The Effect of Simulation Method for Flood Disaster Preparedness
towards Nursing Students of Faculty of Health Sciences Unipdu,
Jombang, East Java, Indonesia
Sufendi Hariyanto
, Kurniawati
and Christrijogo Sumartono Waloejo
Postgraduade School, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum Jombang, Jombang, Indonesia
Keywords: Flood Disaster, Nursing Student, Simulation Method, Student Preparedness
Abstract: Indonesia has a high risk of natural disasters. The geological condition makes a natural surface of mountains
and valleys that induced potential for flood disaster. Flood is one of the most frequent natural disasters.
Preparedness behavior is one way to reduce disaster risk. Nursing students as nurse candidates have an
important role in disaster management. In the learning process required a right method for students to
understand and ready to face of disaster. One of the learning methods that can be given is a simulation
method. The simulation method used to improve student preparedness in facing disaster. The purpose of this
study is to analyze an effect of simulation method for flood disaster preparedness on nursing students,
Faculty of Health Sciences, Universitas Pesantren Tinggi, Darul Ulum. This study was pre-experimental
research with one group pre-post test design approach. The population was all of Nursing Students, in 8
semesters. Sampling technique used Probability Sampling (systematic simple random sampling). Data
collection was conducted by giving questionnaire before and after an intervention. The analysis used
Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test with significance level ρ <0.05. The result of Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test
statistic test obtained ρ = 0,000 which means there was an effect of simulation method of flood disaster
preparedness towards nursing students.Disaster preparedness level of nursing students increased after
simulation of a flood disaster. The results of this study explain importance of applying simulation learning
method which involves three aspects, namely knowledge, skill, and attitude, especially with roleplay like in
a real situation.
Indonesia has a high risk of natural disasters. This is
due to many things, ranging from natural conditions
to human error itself. Geologically, climatologically,
and geographically, the territory of Indonesia is
vulnerable to disaster. The rain with high intensity
and in long-term, supported by a slope of the hill,
and limited land cover caused soil movements.
The geological order in Indonesia that makes
natural surface of Indonesia mountainous and lavish
with various rivers cause the potential of flood,
landslide, and erosion. Flood is one of the most
frequent natural disasters (60%) occurring in
Indonesia (Hadisusanto, 2011). In addition, flood
became a problem and developed into a disaster
when the flood disrupted human activities and even
brought casualties and property (Sobirin, 2009).
The National Agency for Disaster Management
(BNPB) noted that until October 2016, there were
639 times of floods that caused the loss of lives and
economic losses. The death toll consisted of deaths
and disappeared 134 people, wounded 104 people
and the number of refugees 2,210,114 people. While
the economic losses include damaged houses
(heavily damaged (2,071 units), moderate damage
(1,018 units), minor damage (5,242 units),
submerged (214,079 units), 16 health facilities, 119
facilities of compass facility and 277 (BNPB, 2016).
The nursing profession is flexible and covers all
the conditions, where the nurse is not only limited to
provision of care in hospital but also is required to
work in the alert condition of disaster response. The
situation of handling between alert and normal
circumstances is very different, so nurses must be
capable of skill and technique in the face of such
conditions. Medical care and care activities in a state
Hariyanto, S., Kurniawati, . and Waloejo, C.
The Effect of Simulation Method for Flood Disaster Preparedness towards Nursing Students Faculty of Health Sciences Unipdu, Jombang, East Java, Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0007544204220425
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 422-425
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of disaster preparedness can be performed by
nursing procedures. The knowledge and abilities of a
nurse can perform disaster relief in various forms.
Nursing students as nurse candidates have an
important role in disaster management. Preparedness
behavior is one way to reduce disaster risk. Critical
Nursing 2 is one of the 8th semester courses in the
curriculum of the nursing science program, that
discusses the management and disaster
preparedness. In the learning process required a right
method for students to understand and ready to face
of disaster. One of the learning methods that can be
given is a simulation method. According to Nana
Sudjana (2000), simulation is a method of teaching
to explain something through deeds or behavioral
process that is done as if in real circumstances. The
simulation method used to improve student
preparedness in facing disaster. Based on that
literacy, the purpose of this study to analyze an
effect of simulation method for flood disaster
preparedness on nursing students, Faculty of Health
Sciences, Universitas Pesantren Tinggi, Darul Ulum.
This study was pre-experimental research with one
group pre-post test design approach. Population in
this research was all students of nursing in eight
academic semester, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Universitas Pesantren Tinggi Darul Ulum, Jombang.
Sampling technique used Probability Sampling
(systematic simple random sampling). Total
sampling of 42 respondents, data collection was
conducted by giving questionnaire before and after
an intervention.
Independent variable of this research was
simulation method for flood disaster. Dependent
variable was disaster preparedness level of students.
The data collection stage about disaster preparedness
level before flood disaster simulation method
through questioner then simulated as intervention,
then given questionnaire to evaluate disaster
preparedness level of student in facing flood
disaster. After that, analyze the results of
questionnaire before and after an intervention of
flood disaster simulation method to disaster
preparedness level of students. The analysis used
Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test with significance level ρ
= 0.05 if the result obtained ρ <0,05 then Ho rejected
mean there were an effect of a flood disaster
simulation method to disaster preparedness level.
