someone else. In a narrow sense, the financing used
to define the funding committed by financial
institutions, such as Islamic banks to customers.
Furthermore, in the regulation of Islamic bank,
Islamic Banking Act No. 21 of 2008, stated the
definition of financing is the provision of funds or
bill equivalent to the form:
1. Profit and Loss sharing transaction in the form of
mudharabah and musyarakah;
2. Leasing transaction in the form of Ijarah or lease
purchase in the form of Ijarah muntahiya
3. Sale and purchase transaction in the form of
murabahah, salam, and istishna’;
4. Borrowing transaction in the form of receivables
qardh; and
5. Lease services transaction in the form of Ijarah
for multiservice transaction;
2.3 Third Party Funds
Third party funds are usually more familiar with
public funds, the funds raised by banks from the
public in the broadest sense, encompassing
individual communities, and business entities. Bank
offers deposit products to the public in raising funds
(Ismail, 2010: 43). According Dendawijaya (2005:
49), the funds collected from the community is the
largest funding source of the most reliable bank that
can reach 80% -90% of all funds managed by the
bank. Banks do not give a reward in the form of
interest on funds deposited by customers in the bank.
The payoff is given on the basis of the principle of
sharing (Budisantoso and Triandaru, 2006).
2.4 Non Performing Financing
Non performing financing is a condition in which
the customer is no longer able to pay part or all
liabilities to banks as it has been agreed (Kuncoro
and Suhardjono, 2002: 462). NPF ratio reflects the
bank's ability to cover risks of failure of loan
repayment by the debtor (Darmawan, 2004). If not
handled properly, then the problem of financing is a
source of potential losses for banks. Therefore, we
need a systematic and sustainable handling
(Mahmoeddin, 2004: 5). NPF is very influential in
controlling costs and at the same time also affects
the financing policies that would do the bank itself.
NPF can bring adverse impact, especially if the NPF
in large quantities. By looking at previous NPF (t-1),
the bank may consider how much funding will be
distributed now.
2.5 Capital Adequacy Ratio
The capital adequacy ratio (CAR) is a measure of a
bank's capital. It is expressed as a percentage of a
bank's risk weighted credit exposures. The level of
capital adequacy can be measured by comparing the
capital with third-party funds and capital compared
with risk assets (Arifin, 2009: 162).
2.6 Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificates
In order for the implementation of open market
operations can be run properly, it is necessary to
create a device controlling the money supply in
accordance with the principles of Sharia in the form
of Bank Indonesia Sharia Certificates (SBIS). The
device can be used as a short-term fund deposits,
especially for banks that have excess liquidity.
Islamic banks that have idle funds, can invest their
funds in these instruments. Bonuses obtained and the
absence of risk factors, SBIS attractive for Islamic
banking compared channeled through financing
(Nurapriyani, 2009).
2.7 Effect of Third Party Fund (DPK)
on the distribution of Financing
Collection and distribution of funds is the main
focus of activities of Islamic banks. Therefore, in
order to optimally distribute the funds, the bank
must have the ability to raise funds for Third Party
Fund (DPK). Because it is the major source of
Islamic bank financing. Deposits or Third Party
Fund (DPK) is the funds raised by banks from the
public, both individuals and business entities that
obtained by using various instruments deposit
products such as wadiah current accounts, wadiah
saving accounts, mudharabah saving accounts, and
mudharabah deposits accounts.
Once the funds have been collected by a third
party bank, then according to his function then the
intermediary bank is obliged to distribute these
funds back to communities in need, namely in the
form of loans or can be referred to as financing
(Kasmir, 2008). Funds that have been collected from
the community is the largest funding source of the
most reliable by banks and have a strong influence
on the financing (Dendawijaya, 2008).
Francisca (2008), stating that the higher DPK
will increase financing expansion in the banking
system. Similarly, Khatimah (2009), Nurapriyani
(2009), Pratama (2010), and Andraeny (2011) which
state that the higher third party funds that have been