Efficiency Performance of Dompet Dhuafa Zakat Institutions: Using
Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
Ninda Ardiani
and Dr. Sri Herianingrum, SE., M.Si
Postgraduate School Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty Economic and Business Universitas Airlangga Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Zakat, Efficiency, Performing, Data Envelopment Analysis.
Abstract: The purpose of this study is to see the efficiency of zakat institutions in the collection of funds and
distribution. Dompet Dhuafa is one of the national zakat institutions which has branch offices spread across
Indonesia. The problem is, how efficient is the institution of zakat when collecting zakat funds and
channeling it. This research uses a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method with two tests, that is a test
for zakat funds and a test for non-zakat funds. Input variables consist of receipts obtained by zakat
institutions, while the output variables consist of expenditures for 8 asnaf and other expenditures. Data is
taken from Dompet Dhuafa financial statements from 2011 to 2015. The results of this study addressed in
2011, 2014 and 2015 show that Dompet Dhuafa in collecting and disbursing zakat funds and non-zakat
funds has been efficient. Inefficiencies that occur in the year 2012 and 2013 are due to non-optimal
channeling of funds from Dompet Dhuafa.
Indonesia is a country with the largest Muslim
population in the world. It is described in the
Population Census of 2010 showing 87% of the
population in Indonesia is Muslim. Zakat is one of
the pillars of Islam and as Worship to Allah even
aligned with Prayers. Zakat must be issued if it has
been eligible for zakat, among others has reached
nisab, has been owned for a year, the amount has
been determined and other conditions have been met
(Ryandono, 2008). Djaghballou (2018) finds that
total factor productivity has increased sharply for all
zakat funds mainly due to a technical rather than
efficiency change. Zakat institution is also obliged to
distribute the funds.
The development of zakat institutions which
continues to increase from year to year indicates that
zakat has been accepted by Indonesian people.
People can pay their zakat obligations by channeling
them through zakat institutions. The problem is how
efficient is the institution of zakat when collecting
zakat funds and channeling it. From the article
Republika Online on December 11, 2015 it is known
that the achievement of National Zakat is ‘Still One
Percent’. The article claimed that the potential of
Zakat reached Rp. 217 Trillion, but the achievement
is only Rp. 3.8 Trillion. This is caused by the distrust
of society at Amil Zakat Institute, so the muzaki
prefer to channel their own zakat funds.
Dompet Dhuafa is part of the National Institute
of Amil Zakat that was established in 1993 and
approved by the Ministry of Religious Affairs as an
Amil Zakat Institution in 2001. The credibility of
Dompet Dhuafa is no longer the case with branches
spread across Indonesia and already having
representative offices in foreign countries. Access
provided by Dompet Dhuafa makes it easy to collect
zakat funds of value more than the institution of
National Amil zakat.
2.1 The basic concept of Zakat
Imam Qurtubi in Hafidhuddin (2002, 125) states that
Al-Amil was commissioned (by the
priest/government) for taking, writing, counting, and
recording the zakat he took from the muzakki to be
given to those who were entitled to receive it. The
role of amil is currently run by the Agency Amil
Zakat or Lembaga Amil Zakat. According to Ad
Ardiani, N. and Herianingrum, S.
Efficiency Performance of Dompet Dhuafa Zakat Institutions: Using Data Envelopment Analysis Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0007537400600064
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 60-64
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Dimasyqi (2005, 279), the definition of amil zakat
according to the terminology of jurisprudence is the
people appointed by the imam (government) to
manage the zakat business, which covers the process
of collecting, recording, distributing, and so forth.
An economic system can only be efficient when it
can produce more goods and services for society
with the same or lower amount of resources (Wahab
and Rahman, 2012).
2.2 Objectives and Benefits of Zakat
The benefits of zakat distribution, as delivered by
Qardhawi (2011) can be divided into three, i.e.
benefits for muzakki, mustahiq , and society in
general. The benefit of zakat for muzakki is that it
sanctifies the soul from the miserly nature, educates
for infa and gives morals with noble character, it is a
manifestation of gratitude for the favors of Allah,
cures from the love of the world, develops inner
wealth, attracts sympathy/love, and can develop
treasure. The benefits of zakat for mustahiq
(recipients of zakat), among others, is to help meet
the necessities of life and mustahiq can eliminate the
nature of hate and envy of the rich grubs. While the
benefit of zakat for the community is that zakat has
economic value, realizing the function of treasure as
a means of struggle to uphold the religion of Allah
(jihad fii sabilillah), and realize the social economic
justice of society in general.
2.3 Zakat Institution Performance in
Empowerment and Empowerment
of Zakat
IZDR (2011, 96) measures the economic
performance of zakat institutions or the Zakat
Management Organization (OPZ) in several
indicators, namely: first, the existence of criteria and
identification mechanism of mustahik. Mustahik is
the party entitled to receive zakat, it has been
described in the QS. Al-Quran [9]: 60 that zakat is
only distributed to 8 (eight) groups, namely: 1) the
poor, 2) the poor , 3) the administrators of zakat, 4)
the converts are persuaded, 5) to the free slaves
(riqab), 6) the debtors (gharimin), 7) for the way of
Allah (fisabilillah), and 8) for those who are on the
way (ibn sabil).
