Acupuncture Can Increase Spermatogenic Cells in Albino Rats
(Rattus norvegicus) Exposed by Heatstroke
Muhammad Thohawi Elziyad Purnama
, Imas Hapsari Rahmaningtyas
, Ainun Septia Putri
, Angela
Swasti Ivana Lee
, Fachrun Nisa Tatimma
and Herlina Masyitoh
Department of Veterinary Anatomy, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Veterinary Reproduction, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Acupuncture, heatstroke, spermatogenic cells, testosterone.
Abstract: Global warming is the newest condition that causes many re-emerging diseases. Heatstroke has been
predicted as one of the global warming effects that made an important role in reproductive disease.
Heatstroke with a high temperature in environmental conditions can potentially cause infertility, especially
in physiological functions of the reproductive system. The objective of this study is to examine the potential
of acupuncture in increasing spermatogenic cells and testosterone levels. Acupuncture therapy is expected
to be an alternative solution for reducing body temperature and restoring the function of the reproductive
system. In this study, 20 albino rats were used and divided into five treatments, wherein negative control
group (C-) was not exposed to heatstroke and acupuncture and positive control group (C+) was exposed to
heatstroke for 20 seconds. Treatment groups (T1, T2, T3) were exposed to heatstroke and acupuncture for 5;
10; and 20 seconds/rat/day. The acupuncture treatment has been performed on Wei-Jian and Ming-Men
points for one week. The test was prepared with hematoxylin-eosin staining to evaluate spermatogenic cells.
The blood serum collected for assay was standardized by testosterone ELISA kit. The data of spermatogenic
cells and testosterone levels were analyzed using ANOVA, followed by Duncan test when there were
significantly different results (p<0.05). The results showed that the spermatogenic cells of (C+) were
significantly different (p<0.05) from those of T1, T2, and T3 and the testosterone levels of the treatment
groups were not significantly different (p>0.05). It can be concluded that acupuncture can increase the
quality of spermatogenic cells in the testis that has been exposed to heatstroke although it has no effects on
testosterone level.
Heatstroke is a high-temperature condition caused
by environment, heat, and direct sunstroke.
Heatstroke can also be called abnormal high
temperature that has a great potential of occurrence
in Indonesia, considering its geographical location
that has a tropical climate. This uncertain heat
condition is exacerbated by the lack of ventilation
and global warming (Ayo et al., 2011).
Infertility problems are often encountered by
adult men and if not treated immediately, will give
an impact on the sterility of reproductive organs.
Recent research results suggest that 8% seek medical
help to treat infertility symptoms (Ashamu et al.,
2010). Infertility disorders are also experienced by
livestock that has economic value in Indonesia,
which has an impact on the decreasing quality and
quantity of livestock sector. One of the most
important causes of infertility besides infectious
diseases is the extreme temperatures caused by
global warming that affect livestock reproduction
system (Boone and Huston, 1963).
Heatstroke can happen in Indonesia.
Climatographic factors in tropical regions make
heatstroke conditions cause infertility cases in
humans and livestock. Temperatures above 27
C can
decrease the quality of spermatozoa and decrease the
rate of conception in livestock (Sari, 2014).
The presence of heatstroke may trigger a
decrease in the immune system of the body and
activate the release of the interleukin-1 cytokine (IL-
1). The release of IL-1 as a compensation of the
immunosuppressed state is followed by increased
body temperature and decreased food intake of each
cell. IL-1 also performs a system of a blockade in
Purnama, M., Rahmaningtyas, I., Putri, A., Lee, A., Tatimma, F. and Masyitoh, H.
Acupuncture Can Increase Spermatogenic Cells in Albino Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Exposed by Heatstroke.
DOI: 10.5220/0007547305750577
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 575-577
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the function of gonadal glandular impulses in the
hypothalamus and vice versa stimulate the adrenal
gland axis. The impact of the blockade system on
the gonadal glands decreases the secretion of
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH), which
also implies the decreased production of Follicle
Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing
Hormone (LH) (Dantzer and Kelly, 2008).
Heatstroke may also increase lipid peroxidase
processes that lead to increased reactive oxygen
species (ROS) and become the beginning of
spermatozoa cell death process (Dobson et al.,
Acupuncture has been developed as a traditional
medicine technique in overcoming health problems.
This technique can be performed by using
acupuncture needles and laserpuncture. Acupuncture
centers are present at acupuncture meridian points
and specific points associated with a specific disease
(Xie and Preast, 2007).
The Wei-Jian and Ming-Men points are
important in body heat control and when stimulated,
they can control blood flow, reduce heat, and
organize intracellular and extracellular ion channels
(Xie and Preast, 2007). Stimulation at this point can
also protect the body's chi energy from exposure to
The objective of the study is to prove the
potential of acupuncture to work as an alternative
therapy to reduce body heat and to affect fertility
improvement on quality aspects of spermatogenic
cells and testosterone levels.
