of an employee
for a series of positions is what employee
development is about. Along with that, development
has a wide scope. As Smith (2000: 2) suggests,
"Development: the growth or realization of a
person's ability through conscious or unconscious
learning". This means that development
encompasses all aspects of employee quality
improvement not only education and training.
Development is more focused on the general long-
term needs of the organization. The results are
indirect and can only be measured in the long run.
Training is directed to improve work performance;
while competence is the skill of an expert. Where
the expert is defined as someone who has a certain
skill level or high knowledge in a particular subject
gained from training and experience. Thus, the
purpose of competence development is to improve
future job skills.
The reality that occurred above experienced
distortion in its implementation. Improving the
quality of human resources through education and
training has often not been directed towards the
analysis of the needs of organizations/work units.
This condition prevents optimal outputs or outcomes
in the implementation of education and training for
improving the performance of employees and
organizations. For example, it happens that in the
year 2017 there is only training for the veterinary
faculty laboratory in which the majority are
honorary and contract laborers. Training followed
OHS training (safety and job security). These kinds
of factors ultimately lead to the development of
educational personnel whose skills are not maximal,
because it is not in specification in the field. Also,
the development of competence should apply to all
levels of education personnel, in order for each
employee to experience competence in continuous
improvement in line with the development of the
The vision of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
of Airlangga University is to become a leading
faculty at national and international level, a pioneer
of development in education and research in
veterinary and animal husbandry, independent and
innovative based on religious morals, ethics,
environmental sustainability and animal welfare
while remaining oriented to the welfare of the
While the mission of the Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine of Airlangga University is first conducting
academic education as a profession, being specialists
in veterinary and animal husbandry based on modern
learning technology, which can produce graduates
with professional ability and a strong desire to
develop science, entrepreneurial spirit, religion and
ethics. Secondly, conducting basic and innovative
research and innovative high-quality research in
veterinary work and livestock to support the
development of science, education and community
service based on religious morals, ethics,
environmental sustainability and animal welfare.
Third, opportunity to develop expertise in the field
of veterinary science and animal husbandry in the
community. The realization of a mutually beneficial
partnership with related institutions in order to
realize the independence of the faculty oriented to
quality and ability to compete at national and
international levels.
In supporting the vision, the mission and faculty
authority, it is necessary to change the paradigm of
faculty thinking from a strong institution with the
development of education and science into an
institution oriented to the organization of
information provider and public service in the
context of academic development in the Faculty of
Veterinary Medicine of UA.
Development of human resources is a very
important element in the organization because
employees are a very important asset in achieving
organizational goals that have been established.
Notoatmodjo (2003: 4) argued that the development
of human resources is a process of planning
education, training and management of personnel or
employees to achieve optimal results. Development
represents an employee-oriented future in
employment and emphasizes improving the ability
to perform new tasks in the future (Siagian, 2007:
183). In planning the development of employees, it
needs good coordination between each work unit in