received depends on the profit generated. Linkage
multifinance is a linkage financing program that is
done between the sharia bank with sharia financial
institutions. In the current developments, there are
indications that NPF and ROA can affect the number
of linkage multifinance. In the world of sharia
banking, this factor is inseparable from the high
level of financing and the quality of bank assets
reflected in the NPF level. Troubled financing
remains a daunting for sharia banking. Moreover,
experience proves that one of the causes of the
economic crisis is the high level of NPF. The high
NPF, particularly the stalled financing, contributed
substantially to the poor performance of banks at the
time. NPF is one indicator of whether or not a
healthy Bank. That way, if a banking has a high NPF
level then sharia banking will be more careful by
reducing the amount of linkage financing. In
addition to NPF, it is also indicated that ROA can
affect the number of linkage multifinance. ROA is
the company's ability to generate profit at the level
of income between fund providers and fund
managers. Seeing the importance of the influence of
NPF and ROA on various Islamic banking
transactions such as the linkage multifinance, the
researchers are interested to conduct research with
the title "Influence NPF and ROA Results Against
Linkage Multifinance at Sharia Commercial Bank in
2.1 Forms of Partnership in Linkage
Linkage programs are partnership financing. So,
Islamic banks issue financing to the real sector
indirectly. This partnership with 3 (three) forms,
namely channeling, executing, and joint financing.
Channeling is financing provided by Islamic public
banks to cooperative customers / KJKS / BMT and
BMT who act as agents who do not have the
authority to decide on financing unless obtaining a
power of attorney from a commercial bank. Records
in Commercial Banks as financing for BMT
customers, while the data on BMT is off balance
sheet. Executing is financing provided by the
Shari'ah commercial banks to cooperatives/KJKS/
BMT in the framework of financing to be distributed
to BMT customers, where cooperatives/ KJKS/BMT
have the authority to decide on financing to MSMEs.
Listing at Sharia commercial banks as financing to
BMT customers, while recording in cooperatives as
loans to BMT customers. Joint financing is joint
financing by sharia commercial banks and
cooperatives against cooperative members. The
authority to decide on financing is with BUS/UUS
and KJKS/BMT. Recording of outstanding credit for
commercial banks and cooperatives is as much as
the portion of financing to members of cooperatives.
2.2 Effect of Financial Performance
(ROA and NPF) on Linkage
According to Bangun Ika Haryanto, in Islamic
finance and banking journals, when a bank
experiences problems in linkage financing, the
profits that should be obtained by the bank will
decrease. The reduced level of bank profits will have
an impact on decreasing income which can affect the
bank's financial performance. Because financial
performance has an important meaning in an effort
to maintain its long-term survival, because financial
performance shows whether the business entity has
good prospects in the future. Thus every business
entity will always try to improve its financial
performance, because the higher the level of
financial performance of a business entity, the
survival of the business entity will be more
guaranteed. According to Harahap (2010: 305)
Return On Assets (ROA) describes asset turnover
measured from sales. The greater this ratio, the
better and this means that assets can spin faster to
gain profits. In addition to the financial performance,
the higher the NPF (above 5%), the bank is declared
unhealthy because the high NPF causes a decrease in
profits to be received by the bank (Popita, 2013).
The method used is quantitative. Quantitative
approach aims to determine whether the ROA and
NPF variables affect each other against linkage
multifinance, and whether there is a long-term
relationship or short-term ROA and NPF to linkage
multifinance. The variables are arranged into a
model estimated using granger causality analysis
and cointegration, then will be described. The
research approach used in this research is
quantitative approach. The population in this study
is existing sharia commercial banks in Indonesia.
Based on sharia banking statistics as of December
2017 with 13 sharia banks. The sample in this study
was taken by purposive sampling. Data analysis
techniques were processed and analyzed using the
program strata 13. Operational definition: