Revitalization of Religious Tourism Sidoarjo
Mohammad Mochtar Mas’od
Master Program of Human Resource Development Graduate School, Airlangga University Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Urban, Community, Asset Based Community Development
Abstract: The challenges of managing the city in Sidoarjo are very complex due to population, socio-economic
conditions that are constantly changing and the limited carrying capacity of the ecosystem. It is also due to
the need to pay attention to the new paradigm related to the mainstreaming of science and technology and
innovation through the Joint Regulation of the Minister of Research and Technology and the Ministry of
Home Affairs (No. 3/2012 and No. 36/2012) which is concerned with Strengthening Regional Innovation
Systems (SIDa). Dusun Jasem, Bulusidokare Subdistrict, Sidoarjo has an undeveloped creative economic
potential. It is Makam Mbah Sayid Sayid (the first Islam spreader in Sidoarjo), that can be a religious
tourism-based economy. The study was conducted using the Asset-Based Community Development Method
(ABCD) which is responsible for both non-physical (HR) and physical elements. Restore is fostering self-
confidence and awareness that will exist as well as significant usability for their own welfare.
Reality is something that can be seen, touched and
felt and it is closely related to the place of assistance.
In reality, there are some assets that diminish their
functions such as Mbah Sayid tomb and motorcycle
wash. This change might cause the economic
conditions and the culture of the villagers to
decrease. This happens due to the way Jasem society
acts and reacts.
Values do not exist by themselves. They must be
attached to something, either a living thing or not.
The value exists through long processes both verbal
and non-verbal. There are two values that exist in
Jasem Village, Bulusidokare, Sidoarjo namely local
wisdom in the community and the value brought by
Mbah Sayid. The value that is more dominant and
felt to bring more benefits in Jasem is the value
brought by Mbah Sayid but the community tend to
deny it.
The way the society acts might be affected by its
location, which is an urban area, and it is mostly a
pragmatic and hedonic community, in particular
having diverse backgrounds. In 1965, Mbah Ud
mentioned that the old entombment that already
exists is the tomb of Habib Abdurrahman bin Alwi
Bafaqih, the first spreader of Islam in Sidoarjo. Back
then Jasem was just a large unkempt yard that within
30 years has transformed into a religiously populated
area, a region that has an Islamic value in the
religious tourism assets. In the 1980s Mbah Sayid
could be said to be famous, as he has made great
contributions to Jasem in many aspects.
It further became the beginning of the settlers,
either the exodus from colonialism or those who
tried to look for a better future. There is much
inculturation coloring the entombment of Mbah
Sayid. In addition, it has been explained that Mbah
Sayid is a spreader of Islam who wis not yet widely
known by the public and must be explored and
promoted more in order to make it a useful scientific
treasure especially in Sidoarjo.
Only few know that Mbah Sayid is one of the
spreaders of Islam supported by a very classical
building architecture in Sidoarjo. In addition, it can
be a reference to the prospects for asset and cultural
developments. The assets must first be introduced to
the community to whom they belong. However, it
must be preceded by an inculturation process and it
is important especially for the researcher to make a
good synergy and to minimize misunderstandings so
that the purpose of the research to optimize the
entombment of Mbah Sayid as a well-known
religious tourism object can be achieved.
The culture is not a part of the asset. However,
culture has a great influence as documentation based
on relevant sources; in this regard, Mbah Sayid, has
not been well known yet in the society. What is
equally important is the sense of belonging and the
way the society preserves the asset and culture. The
Mochtar M, M.
Revitalization Of Religious Tourism Sidoarjo.
DOI: 10.5220/0007536900280035
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 28-35
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
purpose will be the development of assets and
culture especially in both Jasem RT. 14 and Sidoarjo.
The local government is expected to protect the
asset, support and promote the entombment of Mbah
Sayid so that it will be widely known by the society.
