±0,526 1,6
Different superscripts in the same column indicate
significant differences among treatments (p<0.05).
The results showed significantly different
spermatogenic cells (p<0,05) between C+ and C-,
T1, T2, and T3. The treatment groups T1 and T2
were not significantly different (p>0.05).
The results showed no significant difference on
testosterone level (p>0,05) between the treatment
groups. This suggests that there was no effect of
acupuncture therapy on testosterone levels of the
experimental animals exposed to heatstroke.
Acupuncture therapy is expected to improve the
quality of spermatozoa and can be recommended for
treatment since the mass motion repair reaches 70-
80%, progressive individual motion, and semi-dense
concentration. Acupuncture therapy indicates the
improvement and regeneration of germ cells.
Stimulation at the Ming-Men point can restore
the temperature after receiving heatstroke exposure.
Stimulation at the Ming-Men point can open the
orifices of the skin pores, cool the blood, and open
the electrolyte and homeostasis channels. The body's
response to the metabolic process will return to
normal with stimulation at the Ming-Men point,
which is also a relaxation point (Xie and Preast,
Stimulation at the Wei-Jian point and the Ming-
Men point, especially in the intervertebral region can
improve the performance of the reproductive system.
Ming-Men can restore the function of
spermatogenesis by repairing the damaged germ
cells. The meshing point that also controls the
rehydration setting can cool the reproductive organs
and kidneys. Indication in addition to the return of
reproductive function is also a neutral cell function
in suppressing metabolism after exposure to
heatstroke (Xie and Preast, 2007).
Testosterone hormone is a corticosteroid
derivative hormone, especially in males. Many
testosterone hormones are produced by Leydig cells.
Through the impulse arising from Interstitial Cell
Stimulating Hormone (ICSH) produced by the
anterior pituitary, ICSH will induce Leydig cells to
produce testosterone. Exposure to heatstroke does
not affect the anterior pituitary and suppresses the
secretion of ICSH so that the production of
testosterone by Leydig cells persists (Hafez, 2000).
Based on the results and discussion, it can be
concluded that acupuncture therapy increases the
spermatogenic cells through histopathology of the
testis and has no significant effects on testosterone
The authors acknowledge The Directorate General
of Higher Education (DIKTI) 2017, The Research,
Technology and Higher Education, the Republic of
Indonesia for providing fund support to carry out
this study.
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