Perception and Feasibility Study toward Mini Vocational School
under the Islamic Boarding School in East Java
Bagus Oktafian Abrianto
, Dimas Agung Trisliatanto
and Suparto Wijoyo
Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga, Campus B Jl. Dharmawangsa Dalam Selatan Surabaya, Indonesia
Master Program Study of Human Resource Development, Postgraduate School of Universitas Airlangga, Campus B. Jl.
Airlangga No. 4-6 Surabaya, Indonesia
Faculty of Law, Universitas Airlangga, Campus B Jl. Dharmawangsa Dalam Selatan Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: Mini Vocational School, Perception, Eligibility Study.
Abstract: Improving the quality of human resources is the attention of all parties, especially in the atmosphere of
multidimensional crisis that occurs today, the community needs the support of various parties to face free
competition. The Mini Vocational Program from Education Department of East Java Province in 2014 is to
produce skilled work force and new business opportunity in facing era of ASEAN Economic Community
especially in East Java. There are several types of business vocational training in Mini Vocational School,
customized local potential, ranging from batik, convection, computer network engineering, processed
products, industry, machinery, and so on. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of
perception and feasibility toward the existence of Mini Vocational School under the Islamic Boarding
School in East Java and to know what factors of both perceptual variable and feasibility variable that can
influence to the existence of Mini Vocational School. This research method used explanatory survey that
found the description and relationships between two variables. In this study, researchers took the population
of students (100 people), community (20 people) and users (2 people) of Mini Vocational School with
purposive sampling and get 1098 people as respondents. This study used the classical assumption test,
among others are: 1.) Multicolonierity Test; 2.) Heteroscedasticity Test; 3.) Autocorrelation Test; 4.)
Normality Data Test. In testing the hypothesis in this study used the t-test and Coefficient of Determination
). The results of analysis showed that the importance of Mini Vocational School presented in Islamic
Boarding in East Java is viewed from the perception and feasibility study for students who are also santri,
the community around, and users who use the services of Mini Vocational School to develop the potential
of human resources and promote the economic sector, industry sector, business sector, entrepreneurship
sector, and other sectors in East Java at the same time.
Vocational High School is one of the middle-level
formal education institutions which is a continuous
part of the national education system that occupies a
very important position to realize the intellectual life
of the nation. In the face of the era of
industrialization and free competition requires a
productive, effective, disciplined and responsible
labor so that they are able to fill, create, and expand
employment. In reality, however, graduates of
Vocational High School are only recognized by their
own schools and still lack the confidence of the
business world and the industrial world.
The old vocational education has a weakness that
is, the implementation of education unilaterally so
that students are left behind by the progress of the
business world industry, unclear competence
achieved, not recognize the skills obtained outside
the school (Sidi, 2001). This is revealed based on
unemployment data obtained from the Central
Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Indonesia.
No. 77/12 / Years XIII, December 1, 2010 On Labor
Conditions In August 2010 Based on the Highest
Education Arrested with the total number of
unemployed 108.21 million people; (1) primary
education level below 54.51 million people
(50.09%); (2) Junior High School (SMP) 20.63
million people (19.06%); (3) Senior High School
Oktafian Abrianto, B., Agung Trisliatanto, D. and Wijoyo, S.
Perception and Feasibility Study toward Mini Vocational School under the Islamic Boarding School in East Java.
DOI: 10.5220/0007550707460752
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 746-752
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
15.92 million people (14.71%); (4) Vocational
School 8.88 million people (8.20%); (5) Diploma I /
II / III 3.02 million people (2.79%); and (6)
University 5.25 million people (4.85%) (BPS, 2014).
While the data in 2017 mentioned that the
Unemployment Open Rate in Indonesia amounted to
5.33 percent, this means that from 100 people labor
force in Indonesia, there are 5 peoples who enter the
category of unemployed (Central Bureau of
Statistics, 2014). The Central Bureau of Statistics
explained that the highest unemployment rate
according to the level of education is in secondary
education 7.94%. While those with low education
tend to be willing to accept any job, it can be seen
from the Open Unemployment Rate that the group
never attended school or never received a very low
school bench, which is 2.21%. This data proves the
still high unemployment rate according to the
highest education In Indonesia, including Vocational
High School graduate 8.88 million people (8.20%).
Unemployment Open Rate in East Java Province
is still at 4.21%, indicating that there are still 4
unemployed people in every 1000 people in East
Java (Yusuf, 2010). It should be noted also about the
trend that shows urban open unemployment rate is
higher when compared to rural unemployment rate.
The Central Bureau of Statistics (2014) notes that
the trend is taking place since 2015 where urban
open unemployment rate is 4.89% while rural
3.66%, while in 2016 where urban open
unemployment rate is 4.89% while rural 3.40%,
while in 2017 where urban unemployment rate is
5.65% while rural is 2.54%.
In addition, if based on educational status, the
Open Unemployment Rate is at most in the
population with Vocational High School education
due to incompatibility between Human Resource
development in education and labor market needs in
East Java. The ratio of entrepreneurs Indonesia is
only 3.1%, the situation is lower compared to other
countries such as Malaysia 5%, China 10%,
Singapore 7%, Japan 11% and the United States 12
% (Hudiyono, 2014). Although Indonesian
entrepreneurs are already above 2% as the minimum
limit of developed countries, but the need for
significant increase to compete with other countries.
In the process of learning in Mini Vocational
School of course there are many issues that need to
be addressed among others is the implementation of
Mini Vocational School under the Islamic boarding
program is still incidental and unstructured, when
given the material according to the education
program of the students have high motivation but
after the program ended the idea is less developed
and less can be understood further by the students
due to limited time because in addition to being a
student as a participant of Mini Vocational School,
students also become “santri” in the Islamic
boarding school which has duty and responsibility in
It. From these problems the need for special
identification related research about perception and
feasibility study toward Mini Vocational School
under the Islamic Boarding School in East Java
(Andayani, 2015).
Based on the background of the problem, It can be
formulated as follows:
1. Is there any influence of perception and
feasibility study toward the Mini Vocational
School under the Islamic Boarding School in
East Java ?
2. How are the factors about perception and
feasibility study toward the Mini Vocational
School under the Islamic Boarding School in
East Java ?
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence
of perception and feasibility toward the existence of
Mini Vocational School under the Islamic Boarding
School in East Java and to know what factors of
both perceptual variable and feasibility variable that
can give influence to the existence of Mini
Vocational School.
The benefit of this research is to give
contribution for the development of scientific study
on the representation of stakeholder population
(students, community, and user) related to Mini
Vocational School under the Islamic Boarding
School in East Java and to find various analysis
findings that can be reference and reference a
scientific study for the Education Department of
East Java Provincie to project the development
comprehensively and progress of the Mini
Vocational School relevantly.
Perception and Feasibility Study toward Mini Vocational School under the Islamic Boarding School in East Java
4.1 Education: Essences, Aims, and
Education is a conscious and planned effort to create
an atmosphere of learning and learning process so
that learners actively develop their potential to have
spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character, and also skills needed
himself, the community, develop all the potential of
the learners through the learning process (Law no.
20 of 2003 on National Education System in article
1). Education comes from on the basis of "educate"
which means to maintain and provide training. Both
of these require the existence of teachings, guidance,
and leadership about the intelligence of the mind.
The purpose of education is also referred to in
Law no. 20 of 2003 in article 3 that education aims
at the development of the potential of learners to
become human beings who believe and cautious to
God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable,
capable, creative, independent, and become citizens
of a democratic and responsible. The success of the
unity of the three components involves several
factors, among others: 1.) The educator component;
2.) Component of Student; 3.) Component
Implementation (Sidi, 2001).