Similar to how the history of Mbah Sayid was
shaped since 1980, this place has become the
religious tourism destination for the enthusiastic and
attracted visitors. The visitors strongly believed the
influence of Mbah Sayid is greater than any Kiai
(respected spiritual leader or teacher of Islam). For
instance, KH Agus Ali Masyhuri, nicknamed Gus
Ali, who is not a descendant of any Ulama, yet is
successful with his preaching. Then, there is Mr.
Somad, a merchant from Madura, who became
successful after regularly visiting the sacred
entombment of Mbah Sayid, and thus was given the
karomah (blessing).
The namesake Sayid was given in reference to
the exodus of ulama or Moslem scholar in Abbasid
era. However, many people still think subjectively
that a devotional visit to an entombment was a bad
thing. The lack of knowledge and the short-minded
mindset are very regretted by the youth in Sidoarjo.
As a result, the sacred entombment has almost no
visitors at all.
The location of research for developing the
economy based on religious tourism is intentionally
chosen to be near the villagers’ houses, and thus
cutting the costs and time. The given period to finish
the program was only four months. There were
troubles such as the last lecture schedule of TTG
(The Correct Use of Technology), the personal
problems and the difficulty in gaining the villagers’
trust. Thankfully, all the assistance process ended
quite as expected and hopefully the benefits will
return to the villagers of Jasem themselves.
Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) is a
community led approach originally developed by
John McKnight and John Kretzmann, that is built on
four foundational elements (Kretzmann, 2010;
Kretzmann and McKnight, 1993; Mathie and
Cunningham, 2003):
1. It focuses on community assets and strengths
rather than problems and needs (strength based
rather than a deficit approach): Many traditional
approaches to working in communities begin
with a needs analysis or needs mapping, which
focuses on problems in the community, and can
lead to communities being labelled as deficient
and disfunctional. This identity is often absorbed
by people who live there and can result in a
perpetual cycle of disconnection and problems.
The more disfunctional a community is labelled,
the more funds are invested and controlled by
external agencies. Focusing on the strengths and
assets of a community starts with what makes a
community strong, and recognising that everyone
has skills, interests, and experience that can
2. It identifies and mobilises individual and
community assets, skills and passions. There are
at least six broad types of assets, which can be
mapped and mobilised in communities,
including: 1. The skills and abilities of
individuals within the community, particularly
people who are passionate about the community
and are good at making connections. 2. Voluntary
community organisations and networks and what
they offer (or could offer) to the community. 3.
Institutions (e.g. non-government organisations,
not for profits, government agencies, businesses)
that are already connected to the community
(particularly small, local institutions); 4. The
physical environment (both natural and built) 5.
The local economy in a broad way that includes
the informal economy (e.g. people swapping
goods and services, voluntary work) as well as
the traditional economy (e.g. production,
consumption). 6. The stories, culture and heritage
of the community.
3. It is community driven – ‘building communities
from the inside out’ (Kretzmann & McKnight,
1993): More and more, asset-based community
development is being termed asset based
community-driven or community-led
development to emphasise the leadership role of
community rather than external agencies.
4. It is relationship driven: The relationships and
social networks that exist within communities are
assets in their own right, but in addition to this,
building relationships between ‘assets’ within the
community is an important part of ABCD and
asset mapping (Mathie & Cunningham, 2003).
Mathie and Cunningham (2002) suggest that
‘ABCD is a practical application of the concept
of social capital’ (p. 9) because of the emphasis it
places on informal networks and by drawing on
their power to mobilise other community assets.
Through building relationships, communities are
able to gain access to resources, networks and
energy that might otherwise remain hidden.
Revitalization Of Religious Tourism Sidoarjo
ABCD draws on a range of approaches and
principles including:
Appreciative inquiry which identifies and
analyses the community's past successes,
strengthening confidence in capacity and
inspiring action.
The recognition of social capital and its
importance as an asset; focussing on the power
of associations and informal linkages within the
Participatory approaches to development; based
on principles of empowerment and ownership of
the development process.
Community economic development models that
prioritise collaborative efforts for economic
development using the local resource base.