Result and discussion about the effect of simulation
method for flood disaster preparedness towards
nursing students
3.1 Result
3.1.1 Preparedness Levels Before Simulation
Table 1: Preparedness Level Frequency Percentage
Level Frequenc
4 9,50%
Moderate 17 40,50%
Less 21 50%
Total 42 100 %
Based on the table 1 that disaster preparedness level
of students before simulation, half of 21 (50%)
respondents have a low level of preparedness.
3.1.2 Level of Preparedness After
Table 2: Preparedness Level Frequency Percentage
25 59,50%
Moderate 15 35,70%
Less 2 4,80%
Total 42 100 %
Based on the table 2 that disaster preparedness level
of students after simulation, majority 25 (59.50%)
respondents have a good level of preparedness.
3.1.3 The Effect of Simulation Method for
Flood Disaster Preparedness Towards
Nursing Students
Based on Wilcoxon Signed-rank Test results
obtained ρ = 0.000 which means there was an effect
of a flood disaster simulation method to the level of
The Effect of Simulation Method for Flood Disaster Preparedness towards Nursing Students Faculty of Health Sciences Unipdu, Jombang,
East Java, Indonesia
3.2 Discussion
Based on the results, there were differences in the
level of preparedness in facing floods with a
significance value of ρ = 0,000. The average value
before the simulation is 64.52 and after the
simulation is 78.45
Nursing Program is a professional academic
education with a learning process that emphasizes
the growth and ability of students to become an
academician and professional. The cornerstone of
this growing ability is an educational concept
framework that includes the philosophy of nursing
as a profession, and nursing as a form of
professional service that could affect the curriculum
content and the main approach in the learning
process. During education process is pursued
through academic and professional stages. The
number of semesters in the academic phase of eight
semesters and two semesters in the profession stage.
There are several courses in the academic stage as
the institution's founding courses. One of the courses
is a critical course 2. Critical course 2 is taken in the
eighth semester.
According to Pupuh (2011) for teaching and
learning process can be done well and achieve the
target, then one important factor that must be
considered is to determine the appropriate method of
Learning strategy is a common pattern to realize
the learning process that is believed to effectiveness
to achieve learning objectives. In the application of
learning strategies educators need to choose,
appropriate learning models, appropriate learning
methods and learning techniques that support the
implementation of learning methods. To determine
the right learning strategy, educators consider the
goals, characteristics of learners, subject matter and
so that the learning strategy can work optimally.
The learning method in critical 2 includes lecture
method, discussion and simulation method. The
simulation method is applied in an effort to improve
student preparedness in facing disaster. Simulation
techniques are used in all teaching systems,
especially in instructional design that is oriented
toward behavioral goals. Skills exercises require
practice in real life situations (in certain
occupations), or in simulated situations that contain
the characteristics of real life situations. The
exercises in the form of simulations basically
practice doing the tasks that will be faced in
everyday life. Simulation techniques are used in four
skill categories, namely cognitive, psychomotor,
reactive, and interactive. Such skills are needed to
develop more complex productive skills (Hamalik,
2008: 196). Student simulation method is taught
about skill in facing flood disaster.
According to Nurjannah in Ristyani (2016),
things that can be done to improve preparedness in
the face of disasters include training on how to save
yourself and others, coordination between
stakeholders, prepare emergency equipment, how to
give first aid to the injured, and efforts made to
recover quickly.
Preparedness for flooding is an activity
undertaken in order to anticipate floods so that
actions taken during and after floods are carried out
appropriately and effectively by experts and
personnel or field workers. Required experts are
qualified experts in their field, one of whom is a
nurse (Colombo, 2012). According to LIPI-
UNESCO / ISDR (2006), there are 5 critical factors
of preparedness to anticipate natural disasters such
as flood disaster, knowledge and attitude toward
disaster risk, policies and guidance, plans for
disaster emergencies, disaster warning systems and
the ability to mobilize resources power. Flood
disaster simulation method applied to students and
done in a flood-prone area. Students are faced in the
real condition of the area at risk of a flood disaster.
The level of student preparedness increases after the
simulation method. Armed with knowledge and
abilities, a nurse can perform disaster relief in
various forms.
Disaster preparedness level of nursing students
increased after simulation of a flood disaster. The
results of this study explain the importance of
applying simulation learning method which involves
three aspects, namely knowledge, skill, and attitude,
especially with roleplay like in a real situation.
Nurses are considered as one of the health
professions to be prepared to deal with and deal with
natural disasters. In preparing for nurse preparedness
must be started since the stage of academic and
professional education. Thus, the selection of
appropriate learning methods can prepare students as
prospective professional nurses who are ready to
face disaster.
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
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The Effect of Simulation Method for Flood Disaster Preparedness towards Nursing Students Faculty of Health Sciences Unipdu, Jombang,
East Java, Indonesia