Indonesia is ranked among the 11 highest
competitive countries in Asia Pacific, after
Singapore, Japan, Hong Kong, New Zealand, China
Taipei, Australia, Malaysia, South Korea, China, and
Thailand. Indonesia is unable to compete with China
because of bureaucratic and political issues is the
assumption to be one of the main causes of high cost
economy. Indonesia's weaknesses in terms of
employment are (Aditya Warman, 2016)
Competence is low;
The quality of education is low;
Infrastructure that still have a lot to clean up;
Regid employment arrangements.
Many problems arise between workers and
employers because of two different points of view
and finally because neither side is willing to
succumb to causing a deadlock here and there so that
a strike is one option. Strike is one form of rejection.
To overcome individual and group resistance, Coch
and French Jr propose six tactics: (Dirjen, 2016)
Education and communication is to provide an
explanation of the background, purpose,
consequence of the holding of change;
Participate, invite all participate in making
decisions, the leader only as a facilitator of the
Provide ease and support;
Negotiations with resistant parties to change;
Manipulation and co-optation that covers the
actual conditions with more interesting,
spreading rumors and more;
Coercion, give threats and impose a penalty
that is resistant.
55% of the workforce in Indonesia consists of a
lower-level or low-educated workforce that is prone
to conflict. Conflict between workers and employers
causes Indonesia's investment attractiveness to
decline. Not all entrepreneurs understand well how
to manage risk management in industrial relations,
so their thought is about solving problems rather
than taking precautions. In such circumstances law
enforcement from the government as regulator is
inadequate so strike becomes the only way to solve
the problem and it is feared by investors.
In this research note that in working relationship
between workers and entrepreneurs prone to conflict
with a different point of view. Due to the lack of
understanding of which conflict management is
better preventing than resolving conflicts, there are
strikes. This strike is feared by investors.
2.3.2 Dispute Resolution Model for State
Innovation Competition
The third generation of human rights interconnect
and conceptualize the value demands relating to the
previous two generations of human rights. There are
6 (six) human rights demanded. The rights are:
The right to self-determination in the political,
economic, social and cultural fields;
The right to economic and social
The right to participate and utilize the
"common heritage of mankind" (shared space-
space resources, scientific and technical
information and progress, and cultural
traditions, locations and monuments);
The right to peace;
The right to a healthy and balanced
The right to natural disaster relief.
The definition of rights is not also defined, but a
core contained in the right, ie the existence of a
claim, that speaks of our right to imagine that there
is a "claim" and in relation to the legal protection for
the people imagined a "claim" from the people: and
in this case Louis Henkin in his article entitled The
Rights of Man Today, says: (Hadjon, 2007)
“...human rights are claims asserted recognized
“as of right”, not claim upon love, or grace, or
brotherhood or charity : one does not have to earn
or deserve them. They are not merely aspirations or
moral assertions but, increasingly, legal claims
under some applicable law.”
Concerning to the existence of conflicts by
defending their respective rights, employers and
workers should recognize the root causes and
challenges facing the Indonesian economy and
explore and establish a framework for genuine and
active social partnerships to support industrial
tranquility and revitalize existing sectors.
Several stages in the settlement of the dispute make
Indonesia classified as a country that has weak
competitiveness in the industrial sector
. The Stages applied so far based on Law
Number 13 Year 2003 and Law Number 2 Year
2004 are as follows:
Industrial Relations Court.
Before make a process at Industrial Relation
Court, the worker prefer to choose the strikes.
According the worker, strikes are the last effort after
struggling over non-fulfillment of rights or disputes