4.1 Job Motivation
According to Uno, motivation is the driving force in
a person to perform certain activities in order to
achieve certain goals. This means that motivation is
the impetus in a person to try to make changes in
behavior better in meeting their needs (Uno, 2007).
According to Luthans (2005), motivation is a
process that starts with a physiological or
psychological deficiency or need that activates a
goal or incentive.
Robbins (2007) reveals that motivation is the
result of the interaction of individuals and situations,
which in the sense of motivation is a process that
produces an intensity, direction, and perseverance of
individuals in an attempt to achieve a goal (Robbins,
2007). Herzberg (2009) said that people in doing
their activities are influenced by two factors that
affect one's performance in an organization, namely
Hygiene Factor and Motivation Factor. Hygiene
factors include: Company policy and administration;
Supervisor; Benefits; Interpersonal relationship;
Status; Job security; Working condition. While
Motivation factor, among others: Achievement;
Recognition; Responsbility; Growth or possibility of
growth; The work itself.
4.2 Librarian
Librarian according to the decision of the Head of
National Library of Indonesia Number 10 Year 2004
regarding to technical guidance of functional
position of librarian is Civil Servant assigned,
responsibility, and authority to conduct librarian
activity in library units, documentation, and
information in government institution and other
certain unit. Based on the Decree of the Minister of
Empowerment and State Apparatus No.
132/M.PAN/12/2002 states that librarians are
functional officers domiciled as implementers of
librarian main tasks in libraries, documentation and
information units at government agencies
(Djuwarnik, 2006).
Librarians who perform the activities of the
library by providing services to the community in
accordance with the task of Its parent institution
based on the knowledge, documentation, and
information It has through education (Hermawan
and Zen, 2006). Librarian is someone who has a job
in several fields, among others: 1.) Organizing and
utilizing the collection of library materials or sources
of information; 2.) Socialization of librariy,
documentation, and information; 3.) Assessment and
development of library, documentation, and
information; 4.) Professional development
(Soetminah, 2000).
Based on the data contained in the staffing of
Universitas Airlangga Library has mentioned data
about the number of librarians and administration
staff. The librarian is a person who has competence
obtained through education and training to carry out
librarian management and has the duty and
responsibility to carry out the management and
service library (Law no. 43 of 2007). Therefore, the
researcher uses the data guidance to determine the
amount of sample that is the librarians and
administrative staff taken in this research spread in
Universitas Airlangga Library.
4.3 Administration Staff
A worker or an employee is any person who is
capable of doing work both within and outside the
employment relationship to produce goods or
services to meet the needs of the community (Article
1 of Law no. 14 of 1969). Library employees other
than librarians here interpreted as an administration
staff, which is a person working in the library
operationally that helps the librarian work actively in
providing optimal service to users in meeting their
needs in accordance with the capacity of tasks and
jobs provided.
Some tasks that are the responsibility of
administration staff, among others: 1.) Record the
entry of books and library collections; 2.) Sanction
penalties to users who are late or damaged; 3.)
Compile, organize, and re-group books or
collections of library that have been borrowed to the
bookshelves or place as before; 4.) Inventory of
books and collections, insert new book titles and
collections into inventory books and numbering of
collections; 5.) Report the number of books and
collections borrowed, returned, or lost and damaged
to the Head of the Library; 6.) Making financial
statements to Assistant Director of Finance known to
the Head of Library; 7.) Provide the best service to
the user (Djuwarnik, 2005).
The method of this research is comparative
quantitative. Comparative quantitative method is
used to explain a differentiation of one variable (job
motivation) and to test the hypothesis in research
used statistic technical analysis (Sugiyono, 2007).