4. Current needs allocation/monthly routine
expenditure (maximum 5%)
4.3 Women as Finance Managers in
According to 'Allal Al-Faisy in Nursidin (2012)
Maqashid syariah is the desired goal of the Shar'ah
and the secrets set by Allah on every law. While the
essence of maqashid syariah is to realize the good
and at the same time to avoid harm, or to benefit and
to reject harm, or in other words to achieve the
benefit, since the purpose of establishing the law in
Islam is to create benefits in order to preserve
Allah’s purposes.
As a muslimah who understands religion and has
a good religious insight, a servant should perform
the role of khalifah of Allah by keeping well the
trust given by Him. Maqashid syariah as the purpose
of achieving mutual benefit and must be applied in
family life. According to Sunandar in Inggriani
(2015), Muslim family financial management is very
important in helping to create a harmonious home
and being able to support the Islamic activities and
everyday Islamic living. One way of achieving
Maqashid Syariah for the sake of realizing mutual
prosperity is through family finance and the
managerial skills of the housewife.
Islamic family financial management based on
Islamic principles has a positive effect on the
achievement of maqashid syariah in the family.
Implementation in achieving maqashid syariah can
be seen from the fulfillment of education for the
child, control of household expenditure, having real
assets as investment form, the establishment of
harmonious life among family members, hygiene
and physical health of all family members, and
routine expenditure of zakat, infaq, shadaqah. The
wife in managing household finances should pay
attention to the five aspects of the maqashid syariah
in the form of preserving the religion, the soul, the
intellect, the heredity and the wealth. As a home
finance manager, the important aspect is to carefully
plan finance, organize the household cash well,
evaluating or actuating household cash for shopping
as needed and on the right way, and controlling
expenditure incurred by evaluating good religious
knowledge will support the achievement of
maqashid syariah and will be easy for financial
managers in implementing them according to
religious teachings. By practicing the religion in life,
it is believed that it would be easier to carry out
everything without any major obstacles. By
practicing religious teachings it motivates the wife
as a home financial manager to manage household
finances carefully, thriftily and prudently.
The focus of Islamic family budget is to prioritize
the fulfillment of the needs of dharuriyyat,
tahsiniyyat and hajiyyat for the preservation of the
five elements of maqashid shariah i.e. religion, life,
mind, lineage and wealth, and how to manage the
spending and consumption according to Islam i.e.
halal and thayyib, not being wasteful and
extravagant, and balancing between world
consumption and afterlife. By practicing Islamic
religious teachings it can motivate the wife as a
home financial manager to manage household
finances carefully, thriftily and prudently to create
family welfare in accordance with Islam.
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