A Simplification of Industrial Relation Dispute Solution to Improve
the Nation’s Competitiveness
Lanny Ramli
Department of Administrati Law,Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Competitiveness, Dispute, Improvement, Industrial Relation, Simplification.
Abstract: Indonesia as a country has been dealing with a huge number of work force for decades. The number of
worker population that raise to 6.13 million and unemployed down to 0.28 percent per February 2017
comparing to August 2016 are the recent situation the government has to deal with. The total labor market
in February 2017 is 131.55 million but the working population in Indonesia per 2017 is as much as 124.54
million people with 38.08 percent of them reported as workers. At present, Indonesia participates in
ASEAN Economic Society. The ASEAN Economic Community is an integration in facing the free
international trade that occurs among ASEAN countries to realize the ASEAN insight in 2020. ASEAN
Economic Community system gives us a lot of benefits. On the other hand, ASEAN Economic Community
also have negative impacts for Indonesia. The way to avoid the negative impacts of the ASEAN Economic
Community is by improving the human and industrial resources in Indonesia. With the large number of
workers nowadays and the participation of Indonesia in the ASEAN Economic Community might lead into
many problems in the work worldwide between workers and employers. The problems between workers and
employers are resolved in a long time and long way which gives a loss to workers. For the settlement of
industrial relations disputes based on Law Number 2 Year 2004 on Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement.
In solving the dispute we could took a long way, such as: (1) Bipartite negotiations; (2) Settlement industrial
relation dispute in man power officers; (3) The party or parties could choose for the conciliation or
arbitration, if there is no choice, could by mediation; (4) If the mediation fails then it will resolve through an
industrial relations court. Completion with long time (duration) and long stages might cause worryness of
investors who will invest in industrial sector in Indonesia. It will considered as an indicator of the
government's failure to regulate the employment situation in Indonesia. Therefore a simpler, efficient and
quicker solution is needed. The state of problem: Determining a simpler, effective and quicker model of
resolution in industrial relations problem for state innovation competition.
Every human being needs a job to fulfil their needs.
(Ramli,2008) that makes them have the same right to
get a job. This is the implementation from Human
Rights (Baut, 1988) that set forth points in the
Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (Brownlie,
Article 1 Everyone is born independent and has
the same dignity and rights
Article 2 Everyone has the right for freedoms
with no exceptions whatsoever, such as nationality,
color, sex, language, religion, politics or other
opinion, national or community origin, property,
birth or any other position
Article 3 Everyone is entitled to the livelihood,
liberty and salvation of a person
In order to meet the daily needs, not everyone
can be a master for himself. Many people have to
work for others. People who work for other people
are called workers or employee and people who give
jobs are called employers. Workers and employers
are the two parties who have different interests
which might lead into a conflict. The resolution of
the conflict does not only involve both parties but
also the government and its policies. (Jeffrey, 2013)
With a good and wise solution, our country, based
on its economic growth, is expected to be a
competitive country.
Ramli, L.
A Simplification of Industrial Relation Dispute Solution to Improve the Nationâ
Zs Competitiveness.
DOI: 10.5220/0007548206220626
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 622-626
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
This method used in this research is the purposive
random sampling.
Research Subject: The subjects of study are the
workers, the employers, labour department officer in
Surabaya. Mojokerto, Pasuruan and Sidoarjo.
Settings: PIER (Pasuruan Industrial Estate
Rembang), SIER (Surabaya Industrial Estate
Rungkut), Ngoro Industrial Park (Mojokerto), SiRIE
(Sidoarjo Rangkah Industrial Estate).
Procedures: The study uses in depth interview,
questionnaire, and literature research. Some
questions are stated on questionnaire papers.
About: the matter of dispute, how to solve the
problem (by personal or involving a worker union
and how to solve it) and what the result.
Data Collection: The data will be collected from
questionnaires and in depth interviews to determine
the best and simple solution for all parties.
2.1 Research Tools
The matter of dispute, how to solve the problem
(settlement between worker and employer or settled
by labor department officer) and the result. This
questionnaire is compiled for the matter of dispute,
how to solve the problem and what’s the result. It
was a self-made questionnaire containing
information on sex of worker, education, the kind of
dispute and the model of resolution.
2.2 Research Conducting Method
At first, we elaborate about industrial relation
dispute among the worker and employer. Analyse
the problem and the ways to solve it ( by themselves,
by the labor department officer or until the court
In this research, data analysis was not performed
by statistic form or statistic model but by analysing
in sosio-legal model. The datas collected from some
workers and some factories in different places.
We use some questionare completed by in depth
The questionare for the workers contains of :
Employee tenure;
The status in the factory;
Number of problems occur in the factory;
Problems encountered;
How to solve the problem (by themselves, by
the labor department officer or until the court
The result?
The questionnaire for the employers contains of :
How long as an employer;
The status in the factory;
Number of problems occur in the factory;
Problems encountered;
How to solve the problem (by themselves, by
the labor department officer or through the
The result?