Efforts to strengthen civil society; engaging
people as citizens (rather than clients) in
development and making local governance more
effective and responsive.
Asset-based community-driven development
challenges how professionals (including community
development practitioners) see their role in working
with communities, and requires listening deeply to
3.1 Enculturation
The enculturation process was conducted for two
months starting from 15 March until 29 April 2017.
There were activities such as silaturrahmi
(maintaining good relationships), ngopi (drinking
coffee, usually while sitting around idly or while
chatting), and participating in the society events – to
be a part of society as the basic of social skill for
further association. The association with
silaturrahmi was done in the first two weeks; the
association with ngopi was done in the next one
week, with two days interval (two days were with
ngopi activity, two days were not). The researcher
also joined another enculturation process called
diba’ activity. The activity was started two weeks
after the information given by the local inhabitants
during silaturrahmi and ngaji. Despite knowing that
diba’ was a routine activity carried out every
Thursday night, the researcher wished to be invited
independently by the society.
Below is the further detailed explanation. The
very first activity carried out by the researcher was
silaturrahmi. As for the information, the researcher
is still a part of the community and the purpose of
silaturrahmi or gathering is to make a closer
emotional intimacy between the society, the
stakeholder, and every key person who helped the
researcher in conducting the ABCD process. The
first silaturrahmi was a visit to the house of
neighbourhood association chief, Mr. H. Adek, and
then followed by the visits to the elders’ house that
are respected for their role of wisdom and
contribution, such as Mak Ti, Mbah Putri, Cak Azis
and Habib Ayik (key-informan). During
silaturrahmi, the researcher conveyed the aim of the
visit. The researcher was very grateful to be
welcomed excitedly, although there was a little
hesitation, because of the simple-minded mindset of
the elders – as Cak Azis had warned, but the
researcher convinced all the elders that the proposed
activity will give a beneficial advantage. The
researcher also explained another aim of the activity
that is as the fulfillment of the final assignment
given by the department of Islamic Society
Development study program of Islamic State
University Sunan Ampel Surabaya. The period of
silaturrahmi activity is varied due to some
circumstances, such as the researchers own business
and the different urban situation of the location,
where at the other places people usually stay home
at night.
Fortunately, there is routine voluntary work
conducted each month so that it greatly helped the
researcher in the enculturation process. The
voluntary work was held two weeks before the
arrival of the Fasting Month. The voluntary work
started from 06.00 o’clock local time zone and was
used to clean the cemetery. The researcher prepared
sacks for taking in the dirty mud around the burial
plot. 60 people participated in the voluntary work
including adult men, teenage boys and even male
children. The adult women were preparing meals for
everyone who joined voluntary work. The researcher
was truly touched by the harmonious cooperation
between the local inhabitants, which then inspired
the researcher to do the ABCD association program.
After the long silaturrahmi activities including
ngopi every night and doing voluntary work, the
researcher proceeded to continue the following
activity of enculturation that is joining diba’.
The congregation of diba’ is the fourth
community that also contributes a significant
influence for the society development and
empowerment specifically in neighbourhood of
youth and children association. The community
firstly joined by congregation of diba’ only. Then it
eventually strengthens the religious empowerment
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
within the society, especially for kids and teenagers,
and now it has already consisted of 14 men and 25
women. The existence of diba’ is believed to
strengthen the mental condition of the children and
greatly helped them to avoid inappropriate
behaviour exemplified by their parents, including
drinking alcoholic drinks and gambling (togel).
At particular times during the last weeks of the
enculturation process, that is during the end of
March and the beginning of May, the researcher then
proceeded to continue the discovery process, which
was one of the processes done during the initial
process of enculturation ngopi, as explained below.
3.2 Discovery
Discovery is a process of finding some new things at
the research site. It is correlated and supported by
complementary material of association process Asset
Based Community Development. Discovery was
conducted from 30 April until 23 May 2017.