Secondly, is the growth of the mustahic amount
empowered by zakat. Increasing the number of
mustahik and the distribution of the area which
becomes the scope of the distribution of zakat
institutions, either through direct distribution of
zakat funds or through the programs of utilization of
zakat funds will be a parameter of the effectiveness
of zakat institution performance in carrying out its
functions. The parameters of the success of the zakat
institution are the number of mustahik that are
empowered or have "moved position" from mustahik
to munfiq and eventually can become muzakki.
Third, is the growth of the number of muzakki. This
third indicator can be measured from the growing
number of muzakki who entrust their funds to the
zakat institution. Fourth, is innovation of the zakat
empowerment program. Zakat funds utilization
program undergoes a developmental phase from the
idea of the program until its implementation of the
donation is transformed to community
empowerment. Fifth, is extent of the zakat
distribution area. Zakat institution performance can
be measured from the size of the zakat fund
distribution area reached by the zakat institution.
Sixth, is responsiveness to humanitarian emergency.
Zakat institutions play a strategic role as an ummah
institution that is responsive to humanitarian
emergency. Seventh, is the utilization of zakat for
productive economic activities. Zakat funds are
expected not only for the purposes of caricature
activities. Zakat institutions are required to manage
each Rupiah of zakah funds more effectively. Most
mustahik are classified as productive age, so they
can be assisted by the utilization of zakat funds
productively as well. And the eighth is the intensity
of utilization of zakat for community development
and empowerment activities.
Ahmad and Masturah Ma'in (2014) studied the
efficiency of zakat collection and distribution of
zakat by using 2-stage analysis describing the
efficiency research of zakat institution Selangor in
Malaysia. This research found that the collection and
distribution of zakat involved a lagging resource
which led to the existence of technical efficiency.
Then the results of data processing concluded that
the distribution has lower efficiency than its
This research uses a qualitative method with data
test using the Data Envelopment Analysis Model.
The DEA test will be done twice. The first test is to
examine the efficiency of Zakat Fund Disbursement
and Distribution, and the second test is to examine
the effectiveness of Collection and Disbursement of
non-Zakah funds. The input of the first Test is the
Zakat Funds Collection taken from the Cash Flow
Efficiency Performance of Dompet Dhuafa Zakat Institutions: Using Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
Statement, while the output is the distribution of
funds for the 8 Asnaf groups. The second test of
Input consists of funding of Infaq, Infaq bound and
Waqf, while its output is channeling funds for
education, health, societal societies, economics,
humanity, advocacy and network development. The
test is done twice because Zakat fund allocation is
clearly for the group of 8 asnaf and should not be
distributed other than to them.
The secondary data of this study is obtained from
the financial statements of Dompet Dhuafa Financial
Report which can be accessed at
Table 1: Input Variables and Output Variables for Zakat
Fund Efficiency Test
Input Variables
Zakat Fund
Activity Report
Output Variables
Distribution for Fakir
Fund Changes Report
Channeling to Gharimin
Fund Changes Report
Distribution for Ibn Sabil
Fund Changes Report
Channels for Converts
Fund Changes Report
Distribution For
Fund Changes Report
Distribution For Amil
Fund Changes Report
Table 2: Input Variables and Output Variables for Non-
Zakat Fund Efficiency Test
Input Variables
Infaq Fund
Activity Report
Infaq Funds Bound
Activity Report
Waqf Fund
Output Variables
Distribution of Education
Activity Report
Health Program Distribution
Activity Report
Social Community Program
Activity Report
Distribution of Economic
Activity Report
Disbursement of Humanity
Activity Report
Distribution of Advocacy
Activity Report
Distribution of Network
Development Program
Activity Report
Sampling in this research is done by purposive
sampling meaning that the sample selection method
is based on judgment (sampling) which means the
sample selection is not random and information is
obtained by certain considerations. Analysis of the
performance efficiency of Amil Zakat Institute
Dompet Dhuafa is using DEA to measure efficiency
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is one of the
nonparametric analysis techniques commonly used
to measure the relative efficiency of both profit-
oriented business organizations or organizations or
non-profit oriented economic activities where the
production process or activity involves the use of
certain inputs to produce certain outputs. In
particular, DEA is the development of linear
programming techniques in which there are
objective functions and function constraints. The
following is a general equation in the Data
Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method (Firdaus and
Hosen, 2013: 172-175).
DEA is a linear programming non-parametric
approach with the help of an efficiency software
package, and this research will use OSDEA
Existing data will be processed using Data
Envelopment Analysos with twice test. The first test
was conducted to see the effectiveness of zakat fund
of Lembaga Amil Zakat Dompet Dhuafa, then the
second test to see the effectiveness of the Non-Zakat
Fund of Lembaga Amil Zakat Dompet Dhuafa. Data
in the test is to confirm the overall efficiency of
Dompet Dhuafa. Using DEA, if the results show the
number 1 it indicates efficiency. While the number
below 1 shows lower efficiency, the closer to the
number 1 indicates better efficiency.
