and or the Local Government Work Units that exist
within the central, provincial and district levels.
Included in this case is the organization of
Organization XYZ East Java Province.
And since the organization of newly established
Organization XYZ and immediately have to adjust
to various regulations on disaster management both
at the central and regional levels, it is certain that the
performance of Organization XYZ institutions,
especially in the province of East Java still requires
hard work to spur the performance of employees and
or institutions in carrying out the mandate and the
main task as an organization that must always be at
the forefront of disaster management activities.
Admittedly, not all Organization XYZ employees
come from people who have competencies that are
appropriate to disaster management activities. And
not infrequently these employees previously came
from the offices or other agencies that previously did
not touch at all about disaster management activities.
So in the journey, the employees are not a few who
can not understand the main tasks and functions. As
a result, the implementation of these basic tasks and
functions becomes less than optimal and this will
certainly affect the performance of Organization
XYZ institutions as a whole.
Figure 1: Intergrated HRM Around a Clear Understanding
of Core Compentencies.
According to Ali (2009), Human Resources is an
important factor in a development process in an
organization. The HR factor is considered important
because these factors are not only as objects, but as
subjects. The HR factor is considered important
because these factors are not only as objects, but as
Managing HR is not an easy, because humans
are unique elements and have different
characteristics from one another. Some of the
approaches used in HRM, namely: (i) HR approach,
emphasizing management and utilization that pay
attention to human rights; (ii) Managerial Approach,
emphasizing the responsibility to provide and serve
the HR needs of other departments; (iii) System
Approach, emphasizing responsibility as a sub-
system in the organization; (iv) Proactive approach,
emphasizing the contribution to employees,
managers and organizations in providing problem
solving. HRM functionally has several functions,
where these functions are related to each other, and
activities carried out by HRM are in accordance with
their functions, with the aim of increasing
productivity, quality of work life and service. The
planning function is an HRM function which is
considered essential, because it involves the
organization's HR management plan both in the
short and long term where it is closely related to the
operationalization of the organization and the
smooth work that is in it.
Procurement function is a function of HRM in an
effort to obtain the right type and amount of human
resources needed to achieve organizational goals.
The function of development is closely related to the
improvement of skills and abilities pursued through
training channels and education of existing human
resources. Also various forms of self-development
for employees who excel. Maintenance function is
related to the effort to maintain the employee's
willingness and ability through the implementation
of several programs that can increase work loyalty
and pride. The function of use emphasizes the
implementation of various tasks and jobs by
employees and the level of improvement of
employee positions. In addition, it also relates to the
counterpart for employees who have stopped
working, either temporarily or permanently or as a
result of unilateral termination of employment.
Competence is defined (Spencer) as an
underlying characteristic of an individual which is
causally related to criterion-referenced effective and
or superior performance in a job or situation. Or the
characteristics that underlie a person and are related
to the effectiveness of individual performance in
their work. Departing from this understanding, an
individual's competence is something inherent in
him that can be used to predict the level of
performance. Something in question can involve
motives, self-concept, nature, knowledge and
abilities. Individual competence in the form of
abilities and knowledge can be developed through
education and training.
While competence motives can be obtained
during the selection process. Furthermore, according
to Spencer and Spencer (1993) competencies can be
divided into 2 (two) categories, namely "threshold