The questionnaire for the labor department
officer contains of :
Employee tenure;
Success level of problem solving;
Actions taken if problem solving fails;
Problems encountered.
2.3 Finding
2.3.1 Human Right and The Right for
Human rights are the basic rights that every human
being possesses because of his dignity as a human
being and not given by society or State but derived
from God Almighty. (d’Amato. 2007)
The Four Freedoms were goals articulated by
United States President Franklin D.Roosevelt on
Monday, January 6, 1941. In a address known as the
Four Freedoms speech, he proposed four
fundamental freedoms that people “everywhere in
the world” ought to enjoy:
Freedom of speech;
Freedom of worship;
Freedom from want;
Freedom from fear.
Additional kind of human freedom needed along
the growth of era’s development. People was free in
terms of expressing opinions, freedom of religion,
worship and belief, freedom of will, freedom from
fear now includes the freedom to earn income for
decent living for humanity. Workers and employers
need each other.
A Simplification of Industrial Relation Dispute Solution to Improve the Nationâ
Zs Competitiveness
Indonesia is ranked among the 11 highest
competitive countries in Asia Pacific, after
Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, New Zealand, China
Taipei, Australia, Malaysia, South Korea, China, and
Thailand. Indonesia is unable to compete with China
because of bureaucratic and political issues is the
assumption to be one of the main causes of high cost
economy. Indonesia's weaknesses in terms of
employment are (Aditya Warman, 2016)
Competence is low;
The quality of education is low;
Infrastructure that still have a lot to clean up;
Regid employment arrangements.
Many problems arise between workers and
employers because of two different points of view
and finally because neither side is willing to
succumb to causing a deadlock here and there so that
a strike is one option. Strike is one form of rejection.
To overcome individual and group resistance, Coch
and French Jr propose six tactics: (Dirjen, 2016)
Education and communication is to provide an
explanation of the background, purpose,
consequence of the holding of change;
Participate, invite all participate in making
decisions, the leader only as a facilitator of the
Provide ease and support;
Negotiations with resistant parties to change;
Manipulation and co-optation that covers the
actual conditions with more interesting,
spreading rumors and more;
Coercion, give threats and impose a penalty
that is resistant.
55% of the workforce in Indonesia consists of a
lower-level or low-educated workforce that is prone
to conflict. Conflict between workers and employers
causes Indonesia's investment attractiveness to
decline. Not all entrepreneurs understand well how
to manage risk management in industrial relations,
so their thought is about solving problems rather
than taking precautions. In such circumstances law
enforcement from the government as regulator is
inadequate so strike becomes the only way to solve
the problem and it is feared by investors.
In this research note that in working relationship
between workers and entrepreneurs prone to conflict
with a different point of view. Due to the lack of
understanding of which conflict management is
better preventing than resolving conflicts, there are
strikes. This strike is feared by investors.
2.3.2 Dispute Resolution Model for State
Innovation Competition
The third generation of human rights interconnect
and conceptualize the value demands relating to the
previous two generations of human rights. There are
6 (six) human rights demanded. The rights are:
The right to self-determination in the political,
economic, social and cultural fields;
The right to economic and social
The right to participate and utilize the
"common heritage of mankind" (shared space-
space resources, scientific and technical
information and progress, and cultural
traditions, locations and monuments);
The right to peace;
The right to a healthy and balanced
The right to natural disaster relief.
The definition of rights is not also defined, but a
core contained in the right, ie the existence of a
claim, that speaks of our right to imagine that there
is a "claim" and in relation to the legal protection for
the people imagined a "claim" from the people: and
in this case Louis Henkin in his article entitled The
Rights of Man Today, says: (Hadjon, 2007)
“...human rights are claims asserted recognized
“as of right”, not claim upon love, or grace, or
brotherhood or charity : one does not have to earn
or deserve them. They are not merely aspirations or
moral assertions but, increasingly, legal claims
under some applicable law.”
Concerning to the existence of conflicts by
defending their respective rights, employers and
workers should recognize the root causes and
challenges facing the Indonesian economy and
explore and establish a framework for genuine and
active social partnerships to support industrial
tranquility and revitalize existing sectors.
Several stages in the settlement of the dispute make
Indonesia classified as a country that has weak
competitiveness in the industrial sector
. The Stages applied so far based on Law
Number 13 Year 2003 and Law Number 2 Year
2004 are as follows:
 Bipartit;
 Tripartite;
 Mediation;
Industrial Relations Court.
Before make a process at Industrial Relation
Court, the worker prefer to choose the strikes.
According the worker, strikes are the last effort after
struggling over non-fulfillment of rights or disputes
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
takes place. The ideal and detail ways in handling
problems occured in companies based on Act No. 2
of 2004 on Industrial Relations Dispute Settlement
Act are:
1.Completed bipartite settlement between
workers and employers
2.If the dispute could not be completed at the
company level, then resolved through employees in
the local manpower office
3.If the dispute still could not be resolved by
employees in the labor service then the parties are
asked to choose arbitration or conciliation settlement
4.If the parties do not choose for arbitration or
conciliation then this dispute shall be settled through
mediation in accordance with applicable law.
