vessels in microscopic examination compared to
other groups (Table 3).
The presence of growth factors may increase cell
propagation or proliferation, and this will become a
frame of fibroblast receptorization and proliferation.
When fibrin clumped, fibroblasts will proliferate,
and the number of fibroblasts will increase
(Diegelmann, 2004). According to Thang et al.
(1998), the active components present in C.odorata
can stimulate fibroblast proliferation .
In the remodeling phase, the wound surface
restores epithelial integrity and epithelialization
from the basement membrane. Wound epithelial
cells begin to show increasing mitotic activity and
migrate the living connective tissue. Marginal basal
cells on the edges of the wound become loosely
bonded from the dermis nearby, enlarge and migrate
to the surface of the wound that has filled the
previous matrix (Singer and Clark, 1999).
microscopic results showed that the treatment given
in G1 influenced re-epithelization, collagen
formation, fibroblast formation, PMN cell
inflammation, and blood vessel formation faster than
G2, G3 and G0. This is consistent with a study
carried out by Henshaw et al. (2017) that showed
that the ethanol extract of C. odorata L. significantly
increased the number of red blood cells,
haemoglobin concentration and cell volume in white
mouse animal experiments.
Pakoasi leaf extract ointment with concentration of
10% cure open wound faster than 20% concentration
ointment, positive control (povidon iodine) and
negative control (without treatment).
Acknowledgments are given to Mr. Suparman for
technical assistance, Kholik DVM, M.Vet and
Chandra Dwiatma DVM, M.Si for assisting in
macroscopic and microscopic evaluations.
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