Analysis of Revenue Sharing and Liquidity for Total Profit Sharing
Financing with BI Rate as a Moderation in Indonesia Sharia
Commercial Bank and Sharia Business Unit
Farhadi Arifiansyah
, Ari Prasetyo
and Gancar Candra Premananto
Postgraduated School, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Revenue sharing, Liquidity, Profit Sharing Financing, BI Rate
Abstract: Sharia banking is a banking system based on Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadist. Islamic banks do not use interest,
because the interest contains a riba. Indonesia has a dual banking system that uses bank interest and
equivalent rate. From the dual banking system, sharia banking uses interest rates as the objective to
determine the revenue rate and financing equivalent rate to maintain power between sharia banks and
conventional banks. This research uses quantitative methods, by using secondary data from the financial
statements of Sharia Commercial Bank and Sharia Business Unit issued by OJK and Bank Indonesia interest
rate report which was issued by Bank Indonesia for 2013-2017. This research uses a Moderated Regression
Analysis technique with dependent variable of total profit sharing financing, revenue sharing and liquidity
as independent variables and BI Rate as moderation variable. The results of this study show revenue sharing
for total profit sharing financing is negative significant. While liquidity has positive and significant to total
financing. And BI Rate as moderate has the positive and significant relationship between revenue sharing of
total profit sharing financing. BI Rate as moderate has the negative and significant relationship between
liquidity and total profit sharing financing.
Syariah banking is basically a banking system
business based on Al-Qur'an and Al-Hadist. Islamic
banks themselves operate not on the basis of interest,
as commonly done by conventional banks because
interest contains elements of usury that is prohibited
in the Qur'an. In Indonesia there is a dual banking
system that makes bank interest and margin
unidirectional but not the same.
Previous research by Faisal (2013) studied the
effect of equivalent rate to mudharabah financing at
PT BRI Medan. The results show that the ratio has a
weak influence on financing at PT BRI Medan, as
well as Hidayat (2014) the effect of equivalent rate
on mudharabah financing distribution and the impact
on profit and social welfare distribution. The results
of this study indicate that equivalent rate has a
negative effect on distribution of mudharabah
financing by 91.65%, the distribution of mudrahabah
financing has a positive effect on earnings of
0,000635 and the distribution of mudrahabah
financing has a positive effect on welfare equity
(this index) of 3.2.
While for Ridha (2008), influence of liquidity
and profitability on financing at Bank Mandiri
Syariah Purwakarta, the results showed that every
change in the level of liquidity and profitability
would increase the financing funds distributed by
BSM. And for Agustin (2016) and the effect of
liquidity and profitability on sharia financing in
commercial banks in Indonesia, the results of this
study indicate that liquidity affects the financing of
Islamic commercial banks. Also, profitability
significantly affects the amount of financing issued
by Islamic commercial banks. But the variables of
profitability and liquidity have no effect
simultaneously on the financing of General Islamic
Banking in Indonesia.
This previous research shows how liquidity and
equivalent rates affect the total financing, but
Indonesia uses a dual banking system that makes the
BI Rate as one of the references for taking profits in
some Islamic banks. The level of revenue sharing
Arifiansyah, F., Prasetyo, A. and Premananto, G.
Analysis of Revenue Sharing and Liquidity for Total Profit Sharing Financing with BI Rate as a Moderation in Indonesia Sharia Commercial Bank and Sharia Bussiness Unit.
DOI: 10.5220/0007538000890092
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 89-92
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
and financing margin is to maintain competitiveness
between sharia banks and conventional banks. It is
true that BI Rate can intervene in liquidity and the
equivalent rate on total financing. So the researcher
is interested to test the level of influence of liquidity,
revenue sharing with BI Rate as moderation in total
financing at profit sharing of syariah banks, that is
mudharabah and musyarakah at Syariah Commercial
Bank and Sharia Business Unit in Indonesia.
2.1 Revenue Sharing Theory
Revenue sharing is profit-sharing principle set forth
in a partnership, the share of revenue sharingis
determined at the time of the contract of
cooperation. If a business makes a profit, then the
profit share is done according to the agreement, if
the profit-sharing loss is adjusted to the capital
contribution of each party (Ascarya, 2006).
According to Rivai and Arifin (2010), in
calculate revenue sharing ratio the bank set a spread
of 2.4613% calculated from the expected profit
desired by the bank. The projection can be
quantified by calculating how much profit is
estimated by the average number of outstanding
loans in a month.
2.2 Liquidity Theory
Liquidity is a bank's management capability in
providing sufficient funds to meet its obligations at
all times. As we know, the importance of liquidity
can affect public confidence. According to Rivai and
Arifin (2010), managing liquidity will always be a
conflict of interest between the decision to maintain
liquidity and increase revenue.
The liquidity variable is proxied by a
precautionary liquidity which is the combined ratio
between cash, current accounts with central banks
and commercial banks against assets (Wuryandani et
al., 2014).
