the filter for pathogens and the antigen carried in
blood. Establishment of the immune system to
specific antigens from bacterial, viral, and fungal
infections. The spleen uses the regulation of immune
response (Bronte and Pijttet, 2013) and filters to
remove blood cells due to aging or pathological
changes (Pivkin et al., 2016).
MRSA and Enterococcus are bacteria that can
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infection in the bloodstream, the majority of bacteria
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increased caspase-3 and apoptosis (Kolaczkowska et
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In conclusion, there was an increase of expression
caspase-3 in the hepar and spleens of R. norvegicus
when the group infected with MRSA was higher
than that infected with Enterococcus faecalis.
Increased expression of caspase-3 suggests the cell
death also increased.
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ethics committee of Universitas Airlangga Faculty
of Dental Medicine, as described on the ethical
approval No. 265/HRECC.FODM/X/2017.
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