4.2 Mini Vocational School
Vocational High School is one form of a education
formal unit that provides vocational education at
secondary education level as a continuation of Junior
High School, Madrasah Tsanawiyah, or other
equivalent form. Schools in education and
vocational type can be named Vocational High
School or Vocational Madrasah Aliyah, or other
similar forms.
The skills program implemented in Mini
Vocational School adjusts to the needs of the
existing workplace. The skills program at the Mini
Vocational School level also adjusts to community
and market demand. Vocational education is a
secondary education that prepares students
especially to be ready to work in a particular field.
Learners can choose areas of expertise that are of
interest in Mini Vocational Schools. The curriculum
of Mini Vocational School is made so that students
are ready to work directly in the world of work.
Their orientation is generally only in the delivery
of labor. Therefore, it is necessary to find a solution,
how education can play a role to change
entrepreneurial-human. Entrepreneurship needs to be
prepared "proactive" as early as possible by
boarding school through Mini Vocational School
program as one of the programs developed by the
education and culture office of East Java province.
4.3 Perception
Perception is one of the important psychological
aspects for humans in responding to the presence of
various aspects and symptoms around it. Perception
contains a very broad sense, concerning the internal
and external. Experts have given a diverse definition
of perception, although in principle it has the same
meaning. Perception is the ability of the brain in
translating the stimulus or the process to translate
the stimulus that goes into the human sense
apparatus (Judge, 2010).
Perception is a process of organizing,
interpreting the stimulus received by organisms or
individuals so that It becomes something
meaningful, and is an integrated activity within the
individual (Jalaludin, 2003). These factors make
individual perceptions different from each other and
will affect the individual in perceiving an object, the
stimulus, although the object is really the same. The
process of formation of perception is based on
several stages, namely: 1.) Stimulus; 2.)
Registration; 3.) Interpretation (Djatmiko, 2011).
4.4 Feasibility Study
Feasibility is the exertion or analysis of something
whether an activity is done has provided benefits or
results or not (Husnan dan Muhammad, 2000). The
feasibility study is an activity to assess the extent to
which benefits can be obtained in implementing a
business activity (Jalal and Supriadi, 2001). The
purpose of feasibility study, among others: 1.)
Avoiding the risk of loss; 2.) Ease of planning; 3.)
Facilitate the execution of the work. 4.) Facilitate
supervision; and 5.) Ease of control (Mantia, 2014).
The education feasibility study has several
aspects that need to be assessed, covering aspects of
legality, financial aspects, technical aspects of
education, education management aspects, economic
and social aspects, and environmental impact aspects
(Nurmalina, 2009). Educational feasibility assessed
based on financial aspects, technical aspects of
education, education management aspects, as well as
aspects of economic and social capacity.
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
This research used quantitative research approach
with explanative method. Explanative method is
used to explain a generalization and explain the
relationship of one variable with another variable so
that explanative research using samples and
hypotheses (Sugiyono, 2013), as follows:
:There is influence about perception (X
toward Mini Vocational School (Y) in East
Java Province
:There is influence about feasibility study (X
toward Mini Vocational School (Y) in East
Java Province
In this study, researchers took the population of
students (100 people), community (20 people) and
users (2 people) of Mini Vocational School with
purposive sampling and get 1098 people as
The locations are: 1.) SMK Baitur Rohmah
(Jombang); 2.) SMK Bustanul Falah (Banyuwangi);
3.) SMK Zainul Hasan Genggong (Probolinggo); 4.)
SMK An Nur Omben (Sampang); 5.) SMK Baitul
Atieq Brebek (Nganjuk); 6.) SMK NU 1 Bustanul
Ulum (Lamongan); 7.) SMK Plus Al Mujahidi
(Jember); 8.) SMK Wijaya Kusuma Dagangan
(Madiun); 9.) SMK Darussalamm Ketapang
This study used the classical assumption test,
among others: 1.) Multicolonierity Test; 2.)
Heteroscedasticity Test; 3.) Autocorrelation Test; 4.)