Discovery process also includes an interview,
which is an assurance in the association process. The
interview with Mr. Sugeng was accompanied by the
neighbourhood youth association represented by Sir
Rif’an. The interview was conducted during
enculturation started from 19.15 until 22.30 o’clock
West Indonesian Time Zone. The session was spent
by discussing the village, the researchers purpose in
conducting the research, as well as Mr. Sugeng’s life
experiences, including his education background, his
career advancement and his current life. The
researcher interviewed several key people, whom the
researcher chose by a random sampling method,
such as the adult male villagers represented by Mr.
Sugeng, the adult female villagers represented by
Mak Ti, and the teenagers represented by Cak Azis.
The interview was done relatively and dynamically
depending on the researchers condition, the
audience, as well as the weather. Due to exhaustion
and the disagreement of the villagers, the interview
session was postponed for one day or a week.
Despite those unfortunate conditions, the researcher
keeps raising the intention and the enthusiasm in
order to finish the association process.
Ngopi, there is almost no end to discussing this
activity. From ngopi activity, the researcher found
out the general description of the research site. One
night during coffee time or ngopi, the researcher
unintentionally overheard some information from
Mak Ti, the owner of djadul coffee shop, “In
1980s,in this place, Sir (The Entombment of the
Holy Islamic Leader Mbah Sayid or Habib
Abdurrahman bin Alwi Bafaqih) was very crowded
due to so many visitors came here to make a
devotional visit, some were the elders, who now have
already died!”, the information has given additional
material for the researcher to do the following
association process Asset Based Community
Development, those are dream and design.
The next discovery process was chatting with the
villagers. The process was done every night, began
from evening up to late night. The researcher chatted
with many villagers from different backgrounds and
social status, such as private company employee,
ordinary employee, entrepreneurs, and civil state
employee. The chat was about the entombment of
Mbah Sayid and the financial condition of the
villagers. From the result of the talk, the researcher
can conclude that Mbah Sayid’s role cannot be
detached from the society. After gathering the data,
the researcher had a talk with Habib Ayik, Cak Azis,
and Haji Adek who are the Key-People of the next
ABCD process, dream and design. The researcher
showed the accumulated data and conveyed the
purpose of the research to them, that it is to assist the
economic empowerment in society based on
religious tourism. They warmly expect and back-up
and even facilitate the process until it is finished.
Then we reach an agreement to execute the dream
and design process on 10 May 2017 at 20.00 o’clock
West Indonesian Time Zone. The further explanation
will be described below.
3.3 Dream and Design
Dream and Design are combined into one theme
Forum Group Discussion (FGD) for revitalising the
entombment of Mbah Sayid as the realisation of
Habib Ayik, Cak Azis, and Haji Adek’s wish. The
activity was done on Sunday 10 May 2017 at 20.00
West Indonesian Time Zone in the house of the 14
neighbourhood association chief, H. Adek. Despite
not using the formal written invitation letter and just
orally spread, this activity was successfully held and
the number of attendees was as expected. Below is
the attendance list of the villagers who attended
Table 1 : FGD Attendance List
No. Name
1. Mas A
42 14
2. Cak Azis 31 14
3. H. Ade
45 14
Revitalization Of Religious Tourism Sidoarjo
4. Bole
34 14
5. Ririn 22 14
6. Yus 22 16
7. Akba
23 16
8. Haki
17 16
9. Rian 22 15
10. Bonde
38 15
11. H. Udin 44 15
From the list above, it can be described that the
representative attendees from the 14
neighbourhood association were Sir Ayik as habib
and caretaker of the sacred entombment of Mbah
Sayid, Cak Azis as the senior and respected by the
other youths, H. Adek as the chief of the 4
neighbourhood association, Bolet as an active and
humorous youth association member, and Ririn as
female secretary of the neighbourhood youth
association. From the 16
association, the attendees were represented by Yus as
the chief from congregation of diba’, Akbar as one
of the respected youth association members, and
Hakikas the student of Islamic Boarding School
Putat. The last was the representative attendees
from the 15
neighbourhood association, including
Rian and H. Udin as a pair of father and son who
contribute the same influence and are the founders
of NSJ sound-system which is very well-known in
Sidoarjo, and also Bondet as a respected treasurer
from youth association. Forum Group Discussion
was attended by 11 people and divided into two
session, the first session:
3.3.1 Dream
Dream is described as an Asset Based Community
Development process about what dream is expected
to be true by the society around the sacred
entombment of Habib Abdurrahman bin Alwi
Bafaqih or Mbah Sayid and is illustrated as follows:
Table 2 : FGD Result
No. Dream Vote
1. Revitalisation of Mbah Sayid
2. Rebuild community
eutral 2
Source: FGD, May 10, 2017, 9.30pm
To revitalise the sacred entombment of Mbah
Sayid is what had been dreamt of by six people. The
real action would be done as immediately as
possible; however, still following the legal
procedure which takes time. It took two hours for
Cak Azis, H. Adek, and H. Ayik to describe the
process after gathering the villagers. There was also
interesting and funny talk to enlighten the heavy
atmosphere around FGD participants. Bolet initially
could not accept and stated that there is no possible
relevance between economical empowerment and
religious tourism. However, as Cak Asiz accurately
explained, every participant finally could reach an
agreement in a democratic way through voting. The
majority votes will be the top priority, which is to
re-build the villagers’ already existing business,
such as car and furniture wash. The villagers believe
that the business will increase the job opportunities,
will make them become economically independent,
and the profit can support them financially as well as
support the funding money for revitalising the sacred
entombment of Mbah Sayid, without following the
proper administration and procedure, such as making
a proposal and invitation letter. Re-build plan has
three votes, while there are two attendees who did
not give their vote or were neutral, but they will
support whatever the decision would be.
3.3.2 Design
The design process was held two hours after dream
only by a thirty minutes interval. The process is to
design whatever is good and needed, such as
financial support, material, and knowledge. This step
designs everything to implement the society dream
as illustrated in the previous week.
The revitalisation of the sacred entombment of
Mbah Sayid used innate funds from the villagers
obtained through the process to rebuild the already
available business run by the villagers. The material
is in the form of a pocket book about Mbah Sayid to
give additional insight. The process is done step by
step. The most important thing is the FGD design
successfully including the villagers to participate in
discussion as well as to join the ownership of the
sacred entombment of Mbah Sayid and the destiny.
3.4 Define
This process determines and ensures the next step
after the dream and design process. The process was
held after Isya’ time on 16 May 2017 at the
entombment of Mbah Sayid. After define, the next
step is destiny in order to avoid the biased research
and to support each step by step so that the
assistance or creative economic empowerment based
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
on religious tourism can go well. The picture below
shows the preparation before doing Pawai Jelang
Ramadlan, a street festival to welcome The Fasting
Month, Ramadlan. This activity aims to act as a
promotional strategy for the sacred entombment of
Habib Abdurrahman bin Alwi Bafaqih or Mbah
Sayid who was the first to spread the Islamic
influence in Sidoarjo, and to develop the villagers’
creativity, especially teenagers, and to celebrate the
moment before Month Ramadlan 1438 Hijriah.
Different from dream, define is broadly
explained so that the dynamics in assistance of an
ABCD process can go well, as shown by the table
Table 3: Priority Scale
1. Creating
2. Socialisatio
3. Revitalisatio
n of car
4. Revitalisatio
n of
5. Mbah
Source: FGD, May 16 2017, 8pm
The creation of Mbah Sayid’s pocketbook profile
is an assurance and a priority scale. The villagers
also realise that it was important to be included as
promotional material because the villagers know and
understand who Mbah Sayid is. The pocketbook is a
reference to advocate the sacred entombment of
Mbah Sayid and as cultural heritage as well as the
treasure of Islamic knowledge that will bring the
prosperity for the society around. The priority of the
socialisation for the sacred entombment of Mbah
Sayid is also important to support the assistance
process of creative economic empowerment based
on religious tourism.