2.1 Ethical Clearance
This study was permitted by animal care and use
ethical committee of Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Universitas Airlangga with registration number
2.2 Treatment
In this study, 20 albino rats were used and adapted
one week before treatment. The details of treatment
in experimental animals are as follows: the negative
control group (C-) was not exposed to heatstroke
and acupuncture, positive control group (C+) was
exposed to heatstroke for 20 seconds. Treatment
groups (T1, T2, T3) were exposed to heatstroke and
acupuncture for 5; 10; 20 seconds/rat/day. Incubator
was set to 45
C to conduct a heatstroke effect.
The acupuncture treatment used a specific needle
for the meridian points. The targets of the meridian
points of the reproductive system are Wei-Jian and
Ming-Men points. Acupuncture treatment has been
done along a week.
Albino rats were operated for a minor surgery to
isolate testicle organs. Testicular histopathologic
preparations were prepared in the pathology
laboratory with hematoxylin-eosin staining (HE).
The interpretation was conducted using Johnsen’s
(1970) method of five fields of view in each
replication with 400 magnifications. The scoring
categories are: 1) no germ cells and Sertoli cells; 2)
no germ cells; 3) there are only spermatogonia; 4)
there are only a few spermatocytes; 5) no
spermatozoa and spermatid cells, but many
spermatocytes; 6) few spermatid cells; 7) no
spermatozoa, but many spermatid cells; 8) a few
spermatozoa cells; 9) many spermatozoa but
unorganized spermatogenesis; 10) complete
spermatogenesis and tubular seminiferous.
The blood that has been taken intracardially was
silenced in the test tube to obtain blood serum.
Blood serum was stored in cold temperatures and
prepared for an ELISA test to determine testosterone
levels. Optical value density (OD) and absorbance
results were analyzed.
2.3 Data Analysis
Data from each of the variables in this study were
tested statistically using ANOVA test. When the
results showed significant differences (p<0.05) then
the Duncan test continued.
The results of testicular histopathologic readings and
testosterone levels obtained were tabulated
according to the data, then analyzed statistically with
the SPSS v20 for windows program. The mean and
standard deviation (SD) interpretations of testicular
histopathology and testosterone levels are presented
in Table 1.
Table 1: Mean and standard deviation of
spermatogenic cells and testosterone level.
Spermatogenic cells
C- 8,3
±0,416 1,6
C+ 4,2
±0,000 1,4
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
T1 6,2
±0,489 1,4
T2 6,6
±0,574 1,6
T3 7,6
±0,526 1,6
Different superscripts in the same column indicate
significant differences among treatments (p<0.05).
The results showed significantly different
spermatogenic cells (p<0,05) between C+ and C-,
T1, T2, and T3. The treatment groups T1 and T2
were not significantly different (p>0.05).
The results showed no significant difference on
testosterone level (p>0,05) between the treatment
groups. This suggests that there was no effect of
acupuncture therapy on testosterone levels of the
experimental animals exposed to heatstroke.
Acupuncture therapy is expected to improve the
quality of spermatozoa and can be recommended for
treatment since the mass motion repair reaches 70-
80%, progressive individual motion, and semi-dense
concentration. Acupuncture therapy indicates the
improvement and regeneration of germ cells.
Stimulation at the Ming-Men point can restore
the temperature after receiving heatstroke exposure.
Stimulation at the Ming-Men point can open the
orifices of the skin pores, cool the blood, and open
the electrolyte and homeostasis channels. The body's
response to the metabolic process will return to
normal with stimulation at the Ming-Men point,
which is also a relaxation point (Xie and Preast,
Stimulation at the Wei-Jian point and the Ming-
Men point, especially in the intervertebral region can
improve the performance of the reproductive system.
Ming-Men can restore the function of
spermatogenesis by repairing the damaged germ
cells. The meshing point that also controls the
rehydration setting can cool the reproductive organs
and kidneys. Indication in addition to the return of
reproductive function is also a neutral cell function
in suppressing metabolism after exposure to
heatstroke (Xie and Preast, 2007).
Testosterone hormone is a corticosteroid
derivative hormone, especially in males. Many
testosterone hormones are produced by Leydig cells.
Through the impulse arising from Interstitial Cell
Stimulating Hormone (ICSH) produced by the
anterior pituitary, ICSH will induce Leydig cells to
produce testosterone. Exposure to heatstroke does
not affect the anterior pituitary and suppresses the
secretion of ICSH so that the production of
testosterone by Leydig cells persists (Hafez, 2000).
Based on the results and discussion, it can be
concluded that acupuncture therapy increases the
spermatogenic cells through histopathology of the
testis and has no significant effects on testosterone
The authors acknowledge The Directorate General
of Higher Education (DIKTI) 2017, The Research,
Technology and Higher Education, the Republic of
Indonesia for providing fund support to carry out
this study.
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Acupuncture Can Increase Spermatogenic Cells in Albino Rats (Rattus norvegicus) Exposed by Heatstroke