Islamic Social Entrepreneur Organization of Zakat Management in
Empowerment of Socio-Economic Mustahiq in Indonesia
Tika Widiastuti
, M. Nafik Hadi Ryandhono
, Irham Zaki
, Imron Mawardi
, Wisudanto
Taqiyah Dinda Insani
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Airlangga 4-6, Surabaya, Indonesia
Post Graduate School, Airlangga 4-6, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Organization of Zakat Management (OPZ), Empowerment, Zakat.
Abstract: This study aims to develop a model of social entrepreneurship in a national Zakat Management
Organization (OPZ) in zakat management and socio-economic empowerment. By using a descriptive
qualitative approach - case study strategy, it successfully found the right model, in order to maximize the
social economic development by identifying the state so that it can be given proper handling. Zakat, infaq,
and alms funds for productive purposes need to be holistically designed from distribution, coaching and
supervision, to establishing success indicators so as to have a sustainable impact on the socio-economic life
of the mustahiq. Finally, this research will be beneficial for improving the nation's competitiveness through
optimal utilization of zakat.
Social entrepreneurship is generally defined as a
business activity with a social purpose (Palesangi,
2012). This does not mean social entrepreneurship
does not require a profit optimization. Profit
(operating profit) obtained will be channeled for the
development of community welfare (Ayob et al,
Social entrepreneurship in Islam has grown since
the beginning of Islam. In Islam, it is taught that
people are forbidden to accumulate wealth without
thinking of others (read: zakat, infaq, alms, or waqf)
as it is written in Al-Qur’an surah At-Taubah: 103
and 60. Zakat is a very important instrument of
social entrepreneurship in Islam because it is one of
the pillars of Islam.
The management of zakat today is also not
limited to meeting the needs of the mustahiq. But
also with the spirit of empowerment and welfare
goals, many Zakat Management Organizations
(OPZ) are starting to mobilize productive zakat
programs. Productive zakat is defined as zakat in the
form of treasures or zakat funds given to mustahiq
not spent directly for consumption of certain
purposes, but developed and used to assist their
business, so that with effort they can meet the needs
of life continuously (Asnaini, 2008). Thus, the
purpose of productive zakat is the giving of zakat
which can make the recipients produce something
continuously with the treasure of zakat it receives.
The potential of large zakat funds can be used for
productive activities. This will be more optimal if
implemented by the Zakat Management
Organization (OPZ) that has been inaugurated by the
government, because the OPZ both BAZ and LAZ
as a trusted organization for the allocation,
utilization, and distribution of zakat funds, do not
give zakat, provide guidance and training so that the
zakat funds are actually used as working capital so
that the recipient of zakat is earning a decent and
independent income (Saifulloh, 2012).
1.1 Amil Zakat
Qurtubi in Hafidhuddin (2002) states that Al-Amil is
the people assigned (by the priest/government) to
take, write, count, and record the zakat he took from
the muzakki to be given to those who were entitled
to receive it. According to Dimasyqi (2005), the
definition of amil zakat according to the terminology
of fiqh is the people appointed by the imam
(government) to manage the zakat business, which
covers the process of collecting, recording,
distributing, and so forth. The management of zakat
Widiastuti, T., Ryandhono, M., Zaki, I., Mawardi, I., Wisudanto, . and Insani, T.
Islamic Social Entrepreneur Organization of Zakat Management in Empowerment of Socio-Economic Mustahiq in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0007537600700075
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 70-75
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
by zakat management institutions, especially those
having formal legal power, will have several
benefits (Hafidhuddin, 2002), namely:
a) Ensure the certainty and discipline of zakat
b) Maintain low self-esteem of mustahiq zakat
when faced directly with receiving zakat
from muzakki.
c) Achieve efficiency and effectiveness, as well
as appropriate targets in the use of zakat
property according to the priority scale that
exists in a place.
d) Shows the syiar of Islam in the spirit of
Islamic governance.
1.2 Zakat Institution Performance in
Empowerment of Zakat
Gibson in IZDR (2011) defines performance as “the
declared success rate of the motivation and ability
function”. While Mulyasa in IZDR (2011) defines
performance as “implementation of work,
achievement of work, results of work and
performance”. The performance of zakat institutions
will be seen in the zakat institution’s strategies in
optimizing collection, distribution, and utilization.
Amanah on Law (Act) no. 23 of 2011 on the
Management of Zakat described how in order to
improve the usability and useful results zakat must
be managed in an institutional manner in accordance
with Islamic Shari’a.
IZDR (2011) measures the economic
performance of zakat institutions or the Zakat
Management Organization (OPZ) in several
indicators, namely: first, the existence of criteria and
identification mechanism mustahik. Secondly, the
growth of the mustahik amount empowered by
zakat. Third, the growth of the number of muzakki.
Fourth, innovation of a zakat empowerment
program. Fifth, distribution of zakat distribution
area. Sixth, responsiveness to humanitarian
emergency. Seventh, utilization of zakat for
productive economic activity. And the eighth is the
intensity of utilization of zakat for community
development and empowerment activities.
1.3 Empowerment mustahiq
Empowerment is closely associated with the
function of amil zakat institutions in utilizing zakat.
In the utilization of zakat, it is necessary first to
identify and extract information on the mustahiq so
that the proportion of funds given is in accordance
with the intact. Zakat institutions must provide
transparency reports so that all can be known by the
muzakki and society as a whole.
Empowerment is expected to optimize the
benefits of zakat management. It is as stated by
Qardhawi (2010) that the benefits of zakat for
(beneficiaries of zakat), among others, are to help
meet the necessities of life and it can eliminate the
nature of hate and envy of the rich grubs, and in
aggregate zakat it will have a positive impact on
society because if the zakat can be managed to
economic value, then it will realize the function of
treasure as a means of struggle to uphold the religion
of Allah (jihad fii sabilillah ), and realize the social
economic justice of society in general.
1.4 Social Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship is generally defined as a
business activity with a social purpose (Palesangi,
2012). The definition of a social entrepreneur by
Moore et al. (2010) is someone who provides an
innovative solution to the urgent needs, problems,
and opportunities in society. While Scarborough
(2014) defines a social entrepreneur as one who
mobilizes skills not only for profitable business
activities but also for achieving economic, social and
environmental objectives in order to realize the
welfare of society.
In the development of social entrepreneurship
collaboration is required. Collaboration can be built
through an interaction that rests on the principle of
rearing, the principle of sustainability, and openness.
The collaboration is built into a collaborative
strategy. Collaborative strategies include its
stakeholders, collaborative prerequisites, and steps.
(Nulhaqim, 2011).
1.5 Social Entrepreneurship of Zakat
Zakat institution as a social institution that has the
main activity of receiving and distributing zakat.
Zakat institutions that have a value of social
entrepreneurship should be able to run business
activities to generate added value, and once business
activities have added value it will be reused to assist
the main activities of the zakat institution.
Business activities can be run by zakat
institutions with the establishment of business units
as a form of real social entrepreneurial activity. A
socially oriented institution is capable of
implementing social entrepreneurship by having
business units. Social institutions have business
activities so as to develop business units whose
Islamic Social Entrepreneur Organization of Zakat Management in Empowerment of Socio-Economic Mustahiq in Indonesia
profits and benefits are dedicated to supporting its
social services (Juwaini, 2011).
2.1 Research Approach
This research takes a qualitative approach.
According to Bogdan and Taylor in Moleong (2005)
a qualitative methodology is a research procedure
that produces descriptive data in the form of written
or oral words of people and observable behavior.
This study uses a qualitative approach because it
will examine the practice of social entrepreneurship
in zakat management organizations in Indonesia to
produce data that is non-statistical, but a written
2.2 Research Scope
The scope of this research is to include two national
Zakat Management Organizations (OPZ), each
consisting of a single representation of the OPZ
Government and the community. OPZ from the
government is the National Amil Zakat Agency
(BAZNAS), while the OPZ coming from the
community is Al Azhar Peduli Umat.
