enzyme plays a role in the process of forming
peptide bonds between new amino acids attached to
tRNA and the last amino acids which are still
developing in the bacteria. As the result, protein
synthesis in bacteria will be completely interrupted
(Pratiwi, 2008).
Gram-negative bacteria are more resistant to
drugs compared to gram-positive bacteria due to
efflux system possessed by gram-negative bacteria.
This system allows accumulated drugs inside cells to
be carried out, enabling drug concentration to be
reduced. The antibiotic sensitivity test showed that
bacteria can modify themselves to reduce effectivity
of certain drugs. As the result, the bacteria can
survive living and reproduce themselves to be more
endangering (Dwyana and Fahruddin, 2012).
5.1 Conclusions
According to study above, it could be concluded
1. Vibrio sp was resistant to heavy metals such as
Pb and Cd at concentration of 5 ppm, 10 ppm,
and 25 ppm, suggesting that the bacteria could
survive living in the water regardless the
availability of Pb dan Cd.
2. Antibiotic sensitivity test showed that Pb-
resistant Vibrio sp was resistant to Tetracycline
30 µg at all concentrations but susceptible only
to Chloramphenicol 30 µg at concentration of 5
ppm. Antibiotic sensitivity test showed that Cd-
resistant Vibrio sp was resistant to Tetracycline
30 µg and Chloramphenicol 30 µg at all
5.2 Suggestions
1. Society should not excessively consume milkfish
due to side effect of heavy metals contained in
water where it lives and due to bacteria in it
which are resistant to heavy metals.
2. We suggest that the next researchers perform a
study using Pb and Cd with higher concentration
and do resistance test using different strains of
bacteria, heavy metals, and antibiotics.
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