4.1 Education: Essences, Aims, and
Education is a conscious and planned effort to create
an atmosphere of learning and learning process so
that learners actively develop their potential to have
spiritual power of religion, self-control, personality,
intelligence, noble character, and also skills needed
himself, the community, develop all the potential of
the learners through the learning process (Law no.
20 of 2003 on National Education System in article
1). Education comes from on the basis of "educate"
which means to maintain and provide training. Both
of these require the existence of teachings, guidance,
and leadership about the intelligence of the mind.
The purpose of education is also referred to in
Law no. 20 of 2003 in article 3 that education aims
at the development of the potential of learners to
become human beings who believe and cautious to
God Almighty, noble, healthy, knowledgeable,
capable, creative, independent, and become citizens
of a democratic and responsible. The success of the
unity of the three components involves several
factors, among others: 1.) The educator component;
2.) Component of Student; 3.) Component
Implementation (Sidi, 2001).
4.2 Mini Vocational School
Vocational High School is one form of a education
formal unit that provides vocational education at
secondary education level as a continuation of Junior
High School, Madrasah Tsanawiyah, or other
equivalent form. Schools in education and
vocational type can be named Vocational High
School or Vocational Madrasah Aliyah, or other
similar forms.
The skills program implemented in Mini
Vocational School adjusts to the needs of the
existing workplace. The skills program at the Mini
Vocational School level also adjusts to community
and market demand. Vocational education is a
secondary education that prepares students
especially to be ready to work in a particular field.
Learners can choose areas of expertise that are of
interest in Mini Vocational Schools. The curriculum
of Mini Vocational School is made so that students
are ready to work directly in the world of work.
Their orientation is generally only in the delivery
of labor. Therefore, it is necessary to find a solution,
how education can play a role to change
entrepreneurial-human. Entrepreneurship needs to be
prepared "proactive" as early as possible by
boarding school through Mini Vocational School
program as one of the programs developed by the
education and culture office of East Java province.
4.3 Perception
Perception is one of the important psychological
aspects for humans in responding to the presence of
various aspects and symptoms around it. Perception
contains a very broad sense, concerning the internal
and external. Experts have given a diverse definition
of perception, although in principle it has the same
meaning. Perception is the ability of the brain in
translating the stimulus or the process to translate
the stimulus that goes into the human sense
apparatus (Judge, 2010).
Perception is a process of organizing,
interpreting the stimulus received by organisms or
individuals so that It becomes something
meaningful, and is an integrated activity within the
individual (Jalaludin, 2003). These factors make
individual perceptions different from each other and
will affect the individual in perceiving an object, the
stimulus, although the object is really the same. The
process of formation of perception is based on
several stages, namely: 1.) Stimulus; 2.)
Registration; 3.) Interpretation (Djatmiko, 2011).
4.4 Feasibility Study
Feasibility is the exertion or analysis of something
whether an activity is done has provided benefits or
results or not (Husnan dan Muhammad, 2000). The
feasibility study is an activity to assess the extent to
which benefits can be obtained in implementing a
business activity (Jalal and Supriadi, 2001). The
purpose of feasibility study, among others: 1.)
Avoiding the risk of loss; 2.) Ease of planning; 3.)
Facilitate the execution of the work. 4.) Facilitate
supervision; and 5.) Ease of control (Mantia, 2014).
The education feasibility study has several
aspects that need to be assessed, covering aspects of
legality, financial aspects, technical aspects of
education, education management aspects, economic
and social aspects, and environmental impact aspects
(Nurmalina, 2009). Educational feasibility assessed
based on financial aspects, technical aspects of
education, education management aspects, as well as
aspects of economic and social capacity.