2.3 Sources and Data Types
The type of data used in this study is primary and
secondary data. Primary data is obtained from
individuals, such as the results of interviews,
documentation, and direct observation from the field
so that the data are many tangible actions of the
object of research. Secondary data in research
obtained by looking for information in the form of
data related to research which is being done, both
data are related to zakat literature, social
entrepreneurship and empowerment and
documentation data from Al Azhar Peduli Umat and
BAZNAS institution.
2.4 Data Collection Process
The data collection techniques that the researcher
uses in this study include:
a) Observation method, observation is a
systematic observation and recitation of the
phenomena investigated (Hadi, 1991).
b) FGD (Focus Group Discussion) is the method
of data collection or research to understand the
attitudes and behavior of audiences. Usually
consisting of 6-12 people who are
simultaneously collected, interviewed with
guidance by moderators (Kriyantono, 2006).
In-depth interviews, in-depth interview w aims to
collect information about the complex, most of
which contains opinions, attitudes, and personal
experience (Basuki, 2006). In-depth interview
method is done on the management of zakat
institution Al Azhar Peduli Umat and Yatim
2.5 Data Analysis Techniques
Researchers use a descriptive research model that
aims to make in-depth study a systematic, factual,
and accurate description of the phenomenon or the
relationship between the phenomena studied. The
phenomenon in question is all activities related to
the empowerment mustahiq with a social
entrepreneurship approach run by Al Azhar Peduli
Umat and Yatim Mandiri.
3.1 Description of Research Results
3.1.1 Informant 1
The first informant is director Executor of Yatim
Mandiri. Yatim Mandiri is one of the zakat amil
institutions in Indonesia concerned with empowering
orphaned poor children through the management of
zakat funds, infaq, shadaqah, and wakaf (ZISWAF).
Yatim Mandiri's flagship program consists of three
sectors: education, health, and economic
empowerment. Yatim Mandiri carries out a model of
social entrepreneurship through the qardhul hasan
scheme of providing interest-free loans to MEC's
graduate children to start entrepreneurship. The
empowerment model of Yatim Mandiri is as
Figure 1: Caption Model of Yayasan Mandiri
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
3.1.2 Informant 2
The second informant is Head of Representative of
Al Azhar Peduli Ummat East Java. The
empowerment strategy of Al Azhar is to approach
personally. Al Azhar has a DASAMAS program
(Da’i Sahabat Masyarakat) that provides guidance
on the potential that exists in the community to be
developed. Then, it will set up a local institution
called KSM (Kelompok Swadaya Masyarakat).
Empowerment programs of Al Azhar are poverty
alleviation and empowerment of rural communities
through Zakat Pride and Indonesia Gemilang
programs; Alleviation of unemployment of
productive age through Rumah Gemilang Indonesia
(RGI); Economic empowerment, infrastructure, and
environmental conservation consisting of infralink
and million power programs. Improving the living
conditions of orphans and dhuafa through my heart
for orphans program; disaster management and
volunteer network through the FORMULA program.
3.1.3 Informant 3
BAZNAS explained some programs from BAZNAS
East Java; one of them is Jatim Makmur, the
BAZNAS program that aims to improve the
economy of mustahiq. BAZNAS distributes
productive activities for mustahiq businesses where
those who run the business are mustahiq themselves.
While the amil institution acts only as a guide.
YDSF describes the form of social
entrepreneurship that YDSF is currently undertaking
by establishing a Community Business Group
(KUM) whose funding comes from infaq and alms
funds and YDSF is a companion and coach of the
business group.
Yatim Mandiri explain their focus on the
handling of poor orphans. The two mustahiq that
were targeted by Yatim Mandiri were orphans and
mothers of orphans. The coaching process conducted
is boarding education, then over 90% of the targeted
children are self-sufficient.
Nurul Hayat explained the importance of becoming
an independent community institution, by having its
own business units, and as for the economic
empowerment of mustahiq.
Rumah Zakat has empowerment programs
related to socio-economics in productive agriculture,
and livestock production.
Dr. Imron Mawardi, SP., M.Sc. explains that not
all can be directed to become entrepreneurs. For
those who do not have skills and entrepreneurial
spirit, they can be given consumptive zakat.
