DEJUNGKIL (Bran, Corn, Meal) as Nutritional Formula for Free-
Range Chicken (Gallus Domesticus) Egg Production Increase
Palestin Binti Djazuli
, Era Hari Mudji
Postgraduate School of Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Universitas Wijaya Kusuma Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: DEJUNGKIL, free-range chicken, free-range chicken eggs.
Abstract: DEJUNGKIL is the nutritional formula used to increase the production of free-range chicken (Gallus
domesticus) eggs with compositional ratio of 5 bran: 3 corn : 2 soya bean meal. The study of DEJUNGKIL
nutritional formula proves the significant production of free-range chicken eggs compared to both
commercial nutrition and combination of commercial and DEJUNGKIL in 50:50 compositions. The
research method of free-range chicken (Gallus domesticus) provided with DEJUNGKIL (Bran, Corn, Meal)
nutrition used the experimental type. Twenty-seven free-range hens of 18-20 week (4-5 month) old were
used as the experimental animals. The design in use was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 3
treatments and 9 replications. The three treatments were P1 (commercial nutrition provision), P2
(DEJUNGKIL nutrition provision), and P3 (combination of commercial and DEJUNGKIL nutrition
provision) with 50 commercial nutrition : 50 DEJUNGKIL nutrition ratio. Provision of DEJUNGKIL
nutrition and combination of commercial and DEJUNGKIL nutrition were conducted for one month and
data was collected on the 30
day (data includes eggs produced by the free-range chickens in one month).
The collected data was then analyzed using Analysis of Variant (ANOVA) test. The results showed real
difference between the production of free-range chicken eggs (P>0.01) provided with commercial nutrition
(P1), DEJUNGKIL nutrition (P2), and combination of commercial and DEJUNGKIL nutrition (P3). The
average number of free-range chicken egg production of P1 treatment was (8.888 ± 1.269); P2 (10.444 ±
1.509); P3 (9.444 ± 0.881) and the weight in P1 treatment is (2211 ± 124.3); P2 (2211 ± 124.3); P3 (2216 ±
71.93). From this research, it can be concluded that DEJUNGKIL nutrition can increase of egg productivity
of free-range chicken compared to commercial nutrition or combination of commercial nutrition and
DEJUNGKIL nutrition.
Free-range chickens are local breed of chickens in
Indonesia with large variable performance and
genetics, and its potential should be developed to
enhance community nutrition and increase family
income (Zakaria, 2004
). The demand for free-
range chicken is increasing year by year (Bakrie et
al., 2003); there was an increase by 4.5% during
2001-2005 and free-range chicken consumption
increased from 1.49 tons to 1.52 tons during 2005-
2009. Meanwhile, the production of free-range
chicken with traditional maintenance ranges only
between 40-45 eggs/head/year (Sulandari et al.,
2007). Given this situation, it is apparent that
traditional maintenance to agribusiness transition in
order to increase population, production,
productivity, and efficiency of free-range livestock
business needs development (Zakaria, 2004
Various attempts have been conducted in this
development, and semi-intensive and intensive free-
range chicken development with quality feed as well
as prevention from and control of disease, especially
tetelo (ND), worm disease, and lice were considered
quite profitable (Usman, 2007). Furthermore,
improvement on maintenance governance from
traditional to intensive could increase hatchability to
80%, egg-laying frequency to 7 times/year, and
decrease dmortality to 19% (Sartika, 2005).
On the other hand, there were some problems in
free-range chicken among other micro businesses
(mother hen ownership of less than 10 heads), such
as low egg production ranging between 30-40
eggs/year, slow growth, high mortality from ND
Djazuli, P. and Mudji, E.
DEJUNGKIL (Bran, Corn, Meal) as Nutritional Formula for Free-Range Chicken (Gallus Domesticus) Egg Production Increase.
DOI: 10.5220/0007547906040607
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 604-607
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
disease, high-priced feed, and individual business
with traditional maintenance (Sapuri, 2006). Even
so, some experts believed that free-range chicken
productivity could be increased through feed
improvement and genetic quality enhancement
(Setioko and Iskandar, 2005).
In this study, 27 free-range hens age 18-20 weeks,
DEJUNGKIL (Bran, Corn, Meal) feed and
commercial feeds for free-range chicken were used.
The type of this research was experimental, as in
conducting direct observation on the number of eggs
produced by free-range chickens provided with
commercial and DEJUNGKIL (bran, corn, meal)
Free-range chickens were divided into three
groups of treatment in kandang postal (chicken
coop/run). In treatment I, 9 hens were fed with
commercial feed. In treatment II, 9 hens were fed
with DEJUNGKIL (bran, corn, meal) with the ratio
of 5 : 3 : 2, and in treatment III, 9 hens were fed with
a combination of DEJUNGKIL and commercial
feed. The hens were raised for one month, and the
count for the number of eggs started from the first
day the hens laid eggs to the time they showed
indications of incubation or started incubating their
eggs. Meanwhile, the weight was calculated after
one week of new feed adaptation process by
weighing the hens every week for a month.
Analysis of comparative data of egg production
and weight of free-range chicken (Gallus
domesticus) was conducted by using ANOVA. F
value F statistics 0.05, therefore the analysis was
continued to BNT test 0.05.
Table 1: Average and standard deviation of free-range
chicken egg production number one month (30 days).
Number of Eggs Average ± SD
8.888 ± 1.269
10.444 ± 1.509
9.444 ± 0.881
Note: The different superscript letters in the same
column show real difference (P<0.01).
Table 2: Average and standard deviation of free-range
chicken weight in one month.
