regarding the right to inheritance do not apply to
them. Adultery and discordant children will only get
a living right that is measured based on the ability of
the father or mother and his legal heirs according to
the law (Ismawati, 2015). Unmarried children that
can be recognized are based on Article 272 BW,
namely: "An extramarital child who can be
recognized is a child born to a mother but who is not
seeded by a man who is in a legal marriage with the
child's mother", and not including groups of
adulterous children and discordant children
(Youdhea, 2017).
3.3 Inheritance from the viewpoint of
Islamic Law
According to the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI),
article 99, the scholars agree that: There is no right
of inheritance between his biological father and the
child. The child has only legitimate relationship
(nasab) and can inherit from the mother. His
biological father is not entitled to be a guardian
because the child was born due to adultery
(Purbasari, 2017). If a child is born of a woman,
called her biological mother, due to an act of
adultery with a man, also called biological father,
then the law cuts off this child’s descent relationship
with his father. However, the descent relationship of
the child with her mother remains. Thus, this means
that the adulterous child does not inherit and receive
inheritance with the biological father, but he or she
still has inheritance relationship with the mother and
only mother’s family. Thus, if the father dies, the
adulterous child will not be included in the list of
heirs. Similarly, his biological father does not
become the heir of the adultery child if the
adulterous child dies (Achmad Yani, 2016).
3.4 Review of Decisions of the
Constitutional Court No. 46 / PUU-
VIII / 2010 from the Perspective of
Adat, Burgerlijk Wetboek (BW)
and Islamic Laws
As a country with the biggest Muslim population,
the position of a Muslim in Indonesia cannot be
separated from the religious rules that apply to every
Muslim individual. These rules are the guidelines for
life in this world to the hereafter, especially for a law
enforcer. They must weigh and give justice to the
people, not only Muslims, but also other religious
communities. In 2012, an atmosphere of tension
marked the history of marriage law in Indonesia
over the decision of the Constitutional Court of the
Republic of Indonesia concerning the inheritance
rights of children outside marriage. Based on the
decision of the Constitutional Court No. 46 / PUU-
VIII / 2010, article 43 paragraph 1 of Law No. 1 of
1974 concerning marriage which states that, "Child
born outside of marriage only have a civil
relationship with their mother and family, and with a
man as his father that can be proven based on
science and technology or other evidences that
according to the law can clarify a blood relationship,
including civil relations with his father's family".
Based on the above provisions, biological rights
of child such as inheritance rights and others can be
recognized constitutionally. The birth of the
Constitutional Court's decision on the position of the
biological child raises various problems in
Indonesia, both normative and social issue.
Normatively, Constitutional Court ruling No. 46 /
PUU-VIII / 2010 dated February 17, 2012 has
deconstructed sacred principles in the order of
marriage laws such as Article 43 paragraph 1 of Law
No. 1 of 1974 concerning marriage. The position of
the child in article 43 paragraph 1 UUP which
incidentally is an extraction that is built from
classical Fiqh values from time to time. These
values are destroyed by the appearance of the
Constitutional Court's decision (Bahruddin, 2014).
This Constitutional Court decision has brought a
new paradigm in the system of civil law and family
law, especially in Indonesia. The submission of the
judicial review was outlined in the Constitutional
Court Decision No. 46 / PUU-VIII / 2010 with the
pronunciation date of February 17, 2012. However,
the decision has a lot of controversy with pros and
cons. Some opinions state that the decision will
provide a legal change in the effort to protect
children's rights. While other opinions in some
communities identified that, the decision of the
Constitutional Court will rise new problems. It
disturbs the order of life for Muslims and affect the
Islamic law concerning of inheritance in the country.
To some extent, the majority of the communities
stated that the decision of the Constitutional Court
had legalized adultery in Indonesia (Pahlefi, 2015).
Based on the provisions of Law Number 1 of 1974
concerning Marriage, it has been stated that marital
relations that are not in accordance with Article 2
paragraph (1) and paragraph (2) are illegal marriages
and have legal consequences. The legal
consequences is in accordance with Article 43
paragraph (1) Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning
Marriage which states, "Children born outside of