value (p) 0.000 (p<0.05). It showed that data
distribution in detached is not normal.
Based on linearity test between neurotic
personality of complaint and impulsive buying was
obtained linearity F value of 0.001 (p<0.05). It
showed that complaint and impulsive buying had
linear relation. Personality of Aggressive and
Impulsive Buying (h) had significant value of 0.000
(p<0.05). This data showed that aggressive and
Impulsive Buying had linear relation. Detached and
Impulsive Buying had significant value of 0.280
(p<0.05). This data showed that Detached and
impulsive buying had relation which was not linear.
Based on Spearman’s Rho correlation, it was
obtained that compliant and impulsive buying had
correlation coefficient (r) of 0.139 with significant
value of 0.008 (p<0.05). This showed that there was
positive, low and significant relation between
compliant personality and impulsive buying so that
hypothesis could be accepted. Aggressive
personality and impulsive buying were obtained
correlation coefficient (r) 0.156 with significant
value of 0.030 (p<0.05). It showed that there was
positive, low and significant relations between
aggressive personality and impulsive buying. So that
hypothesis could be accepted. Detached personality
and impulsive buying were obtained correlation
coefficient (r) 0.054 with significant value of 0.178
(p>0.05). It showed that there is no relation between
detached and impulsive buying.
Based correlation analysis of Spearman’s Rho,
there were 2 neurotic personalities which were
compliant and aggressive which had significant
positive relation with impulsive buying. It meant, the
higher compliant and aggressive personality, the
higher impulsive buying occurred in adolescents and
vice versa.
Personality is unique and dynamic organization
from individual characteristic such as physic and
physiology that influenced behavior and reaction
toward social environment (Schiffman, 2008).
Adolescents with the tendency of complaint
personality had obedient characteristic and had fear
to be hosteled by other people so they though that
people’s hope and opinion were valued very high fro
themselves to do (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2011).
Obedient individual would be easy to be influenced
by advertisement and it made them to buy
spontaneously without thinking. According to
Kumar (2012), individual of complaint personality
tent to try to fulfill other people’s hope and
considered that people’s opinion was very important
(Olson & Hergenhahn, 2011). It was the same as
adolescents who though that if they could follow
trend, he/she could be accepted by his/her friends
(Sarwono, 2011). The importance to follow trend
made adolescents realize that social support from
their friends was very influenced by appearance and
based on things they had (Hurlock, 2011). therefore,
adolescents who had compliant personality tent to be
more easy to do impulsive buying.
Aggressive personality showed that there was
relation of impulsive buying toward adolescents in
Tarakan. It was because individual who had
aggressive personality emphasized the main needs in
their lives was recognized and becoming popular no
matter how much they paid to be able to
outperformed (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2011). It was
the same as adolescents’ thoughts which was
egocentric. They were sure that people were busy
become unique individual and unbeatable (Albert &
Steinberg in King, 2016).
Based on Jersild (1998) it was caused that
adolescents were entering sensitive period and
tendency of higher neurotic than other ages.
Individuals that had this personality were afraid to
be demeaned, disgraced, ignored that would make
harming their names (Olson & Hergenhahn, 2011).
So that they would do anything for good appearance
and to get social support from their friends (Monks,
2014). It made them would have high willing to buy
(Monks, 2014). Whereas adolescents in Tarakan that
had aggressive personality tent to hard to resist
encouragement in themselves not to do purchase in
product that they though interesting and products
that discussed by their friends.
It is different from individual who had high
detached personality tent to avoid other people and
they did not want to bound with anyone or anything
and they did not want to depend on anything (Feist
& Feist, 2010). This individuals were very
appreciated freedom and independence and they
were hard to detect (Feist & Feist. 2010). It made
them hard to be influenced by advertisement and
they would not do buying in hurry. These
adolescents were not easy to be influenced by trend.
They are differend from other adolescents who
wanted to be recognized, these adolescents did not
want to be connected to people.
Based on the result and discussion f the result, it can
be concluded that there is positive and significant
relation between neurotic personality of compliant