Average of Weight (gram) ± SD
2211 ± 124.3
2238 ± 96.78
2216 ± 71.93
Ration has a significant role in chicken reproduction
and egg production processes. The lack of certain
substances in rations leads to a defect and failed
production and reproduction. Layer rations should
contain high protein and mineral as needed.
Sufficient mineral content in rations is essential in
the physiological processes of poultry. One of the
must-have minerals in rations is calcium. Mineral is
one of the nutrients needed by poultry. It has various
types, such as Ca, P, Mg, Al, and Na. Poultry
animals need all of those minerals, but layer hens
need calcium the most as it is the main mineral in
egg production process (Underwood, 2001).
Calcium, when provided as needed in every period,
has a positive impact on egg production (Ahmad et
al., 2003). Eggshell calcification starts before egg
enters the uterus, namely in isthmus area. A small
batch of calcium is seen on the outer side of the shell
membrane before the egg leaves the isthmus.
Reproduction canal does not store calcium and
approximately 20% of calcium in blood is
transferred to uterus (Hafez et al., 2000). Vitamin D
increases absorption in intestinal mucosa by
stimulating production of (CaBP), a calcium-binding
protein (Wahyu, 1997).
The calcium content in DEJUNGKIL,
comprising of bran, corn, and soyabean meal, is:
0.1% of bran (Hartadi et al.,1997), 21% of corn
(Amrullah, 2003), and 0.32% of soya bean meal
(National Research Council, 1994). As for the
calcium content value of the mixture, all of the
components mentioned above are mixed in 5 : 3 : 2
ratio in a total weight of 10 kg (Komala, 2008).
Calculation of calcium content in the artificial
feed made out of bran, corn, and soya bean meal
with the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2 was bran (5 : 10 x 0.1 =
0.05%), corn (3 : 10 x 21 = 6.3%), and soya bean
meal (2 : 10 x 0.32 = 0.064%). Therefore, the total
calcium content in the feed per 10 kg was 0.05 + 6.3
+ 0.064 = 6.414%. Calculation of calcium content in
the mixed feed consisting of 50% commercial feed
and 50% artificial feed was (calcium value of
commercial feed : 2) + (calcium value of artificial
feed : 2) = total calcium content (2 : 2) + (6.414 : 2)
DEJUNGKIL (Bran, Corn, Meal) as Nutritional Formula for Free-Range Chicken (Gallus Domesticus) Egg Production Increase
= 1 + 3.207 = 4.207%. The calcium content of
commercial feed was 2% per 10 kg.
Provision of commercial feed, DEJUNGKIL
feed, and combination of commercial and
DEJUNGKIL feed made no real difference to the
weight of free-range chicken. The nutritional needs
of 18-20-week old free-range chickens are 2400 kcal
of energy, 17% of protein, 1.00% of calcium, 0.40%
of phosphor, 0.21% of methionin, and 0.45% of
lysine (Nawawi and Nurrohmah, 2002). Protein is
the main component of poultry’s body tissue,
covering a range of 18-30% of the body. Each type
of poultry needs different level of protein, and even
those who belong to the same species have different
needs of protein. Chickens need approximately 16-
18% protein out of the feed’s total weight (Tillman
et al., 1991). Protein as a builder substance works to
fix tissue damage or shrinkage (perbaternak and
tissue maintenance) and in order to build new tissues
(growth and protein production), protein can be
catabolized into energy source or as substrate
constituent for carbohydrate and fat tissue. Protein is
also needed as constituent of hormones, enzymes
and other essential biological substances such as
antibody and hemoglobin (Scott et al., 1982).
Protein is acid-forming food. Hence, excessive
protein intake increases the body’s acidity level,
particularly in blood and tissues. This condition is
called acidosis, with indigestion as its early
symptom (Suprapto et al., 2005).
The protein content in commercial feed was 14%
per 10 kg. Protein content in DEJUNGKIL feed:
bran 11.9% (Hartadi et al.,1997), corn 9.5%
(Amrullah, 2003), and soyabean meal 43.8%
(National Research Council, 1994).
Calculation of protein content in DEJUNGKIL
feed consisting of bran, corn, and soya bean meal
with the ratio of 5 : 3 : 2 was bran (5 : 10 x 11.9 =
5.95%), corn (3 : 10 x 9.5 = 2.85%), and soya bean
meal (2 : 10 x 43.8 = 8.76%). Therefore, the total
protein content in DEJUNGKIL feed per 10 kg was
5.95 + 2.85 + 8.76 = 17.56%. Calculation of protein
content in the mixed feed consisting of 50%
commercial feed and 50% DEJUNGKIL feed was
(protein value of commercial feed : 2) + (protein
value of artificial feed : 2) = total protein content (14
: 2) + (17.56 : 2) = 7 + 8.78 = 15.78%.
Provision of commercial feed, DEJUNGKIL
feed, and a combination of commercial and
DEJUNGKIL feed were ineffective in increasing
free-range chickens’ weight due to the lack of real
distinction among treatments. It is because the free-
range chickens were not in their growth age and
their genetics had slower growth compared to that of
purebred or broiler chicken, which led to
unsatisfactory weight increase.
Chickens fed with DEJUNGKIL feed (bran, corn,
and meal) yields higher number of eggs in
production compared to chickens provided with
commercial feed and a combination of 50%
commercial feed and 50% DEJUNGKIL feed.
DEJUNGKIL feed (bran, corn, and meal) and a
combination of 50% commercial feed and 50%
DEJUNGKIL feed have no impact on free-range
chickens’ weight due to several factors such as age
and genetics.
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DEJUNGKIL (Bran, Corn, Meal) as Nutritional Formula for Free-Range Chicken (Gallus Domesticus) Egg Production Increase