The revitalisation of car washing has more votes
and becomes a priority over handicraft making.
According to the villagers who attended the FGD,
handicraft making needs more time, as they must
think about their marketing target as well as the
handicraft treatment. It will take more effort while
the profit is just average. On the other hand, car
washing is believed to be more than enough to add
to their financial support. They only need the
material for washing, such as shampoo, and the
workers. The marketing target is also already
available, considering the increasing number of cars
and motorbike riders in the urban area like Sidoarjo.
The routine activities in the sacred entombment of
Mbah Sayid are also important to attract more
crowds, to promote the insight of Mbah Sayid so
that many more people will know about his great
3.5 Destiny
This process was held for three weeks from 3 until
21 June 2017. According to PAR, destiny process is
an action that had been determined or decided in the
define process. Destiny is a climax of all processes
during the assistance process of Asset Based
Community Development.
The meeting between the villagers and the
stakeholder is related to Mbah Sayid. The event was
attended by the Muezzin as the chairperson of
natality and mortality section in the district as well
as the chairman of Nahdlatul Ulama’ Students
League Branch Sidoarjo Regency (IPNU). This
event was conducted by the villagers’ initiative and
was facilitated by the researcher. This first step
gained the support from the villages administrators
and the neighbourhood youth association. This event
went for about two hours and received a very good
response from the muezzin. IPNU was ready to
assist the revitalisation for the sacred entombment of
Mbah Sayid as religious tourism destination in
The second event was the festival to welcome the
arrival of Month Ramadlan 1436 Hijriah. This event
was held on 14 June 2017 and was ongoing for
about four hours. There were also door prizes to
celebrate more the Holy Month of Moslem and to
tighten the relationship between the villagers.
One villager named Jasem gave a short education
about the sacred entombment of Mbah Sayid to one
of the visitors. Jasem told the visitor about the
history, the genealogy, and karomah (the benefit) of
Mbah Sayid. Jasem used a very casual and familiar
language in explaining information so that it would
be very easy to understand. The visitor gave a
Revitalization Of Religious Tourism Sidoarjo
memorable comment, “Oh My! If only I had
known!” as a disappointed expression for the visitor
just knew about the existence and the wonderful
history of the sacred entombment of Mbah Sayid.
The car washing is the last event or the destiny,
which was done in the assistance process of the
economic empowerment based on religious tourism.
This event started from 06 June 2017 until today.
The car washing was managed by two boys who had
broken off the school namely Hami and Toha. The
researcher was very grateful to witness the car
washing business run well with many customers.
3.6 Evaluation
The evaluation was held on 25 June 2017 and
coincided with the event of diba’. This step was to
evaluate the Asset Based Community Development
methods from Discovery until Destiny. The
evaluation was attended by four people; they are
Yuz Rizal, Mas Ayik, Cak Azis and the researcher.
This activity received a warm appreciation and got a
score 76 on a 0 to 100 scale.
The assistance for economic empowerment based on
religious tourism aims to give evaluation and create
further beneficial innovation for the society and the
stakeholders in the future. The assistance focused on
the sacred entombment of Mbah Sayid RT.14 / RW.
02 Bulusidoakare District Sidoarjo Regency.
During the enculturation process, the villagers
who initially gave an unresponsive welcome then
could warmly accept the newcomer’s presence.
During discovery process, many more people know
about Habib Abdurrahman bin Alwi Bafaqih, more
well-known as Mbah sayid, and the feeling of
ownership emerged. During dream and design
process, the villagers learned to be familiar with
discussion to solve any problems. Whereas the
define process taught the villagers to develop
planning before executing any works so that the
process will go better and be more efficient. Destiny
taught the villagers to be more open in solving
everything with togetherness. After going through
all ABCD processes, the researcher gathered all the
data. There are some difficulties in applying the
theories; however, the researcher would like to
discuss three reflective sub-points: pre-assistance,
during assistance, and post-assistance. These are
likely still far from perfect, so the researcher
welcomes any forms of correction.
1. Pre-assistance
The difficulty in this step was the difference of
urban area circumstances that caused the
enculturation process to meet some problems.
Sidoarjo city is the supporting city for the capital of
East Java, Surabaya city, so there are more complex
problems and confusion. The whole area itself has
grown wider in the last decade. There were
approximately 1.4 million people in 2000 and 2.9
million people today, which has increased around
110%. Long ago, Sidoarjo area was known as
Sidokare and a part of Jenggala Kingdom in which
its inhabitants lived around Porong area. It implies
that the area was formerly a deep forest or jungle
which caused the lack of reception of information.
The researcher has not enough social skills yet, so it
took about 1.5 months to do the enculturation
Despite of all troubles the researcher faced, the
enculturation process was eventually completed. The
social skill has definitely a significant role to apply
Asset Based Community Development (ABCD)
method as well as the other tools until the process
was around 65% completed, specifically for Difine
and Discovery.
2. During assistance
There are three reflective processes in this step:
Dream, Design and Deliver. This step involved three
stakeholders with their own important role: the
chiefs of neighbourhood association (RT and RW)
and the district chairperson (lurah). The problem is
that many villagers were still at a low level as
human resources, especially for their educational
The program for changing their mindset could
not be done optimally, so it needs more persuasive
actions. This is the reason why the researcher
suggests the rebuild program and empowerment plan
that has been broadcasted by the local media.
3. Post-assistance
After the confusion and exhaustion during the
assistance process, the researcher was finally able to
finish this report. However, this is not the last, as
there should be a further act for the improved
program in the future. It needs a great effort to
change the villagers’ mindset about the revitalisation
of the sacred entombment of Mbah Sayid due to
their low education level, their average financial
support, and the existence of pragmatics hegemony.
Each part of the neighbourhood association has a
very harmonious relationship the others. For
instance, the relationship between the RT. 14 / RW.
02 Bulusidoakare District Sidoarjo Regency and RT.
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
15 and RT. 16 RW. 03. Those three neighbourhood
associations always maintain their cooperation and
togetherness, either in formal or informal events.
Sometimes, of course, several disagreements
emerge, especially things related to money. For
instance, the potential resources are located in RT.
14, and yet RT. 15 and 16 are gaining more profit
and prosperity. Another problem is that the
neighbourhood association chief is apparently a
newcomer. There are strained situations and tensions
as the villagers slowly lose their faith in the chief
who does not solve the problem about rubbish and
village cleanliness.
Last but not least, this is the beginning of the
assistance process in managing or rebuilding assets
in urban areas. The restoration, development and
empowerment actually aim to build the confidence
and self-awareness to manage the available asset so
that the villagers’ lives will be more improved and
prosperous. The time or period is infinite to do such
an assistance process.
The assistance to empower economic conditions
using religious tourism in Bulusidokare District RT.
14 / RW. 02, Sidoarjo is an implementation based on
scientific and community empowerment skills.
Mbah Sayid's tomb is located in an urban area that
has various and complex problems.
The assistance process using the Asset Based
Community Development (ABCD) program and
several theoretical frameworks had spent on the
enculturation about a month and a half. The action
had just been started on April for the lack of social
skills, thus the approval letter had just been released
by the end of March. There are difficulties in
applying the assistance process, such as globalised
and pragmatics hegemony movements which rapidly
root in the research site, the minimum availability of
human resources that mostly lack educational
background, the non-cooperative stakeholders and
the absence of the key-people. Hopefully, however,
the enculturation, define, discover, dream-design,
and deliver processes can be a shock therapy for the
After the assistance program finished, the most
important aspect is the continuation program. No
matter how long it will take, the assistance process
must strengthen the confidence as well as the self-
awareness of the available assets and use them
optimally to gain their own prosperous benefits.
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Revitalization Of Religious Tourism Sidoarjo