Normality Data Test. In testing the hypothesis in this
study using the t-test and Coefficient of
Determination (R
) (Sugiyono, 2013).
6.1 Characteristic of Respondence
Description of respondent's characteristic is an
explanation of 1098 respondents based on study
subject according to Table 1 below:
Table 1: Frequency distribution based on major study :
primary data, 2017.
Major Study Frequency
Major of Office
95 8,6
Major of Engineering 296 26,9
Major of Culinary
Art/Fashion Art
174 15,8
Major of Health 43 3,7
Major of Information and
222 20,1
Major of Management,
Marketing, and
96 8,7
Major of Hospitality 91 8,1
Others 80 7,2
Total 1098 100,0%
Based on table 2 shows that respondents from the
major of office administration are 95 people (8.6%),
respondents from the major of engineering are 296
people (26.9%), respondents from the major of
culinary art/fashion art are 174 people (15,8%),
respondents from the major of health are 43 people
(3.7%), respondents form the major of information
of telecommunication are 222 people (20.1%),
respondents from the major of management,
marketing and accounting are 96 people (8.7%),
respondents from the major of hospitality are 91
people (8.1%) respondents from the major of others
are 80 people (7.2%). The majority of respondents
come from engineering major.
6.2 Validity and Reliability
The result of validity shows some question
indicators on perception, feasibility study, and Mini
Vocational School are valid because the correlation
coefficient between item and total item (r
) is
bigger than r
value. Cronbach's Alpha value for
variables of perception, feasibility study, and Mini
Vocational School is greater than minimum
requirement that is 0,60 so that each variables are
stated reliable and can be used in research.
6.3 Classic Assumption Test:
Normality Test, Heteroscedasticity
Test, Multicolinierity Test,
Autocorrelation Test
In according with the stated in the study that the data
is said to be normally distributed when the data
distribution approaches a straight sloping straight
line. The following is the result of the normality data
test (P-Plot):
Perception and Feasibility Study toward Mini Vocational School under the Islamic Boarding School in East Java
Figure 1: The result of normality test with p-plot graphic :
primary data, 2017.
Based on Figure 1, the results of the test with the
plot of Normal P-P Plot of Standardized Residual for
both model 1 and model 2 indicate that the data
spreads closer to the straight oblique straight line,
and the data follows the groove to the upper right.
So it can be concluded that the graph shows the data
is normally distributed. Symptoms of
heteroscedasticity do not occur when the scatterplot
seen that the spots spread and did not form a certain
pattern clear. The following results of
heteroscesdasticity test (scatterplot):
Figure 2: The result of heteroscedasticity test with
scatterplot : primary data, 2017.
The result of assumption of heteroscesdasticity in
this study shows that the spots spread randomly
above and below zero on the Y axis and do not form
a certain clear pattern, so it can be concluded that
there is no problem of heteroscedasticity. In Table 2
below is the result of multicollinearity test:
Table 2: The result of multicolinierity test: primary data, 2017.
T Sig.
Collinearity Statistics
B Std. Error Beta Tolerance VIF
Constant 0,503 0,070 7,222 0,000
Perception (X
) 0,309 0,029 0,340 10,610 0,001 0,459 2,181
Feasibility (X
) 0,507 0,031 0,515 16,097 0,002 0,460 2,181
Regression model is not happen to
multicollinearity if tolerance value > 0,10 and VIF <
10. So It can be concluded that the independent
variable regression tested in this study was not
exposed to classic multicollinearity symptoms. The
following table 3 is the result of the autocorrelation
Table 3: The result of autocorrelation: primary data, 2017.
Model R R
Adjusted R
Std. Error of the Estimate Durbin-Watson
1 0,799 0,639 0,638 0,23226 2,011
The regression model has no autocorrelation
symptoms if the Durbin-Watson value is between -2
and +2. The autocorrelation test results show the
Durbin-Watson numbers in the above table is 2.011.
