Immunization Schedule
Erwin Sutanto
, Chintya Mortisalma Romadhon
, Fadilla Rahmania Kamil
, and Iqbal Maulana
Biomedical Engineering, Airlangga University, Mulyorejo, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Immunization, Child Health, Android, UML, Java
Abstract: In this era, the usage of android phones is increasing. It is undeniable that people are more helped with the
existence of mobile phones. It supports many aspects in life including health, for instance can be utilized to
help patient, doctor, and government in coordination. Besides, it can decrease cost, time, and distance
limitations. Most importantly, it can be the solution for the government immunization program. It is
infrequently find out that both parents are working in the urban areas. Sometimes, this situation leads them
ignore in taking care of their children. Therefore, an android application (app) for immunization would be
very helpful, especially for parents in urban areas for providing a basic immunization schedule and its
related information. The development of the app would be discussed further consisting the method, designs,
and views of the app.
Immunization is important for a person to fight
against any dangerous deadly diseases, especially for
children health’s problems. The Indonesian
government pays attention to this by carrying out
several activities. One of them is by providing a
practical handbook of immunization, and also doing
socialization (Kemenkes RI Website, 2017).
Immunization is usually given for several diseases in
children on their early age, but it is depending on the
type of immunization. Several types are not
adequate if it is only given once thereby it should be
done gradually. In fact, immunization still has great
definitions that require a guide for parents to make
well-implemented action.
According to data on Indonesian’s health profile
from the ministry of health, immunization coverage
in Indonesia is 91.58%. Mandatory immunization
coverage are 93% for measles, 92.2% for polio,
93.3% for DPT, 87.5% for hepatitis B, and 93% for
BCG (Kemenkes RI, 2017). It means that most of
immunization in Indonesia has reached more than
90% of target. Then, there are also few mandatory
immunizations, which are still below 90%. The
reason may be derive from the geographical
obstacles because the program has not reached all
areas. However, this situation still can be improved.
There are many things affecting immunization in
this modern era. Mobility, as the example, has a high
number in urban area due to the various needs of
life. This also faces higher possibility of increasing
congestion (Wijaya, 2018). Then, it is no
infrequently find out both parents are working due to
high cost of living. Furthermore in this global era,
there is also an increasing number of career women
especially in Surabaya (Laksmiwati, 2018) which
can also support the case. The possibility is the
parent leaving the children with baby sitter or nanny.
This situation leads their ignorance of taking care
children and incidentally forget the children’s
immunization schedule.
A practical handbook of immunization, which has
been socialized, is focusing on maternal and child
health titled “Buku Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak”,
abbreviated as BKIA. This book is provided by the
government and expected also to help patient,
doctor, and government. However, the risk of using
a kind of book also needs to be considered because
the use of paper may be wet due to water. It might
be not practical because it could be left behind or
missing. Due to this problem, mobile phone is more
useful to be implemented. Moreover, many practical
works could be done easily in one hand using mobile
phone, which widely used by people in daily
activities. Thus, additional practical handbook is
built in android based mobile phone, for example,
mDROID system is designed for health workers