Table 3: Results of DATA Processing using ZAKAT
DMU Name
Objective Value
Source: Processing Results
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
From the data table it is known that in 2011,
2014 and 2015 there is efficiency in processing the
data of zakat in Dompet Dhuafa. It is marked with
the objective value 1. Every year receipt of zakat
funds always increased as well as the distribution for
the group of 8 asnaf. But the increase in 2012 and
2013 leaves zakat funds. This indicates that in that
year the distribution of zakat funds is less efficient.
This is indicated by the objective value of
0.824804907 in 2012 and 0.801779633 in 2013. In
2011, 2014 and 2015 it is optimal because there is
no remaining funds in the existing zakat funds
experiencing the difference.
Table 4: Results of DATA Processing using non - zakat
DMU Name
Objective Value
Source: Processing Results
From the table on the processing of non-zakat
data, i.e. Infaq, Infar Bound and Waqf data
collection and distribution for Education, Health,
Social, Economic, Humanitarian, Advocacy and
Networking activities, it is known that in 2012 it is
not efficient because in the data processing DEA its
objective value shows the value of 0.577886072.
This value indicates the inefficiency of the collection
and distribution of non-zakat funds in Dompet
Dhuafa. In 2011, 2014 and 2015 from the DEA data
processing there is efficiency of the performance of
Dompet Dhuafa in collecting and disbursing the
non-zakat funds.
From the results of the DEA data the performance of
Dompet Dhuafa is tested twice to see the efficiency
of the performance of collection and distribution of
zakat funds as well as the performance of collection
and distribution of non-zakat funds in the form of
infaq, bound and waqf for 2011-2015. We know
2011, 2014 and 2015 are inefficient because the
value of its objective value already shows the
number 1.
In 2011, both data processing and zakat funds
and non-zakat funds have been effective. In the
management of zakat funds it can be seen that in the
year the value of efficiency in coming from the
difference in zakat income and distribution. In 2011,
the disbursement of zakat funds is larger than the
In contrast to 2011, in 2012 and 2013 the
objective value of the DEA processing results shows
the number less than 1, indicating that in the year the
activities of collection and distribution of its funds
have not been efficient. Known from the cash flow
statement that existed in 2012 and 2013 there is a
bigger difference in the receipt and distribution of
zakat funds in its receipts. The existence of the
remainder or the excess of zakat funds indicates less
efficient management of Dompet Dhuafa
performance in that year.
As in 2011, in 2014 and 2015 the performance
efficiency of Dompet Dhuafa showed efficiency
with its objective value 1. It indicates that in that
year the process of zakat fund management both in
the collection and distribution has been efficient.
The financial report in 2014 and 2015 shows the
difference in the pernemiaan of zakat funds and
distribution. Zakat receipts are less than the amount
distributed, as happened in 2011.
Non-zakat data processing with DEA from 2011-
2015 is not different from processingfor zakat funds.
In 2011, 2014 and 2015 on the management of non-
zakat funds (Infaq, Infaq bound and Wakaf) has
been effective with the objective value already
menjukan number 1. While in 2012 and 2013 it is
still not effective because the objective value is still
below the number 1, 0.577886072 and 0.742518551.
Efficiency in Dompet Dhuafa for the last two
years indicates that Dompet Dhuafa as National
Amil Zakat Institution already has more credibility
and has gained more belief than masyarakt in
Indonesia. Not yet optimal zakat institutions in 2012
and 2013 can already be dinetralisirkan with
efficiency in the next year.
People can pay their zakat obligations by channeling
them through zakat institutions. Zakat institution is
also obliged to distribute the funds. The problem is
how efficient is the institution of zakat when
collecting zakat funds and channeling it. Dompet
Dhuafa is one of the national zakat amil institutions
that have good credibility.
From the data collected from the years 2011-
2015, either zakat funds or non-zakat, it shows the
performance of this amil zakat institution in the
Efficiency Performance of Dompet Dhuafa Zakat Institutions: Using Data Envelopment Analysis Approach
years 2011, 2014 and 2015. While in 2012 and 2013
it has not been efficient due to several factors, one of
which is the distribution of funds that have not been
optimal. Efficiency in 2011, 2014 and 2015 is
indicated by the objective value of DEA data
processing that is worth 1.
Efficiency of Dompet Dhuafa during 2011, 2014
and 2015 show that the Dhuafa administration has
become one of the national zakat amil institutions
that have good credibility value. Dompet Dhuafa is
already acceptable in society and can serve the
community to distribute zakat. The efficiency that
exists in the zakat fund of Dhuafa Amil Institution
implies that channeling zakat in zakat institutions is
better than channeling it yourself. Muzaki will feel
peaceful in channeling his zakat funds which are
distributed on target to mustahiq by the zakat
institution. So that the potential for large zakat in
Indonesia can be channeled properly.
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