Dimasyqi (2005, 279), the definition of amil zakat
according to the terminology of jurisprudence is the
people appointed by the imam (government) to
manage the zakat business, which covers the process
of collecting, recording, distributing, and so forth.
An economic system can only be efficient when it
can produce more goods and services for society
with the same or lower amount of resources (Wahab
and Rahman, 2012).
2.2 Objectives and Benefits of Zakat
The benefits of zakat distribution, as delivered by
Qardhawi (2011) can be divided into three, i.e.
benefits for muzakki, mustahiq , and society in
general. The benefit of zakat for muzakki is that it
sanctifies the soul from the miserly nature, educates
for infa and gives morals with noble character, it is a
manifestation of gratitude for the favors of Allah,
cures from the love of the world, develops inner
wealth, attracts sympathy/love, and can develop
treasure. The benefits of zakat for mustahiq
(recipients of zakat), among others, is to help meet
the necessities of life and mustahiq can eliminate the
nature of hate and envy of the rich grubs. While the
benefit of zakat for the community is that zakat has
economic value, realizing the function of treasure as
a means of struggle to uphold the religion of Allah
(jihad fii sabilillah), and realize the social economic
justice of society in general.
2.3 Zakat Institution Performance in
Empowerment and Empowerment
of Zakat
IZDR (2011, 96) measures the economic
performance of zakat institutions or the Zakat
Management Organization (OPZ) in several
indicators, namely: first, the existence of criteria and
identification mechanism of mustahik. Mustahik is
the party entitled to receive zakat, it has been
described in the QS. Al-Quran [9]: 60 that zakat is
only distributed to 8 (eight) groups, namely: 1) the
poor, 2) the poor , 3) the administrators of zakat, 4)
the converts are persuaded, 5) to the free slaves
(riqab), 6) the debtors (gharimin), 7) for the way of
Allah (fisabilillah), and 8) for those who are on the
way (ibn sabil).
Secondly, is the growth of the mustahic amount
empowered by zakat. Increasing the number of
mustahik and the distribution of the area which
becomes the scope of the distribution of zakat
institutions, either through direct distribution of
zakat funds or through the programs of utilization of
zakat funds will be a parameter of the effectiveness
of zakat institution performance in carrying out its
functions. The parameters of the success of the zakat
institution are the number of mustahik that are
empowered or have "moved position" from mustahik
to munfiq and eventually can become muzakki.
Third, is the growth of the number of muzakki. This
third indicator can be measured from the growing
number of muzakki who entrust their funds to the
zakat institution. Fourth, is innovation of the zakat
empowerment program. Zakat funds utilization
program undergoes a developmental phase from the
idea of the program until its implementation of the
donation is transformed to community
empowerment. Fifth, is extent of the zakat
distribution area. Zakat institution performance can
be measured from the size of the zakat fund
distribution area reached by the zakat institution.
Sixth, is responsiveness to humanitarian emergency.
Zakat institutions play a strategic role as an ummah
institution that is responsive to humanitarian
emergency. Seventh, is the utilization of zakat for
productive economic activities. Zakat funds are
expected not only for the purposes of caricature
activities. Zakat institutions are required to manage
each Rupiah of zakah funds more effectively. Most
mustahik are classified as productive age, so they
can be assisted by the utilization of zakat funds
productively as well. And the eighth is the intensity
of utilization of zakat for community development
and empowerment activities.
Ahmad and Masturah Ma'in (2014) studied the
efficiency of zakat collection and distribution of
zakat by using 2-stage analysis describing the
efficiency research of zakat institution Selangor in
Malaysia. This research found that the collection and
distribution of zakat involved a lagging resource
which led to the existence of technical efficiency.
Then the results of data processing concluded that
the distribution has lower efficiency than its
This research uses a qualitative method with data
test using the Data Envelopment Analysis Model.
The DEA test will be done twice. The first test is to
examine the efficiency of Zakat Fund Disbursement
and Distribution, and the second test is to examine
the effectiveness of Collection and Disbursement of
non-Zakah funds. The input of the first Test is the
Zakat Funds Collection taken from the Cash Flow
Efficiency Performance of Dompet Dhuafa Zakat Institutions: Using Data Envelopment Analysis Approach