5.If the agreement has not reached, the dispute
should be settled through the industrial relations
Finally, they need a quick and effective solution
before taking it to the court and conducting a strike
to reach the quick solution. But the result might not
be uncertain. They could both fail and success as
From this research, another reason why the
workers need a different solution to solve the
problem by out of court is, according the workers,
the solution based on regulation takes a long time
and rigid. Solution by law through the court makes
the parties become rivals. As their dispute solutions,
the workers want the flexible management to fulfill
their need. On the other hand, according the
employer, solution through the court decision gives
benefit and certainty for them.
According the union worker, many cases are
solved through the court decision and It’s more
satisfying for the union. Unfortunately, not all
workers joint with the union.
If both parties don’t get a solution or agreement
for the dispute, the strike will be the “final solution”
to conduct. To minimize the industrial relations
disputes and strikes, both parties should build an
effective communication. The next revolution in
technology is going to be much more about focusing
on the human dimension, making technology easier
for people to use. Usually, strike action (which is the
total withdrawal of labour) results in a fundamental
breach of an employment contract. (Barrow,2016)
Strike is a basic right of workers as a reflection of
the Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia 1945
Article 28 E Paragraph (3): Everyone has the right to
freedom of association, assembly and expression.
Thus the Constitution provides guarantees for
expressing opinions including strikes (Aditya
Warman, 2016)
In research many parties want the abolition of
the Industrial Relations Court because it makes the
longer the process of industrial relations settlement.
With a harmonious relationship between the parties
raises the following implications:
Recognize and respect their basic rights and
interests in accordance with the laws and
regulations of the Republic of Indonesia and
the ILO Conventions;
Receive a meeting point or conflict of interest
between workers and employers. The efforts
of both parties as far as possible accommodate
or accommodate their respective interests. In
order to maintain harmony of relationships
also need to have a conflict resolution that
occurs in a way that benefits both sides;
Increate close cooperation to develop trust and
capacity building mechanisms and foster an
environment that supports these principles and
The settlement dispute give some ways for the
solution. Therefore a simpler, efficient and quicker
solution is needed. Situation and condition that are
not expected can occur, such as:
a. Strike
b. Lock out
c. Anarchy
d. Damage
e. Lossing
f. Termination
g. Unemployment
All situations above make the industrial relation
not conducive. The topics of disagreement that
caused to the strike are:
1.collective labor agreement
2.review the labor law
3. Industrial relationship
5. Payment or salary
Until now strike usually choosen despite the
strike not reflection the deadlock.
The points could led to the failure of the
negotiations that could be strike, among others:
1.Lack of awareness attitude from the mediator
2.Lack of openness from the parties
3.The Mediator only focus on suggestions
4.The Mediator is not competent to solve the
5.There have no minimum standards of mediation
A Simplification of Industrial Relation Dispute Solution to Improve the Nationâ
Zs Competitiveness
For further, we should arising again the
awareness for good solution with local wisdom like:
“musyawarah untuk mufakat” as the good choice for
innovation problem solving.
By using the local wisdom means we build the
gate of peace in industrial relationship
Difficult settlement between workers and
mployers caused by the complexity of the way
handling disputes. This led to a decrease in investor
We need to simplify the process of industrial
relations disputes by cutting the length and
complexity of the process of obtaining justice. The
pruning lies in the elimination of the settlement
process in court. This is indispensable because to
support the state competition in the economy by
minimizing the prolonged labor conflict.To make
simple the process, we must avoid industrial court
process. It’s enough by bipartite, tripartite,mediation
but if mediation fail, they could go to court as the
cases in normally, not special court in industrial
court. This condition could support the nation
Barrow, Charles, 2016. Industrial Relation Law,
Cavendish, London
Brand Jeffrey, 2013.Philosophy of Law, Bloomsbury,
D’Amato Anthony, 2007. Analytic Jurisprudence
Anthology,Anderson Publishing, Ohio.
Baut, S., Paul., Harman, Beny, K., 1998. Universal
Declaration of Human Rights Yayasan LBHI, Jakarta.
Brownlie, Ian. 1993. Universal Declaration of Human
Rights disebut sebagai Deklarasi Sedunia Tentang Hak
Hak Asasi Manusia. Dokumen Dokumen Pokok
Mengenai Hak Asasi Manusia. UI Press, Jakarta.
Hadjon, M., Philipus. 2007. Perlindungan Hukum Bagi
Rakyat. Peradaban, Jakarta.
Ramli, Lanny. 2008. Hukum Ketenagakerjaan di
Indonesia, Airlangga University Press, Surabaya.
Warman , Muhammad, Aditya. 2016. Dispute Resolution,
Pusat Studio Apindo, Jakarta.
Dirjen Hubungan Industrial. 2016. Ketrampilan
Bernegosiasi dalam Hubungan Industrial, Jakarta.
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School