Characteristics that can be empowered generally are
those who have good social activities and aged 22-
45 years.
Different is Al-Azhar, Sigit Iko Sugon my dosel
director The executive LAZ AL-Azhar explains that
amil zakat institutions are not allowed to establish
business units using zakat funds, infaq, and alms.
Social entrepreneurship is an attempt to alleviate
poverty through an entrepreneurial approach.
The form of social entrepreneurship at LAZ is
not by setting up a business unit for social purposes
but how LAZ provides solutions to alleviate poverty
through entrepreneurship. The form of economic
empowerment program by LAZ aims to create
income, convert income into more economic value,
and recover income.
3.2 Model of Social Entrepreneurship
Zakat Institution
Figure 2: Model of Social Entrepreneurship Zakat
One of the redistribution instruments that can be
used to reduce poverty is zakat (Fitriani, 2018).
Then, social-entrepreneurship run by zakat
management organizations should be conducted with
different units. Zakat management organizations are
not allowed to conduct business activities, so there
needs to be another unit that handles entrepreneurial
activities established by zakat institutions. The
model of social entrepreneurship run by business
units with the capital of institutional money and not
derived from zakat funds is used to conduct business
activities so as to generate profits.
A socially oriented institution is capable of
implementing social entrepreneurship by having
business units. Social institutions have business
activities so as to develop business units whose
Islamic Social Entrepreneur Organization of Zakat Management in Empowerment of Socio-Economic Mustahiq in Indonesia
profits and benefits are dedicated to supporting its
social services. A zakat institution is a social
oriented institution able to run social
entrepreneurship by having the form of business
units. The presence of business units is an
elaboration of the value set forth in the vision and
mission held firmly to be run by zakat institutions.
Each zakat institution has the vision to make the
ummah independent and build the ummah. In
addition, this will shape an entrepreneurial climate
that is good for the environment (Gross and
Campbell, 2015).
The results of the business units run by zakat
institutions are able to sustain all the required
operational funds. The concept of independence
forces them to maximize the business unit to
generate profit. Maximizing the profit earned means
that it will increase the funds that can be used for the
operational of zakat institutions. The value of an
independent institution for zakat becomes the main
input to run social entrepreneurship at zakat
institutions as a social institution with a form of
running a business unit first then to run social
activity. Business activities are undertaken by zakat
institutions so that profits will be able to sustain the
social activities run by zakat institutions. While
zakat funds continue to be used in accordance with
Islamic rules so that zakat funds can have a positive
impact on poverty reduction, enterprise development
and economic empowerment as confirmed by Raimi,
et al. (2014). However, this must be accompanied by
zakat institutions so that empowerment can run
optimally, both in terms of capital, courses or
training, and knowledge (Muhamat, et al., 2013).
The social entrepreneurship model of LAZ is
divided into several phases. The first phase is LAZ
directly or through its representative plunge directly
into the mustahiq to know its economic potential to
be used as a source of livelihood for mustahiq. The
second phase is to form a community business group
to start an entrepreneurial activity in which the
group is expected to become the forerunner of the
establishment of a cooperative that can support the
mustahiq economy. The third phase is LAZ acting as
the coach and escort of the business group. LAZ
provides mentoring ranging from production
management, financial management to product
marketing. LAZ's role is only as a companion, while
business activities are done directly by mustahiq.
The fourth phase is if the business is undertaken by
mustahiq well developed, then LAZ will release
assistance to the business so that mustahiq can be
more independent.
The advice given is that OPZ first identifies the
position and circumstances in order to find the
potential and provide action or appropriate treatment
in order to make socio-economic empowerment so
that later it can be independent or even transformed
into muzakki. In addition, OPZ can work with
professional institutions or academics to maximize
potential to pioneer and pave the way for their
business development. The distribution of zakat,
infaq, and alms funds for productive matters needs
to be holistically designed from distribution,
coaching, supervision, to establishing success
indicators so as to have a sustainable impact on the
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Islamic Social Entrepreneur Organization of Zakat Management in Empowerment of Socio-Economic Mustahiq in Indonesia