2.3 Bank Indonesia Interest Rate
BI Rate is a policy rate reflecting the stance of
monetary policy stipulated by Indonesian banks and
announced to the public. The operational targets of
monetary policy are reflected in the development of
the Overnight Interbank Money Market Rate (PUAB
O/N). The movement in the interbank money market
rate is expected to be followed by developments in
deposit rates, and in turn bank lending rates (source:
3.1 Research Methods and Data
The research used a quantitative method, by using
quarterly secondary data from financial statements
of Sharia Commercial Bank and Sharia Business
Unit issued by OJK concerning Sharia Bank and
Bank Indonesia Interest Rate report published by
Bank Indonesia for 2013-2017 period.
3.2 Analysis Method
This research uses a Moderated Regression Analysis
(MRA) technique. The moderating variable is the
independent variable that will strengthen or weaken
the relationship between the other independent
variables to the dependent variable (Ghozali, 2011).
4.1 Coefficient of Determination (R2)
The test of coefficient of determination is used to
measure the ability of the model in explaining the
variation of the dependent variable where the
coefficient of determination ranges between zero
and one.
Table 1: Model Summary.
Std. Error of
the Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), RS. BI rate, revenue sharing,
liquidity, BI rate, liquidity
Source: Output Data SPSS
Based on the above table, it can be seen that the
magnitude of R Square is a value of 0.757. This
shows that 75% of total profit sharing financing
variables can be explained by the variation of the
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
independent variables, while the remaining 25% is
explained by other causes outside the model. By
conclusion the model used is good enough.
4.2 Individual Parameter Significance
Test (t Test)
The t test statistic is used to show how far each
independent variable is influenced individually in
explaining its dependent variable (Ghozali, 2011).
Table 2: Coefficients
Std. Error
ty. BI
a. Dependent Variable: total profit sharing financing
Source: Output Data SPSS
It can be seen that the variable revenue sharing
has a negative effect and is significant to total profit
sharing financing. Liquidity has a positive effect and
is not significant to total profit sharing financing.
While revenue sharing moderated by BI Rate has a
positive effect and is significant to total profit
sharing financing at Sharia Bank. And variable of
liquidity which is moderated by BI Rate has a
negative and significant effect on total profit sharing
financing generated by Sharia Bank. The results of
multiple linear regression equations can be written:
Total profit sharing financing = -228643.280 +
10065.109 liquidity - 48612.237 revenue sharing -
1848.894 liquidity BI rate + 5623.295 rs. BI rate.
5.1 Effect of Revenue Sharing for Total
Sharing Financing
The results of this study show revenue sharing for
total profit sharing financing in sharia banks and
Islamic business units have a negative and
significant impact. Agreeing with previous research
by Faisal (2013) results show that the ratio has a
weak influence on financing at PT BRI Medan.
Also, Hidayat’s (2014) results of this study indicate
that equivalent rate has a negative effect on
distribution of mudharabah financing.
5.2 Effect of Liquidity for Total
Sharing Financing
Based on the results of the research that has been
described previously, Ridha (2008), the results
showed that every change in the level of liquidity
and profitability would increase the financing funds
distributed by BSM. And in Agustin (2016) the
results of this study indicate that liquidity affects the
financing of Islamic commercial banks. This
research shows that the influence of liquidity to total
profit sharing for sharia commercial banks and
sharia business units has a positive and significant
influence. Liquidity has a positive significant effect
because more liquidity of banks will fund more
provided for total sharing financing.
5.3 Effect of Revenue Sharing for Total
Profit Sharing Financing with BI
rate as Moderation
Based on previous research revenue sharing has
weak influence on total profit sharing but such as the
theory that increasing BI Rate affects revenue
sharing for total profit sharing financing. This may
be due to fluctuations in the BI Rate affecting the
determination of revenue sharing and the total profit
sharing financing of the bank's share in the Sharia
Commercial Bank and Sharia Business Unit in
Indonesia in 2013-2017.
This should not happen because sharia banks are
different from conventional banks. If the profit-
taking decisions depend on interest, it can give the
impression that the sharia bank system is the same as
conventional banks, it would be better if sharia
banks and sharia business units implement owning a
sharia margin system.
5.4 Effect of Liquidity for Total Profit
Sharing with BI Rate as
As previous research shows, liquidity has a positive
effect on total profit sharing financing. But in this
research the effect of liquidity to total profit sharing
Analysis of Revenue Sharing and Liquidity for Total Profit Sharing Financing with BI Rate as a Moderation in Indonesia Sharia Commercial
Bank and Sharia Bussiness Unit
financing with BI Rate as a moderation has a
negative effect. Truly that sharia bank should not be
influenced by interest rate in managing liquidity to
total profit sharing financing.
Revenue sharing for total profit sharing financing is
negative significant. While liquidity is positive and
significant to total financing for the results. And BI
Rate as moderate has a positive and significant
relationship between revenue sharing for total profit
sharing financing. BI Rate moderates the negative
and significant relationship between liquidity and
total profit sharing financing.
It shows sharia banking still needs supervision
and innovation in transactions and performance to
make a better sharia banking system.
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ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School