Durbin-Watson values in this regression are between
-2 and +2. So, it can be concluded that the regression
model used in this study there are no symptoms of
6.4 Regression Analysis and
Hypothesis Test
Multiple linear regression calculation with
dependent variable of Mini Vocational School,
independent variable of perception and feasibility
study have done that show the result of calculation,
according to table 4 as follows:
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
Table 4: The result of regression analysis: primary data,
Sig. t Conclusion
Constant 0,503 0,000
0,309 0,000 Significant
0,507 0,000 Significant
Dependent Variable: Mini Vocational School
Based on the results of data processing, the
regression results in this study is the regression
model has a constant value of 0,503. The variable of
perception has a constant value of 0.309 with a
significant value of 0.000. While the variable of
feasibility study has a constant value of 0,507 with a
significant value of 0.000. The coefficient of
determination (R
) 0,639 indicates that 63,9%
variable The Mini Vocational School can be
explained by independent variable used by
researcher, while the rest equal to 36,1% explained
by other variable do not used in this research.
In the calculation shows the constant of 0.503
and the perception variable has a regression
coefficient of 0.309 which means if the perception
value rises 1 unit of deviation then the existence of
Mini Vocational School will increase by 0.812 units
of deviation. The coefficient of perception variable
(X1) has positive regression coefficient. This
suggests that any increase in presence variables of
Mini Vocational School is due to an increase in
perception (X
). In the calculation also shows the
vaiable of feasibility study has a regression
coefficient of 0,507 which means if the value of
feasibility study rise 1 unit of deviation hence the
existence of Mini Vocational School will increase by
1.01 unit of deviation. The regression coefficient of
feasibility study variable (X
) has a positive
regression coefficient. This indicates that every
increase in the variable of Mini Vocational School is
due to the improvement of eligibility (X
This study has two hypotheses that have been
through a series of data collection and testing
process. The presentation of test results has been
described and the following is a summary of
hypothesis test results presented in table 5 below:
Table 5: The result of hypothesis test: primary data, 2017.
Hypothesis Description
= There is influence about
perception (X
) toward Mini
Vocational School (Y) in East Java
= There is influence about
feasibility study (X
) toward Mini
Vocational School (Y) in East Java
Based on data analysis quantitatively, the
researchers concludes that the results of this study
show that the influence of perception (X
) toward
Mini Vocational School (Y) in East Java is
significant, with a big influence of 0.309 so that
based on this result the first hypothesis about the
influence of perception (X
) toward Mini Vocational
School (Y) in East Java has proven. While the
influence of the feasibility study (X
) toward Mini
Vocational School (Y) in East Java is significant,
with a big influence 0.507 so based on this result the
second hypothesis about the influence of feasibility
study (X
) toward Mini Vocational School (Y) in
East Java has proven.
Understanding education is the process of
changing attitudes and behavior of a person or group
of people in an effort to mature humans through the
efforts of teaching and training (Chandra, 2009).
During this education is less attention to the growth
of attitudes, interests and entrepreneurial behaviors
of learners, both in school and professional
education (Hudiyono, 2016). The basic sequence in
the planning and implementation of education is the
education cycle consisting of the stages of planning,
identification, preparation and analysis of
assessment of implementation and evaluation
(Budiyono, 2009).
The results of analysis show that the importance
of Mini Vocational School presence in Islamic
Boarding in East Java is viewed from the perception
and feasibility study for students who are also santri,
the community around, and users who use the
services of Mini Vocational School to develop the
potential of human resources and promote the
economic sector, industry sector, business sector,
entrepreneurship sector, and other sectors in East
Java at the same time.
Perception and Feasibility Study toward Mini Vocational School under the Islamic Boarding School in East Java
The researcher always grateful thanks to Allah SWT
Almighty God because of His bless we can do and
finish this research obviously and relevantly. We
must say thanks to Education Department Office of
East Java Province, Mini Vocational School under
the Islamic Boarding, students, people, and users
that related to this research because they give
meaningful help and give many kinds of information
and data.
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ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School