The Execution of the Collective Labour Agreement between the
Labour Union and the Management of "X" Hospital
Sumarjoko and M. Hadi Subhan
Department of Law Science and Development, Postgraduate School of Universitas Airlangga
Key words: Cooperative Agreement, Union Worker, Labour.
Abstract: The research was about the implementation of the collective labor agreement between the labour union and
management "X" Hospital. The research was conducted in “X” Hospital in Surabaya. The research method
used was the juridical empirical which observes the work of law in the society. The type of research used in
this study is a type of research that is descriptive in nature, namely research which is a problem-solving
procedure that is investigated by describing or describing the state of the subject or object at the present
time based on the facts that appear. The data used is primary data, namely data obtained directly from the
field, as well as secondary data in the form of data from books, literature, regulations and others. Data
analysis used is qualitative analysis. The data used were primary, which collected directly by conducting
interviews. The focus of this paper is how to implement work agreements at "X" Hospital in Surabaya and
what factors hinder the implementation of the work agreement at "X" Hospital in Surabaya. The purpose of
the study was to find out how to implement work agreements at "X" Hospital in Surabaya and to find out
the factors that hinder the birth of the implementation of work agreements at "X" Hospital in Surabaya.
In general, there are five major problems that comes
from unsatisfied policies, they are: a) the waging; b)
social guarantee; c) inappropriate job description; d)
inappropriate job potency; e) personal problems. The
problems above are divided into two categories
which are right conflicts (rechtsgeschillen) and duty
conflicts (belangen-geschillen). Right conflict is a
clash which caused by one of parties could not fulfil
the contract of PKB, labouring agreement, manager
regulation or violation of law. As we know, the
regulation used by labour association is law number
3 of 2014 about employment. From the law, we
could mention the principles, purposes, and
character of it. The principles are stated in article 3,
it states that the principle of employment must
follow Uniting principle through crossed
coordination between centre and local government.
The principle is already in line with national
development principle especially for democracy,
justice, and equity principle. The facultative
character means that it is able to be an optional. In
its implementation, law number 13 of 2013 could
not be directly published. It still needs more detail of
relation between labour and company. One of result
is the implementation of Collective Labour
Agreement (PKB). It is an agreement that consist of
details about the job description among company
and labour association. The purposes of PKB is to
control the working requirements, the duties, and
rights of both parties. Moreover, PKB is the major
agreement tend to be followed as fundamental
policies in job description making. Because of the
normative law, in its implementation, PT Affinity
Health Indonesia decides to establish the agreement
with labour association.
This study is one of Law study, it is a study based on
analysis of state law documents whether it is
primary or secondary law materials. In one hand, the
approach used in this study is statue approach and
conceptual approach. The statue approach is to
overcame the problem by analysing the law and
regulations which connected to the issue of the
study. Meanwhile, conceptual approach uses
doctrine perspective of the development of law, the
issue of this study is the collective about agreement
Sumarjoko, . and Subhan, M.
The Execution of the Collective Labour Agreement between the Labour Union and the Management of "X" Hospital.
DOI: 10.5220/0007550807530757
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 753-757
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
which is controlled by law of employment. At last,
conceptual approach is used to evaluate law concept
in accordance with employment regulation.
3.1 Definition, Principles, and
Requirement of Legal Agreement
The agreement is stated in article 1313 of The Civil
Law which sates: “an agreement is an act of single
person or more who are bounded towards another
people”. This policy is not strong enough as there is
detail need to be revised. The weaknesses are: first,
it does concern on one sector, it is depicted in the
word “Bounded theirself”, this verb phrase means
single perspective from single sector and it does not
come from both parties of agreement. It must be
replaced by “bounded each other” as it represents
consciousness of both sides. Second, the word “act”
has no consciousness, from its definition, “act” also
has meaning as organizers of interest
(zaakwaarneming), or an act of breaking the law
(onrechmatige daad). It must be replaced with its
former meaning, an agreement.
Thirdly, the term agreement is too general, it
could cover the wedding agreement in system of
law. But, the agreement here has specific relation
between debtor and creditor about their financial
status. The agreement stated in book of III KUH
Perdata limits its agreement on commodities only, it
does not talk about personal character. Fourth, the
law does not mention the purposes of agreement that
makes people bounded by agreement do not have
exact idea of their agreement.
The principles of agreement support the state as
pillars of the policies and laws to create harmony,
balance, and to prevent the complex norms to
dominate over another. The law principles also
become a measure point to guarantee the law
empowerment among societies. Theoretically, there
are five principles agreement law based on civil law.
The principles are freedom of contract,
concsencualism, pacta sun servanda, good faith, and
personality principles.
As for the sake of the validity of the agreement,
even though the law of the treaty embraces an open
system, people are free to enter into an agreement.
They are not to be bound by existing provisions, but
the conditions of validity of treaties required by law
must be fulfilled in order to enter into impeccable
agreement. Regarding the validity of an agreement is
generally regulated in Article 1320 Civil Code,
namely: First, agree those who commit themselves.
Second, the ability to take an engagement. Third, a
certain thing. Fourth, a lawful cause.
3.2 Aspects and Requirement of Legal
In collective agreement, there are some aspects that
need to be completed. First, there must be work
aspect. In collective agreement, work aspect should
be mentioned as major object of the agreement, the
job should be done by its own workers, the duties
could not be replaced with other person without
permission from company. This is supported by civil
KUH article 30a, it states “labour must finish their
own job, they could ask help from third parties
within permission of company”. Secondly, it is the
instruction aspect, the job manifestation is depicted
in the instruction given by the companies to the
labours, they must obey to the instruction as their
job description. This aspect differs one job to
another such as doctors and their patient, lawyer and
their client.
Meanwhile, concerning with requirement for
legal agreement, there are several requirements that
must be fulfilled for them as states in article 1320
civil KUH. This policy is also stated in article 52 act
1 law number 13 of 2003 which states that the
agreement is established within four principles as
Agreement from both sides
The ability to commence act of law
Job description
The job must not against norms, decency, and
others that stated in current laws.
3.3 Collective Labour Agreement
The agreement is mentioned in law number 13 of
2003 as Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB), it is
known as collective labour agreement in English
(CLA) and Collective Arbeids Overemskomst in
Netherlands (CLO). In Indonesia, this agreement is
known as part of civil KUH. Meanwhile, according
to Lotmar, Tarifvertrage, it is an agreement between
an individual or a group entrepreneur and group of
labour which concern in minimum wage for future
job that will be part of their agreement.
According to article 1 number 12 law number 13
of 2003 jo article 1 number 2 decision of ministry of
employment and transmigration number KEP-
48/MEN/IV/2004, PKB is an agreement is result of
conference between worker association/labour
association which is registered in state record in
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
department of employment and transmigration, or a
group of companies who commence requirement of
job, duty, and right of both sides.
From the definitions above, there are similarities
that either the labour agreement or the Collective
Labour Agreement is intended to regulate the
relationship between the two parties in conducting
labour relations between workers / employers and
employers / entrepreneurs. Similarly, it is also
intended as a basic reference or as a parent in
making employment agreements. However, it can be
seen that the understanding of PKB in Law No. 13
of 2003 has a broader understanding.
3.4 The Role and Function of Labour
Within Collective Labour
In accordance with the role of labour association in
“X” Hospital, the role is controlled in law number
13 of 2003 article 116 act 2. From the law, we could
conclude that the role of law association in “X”
Hospital is to establish, form, and sign the collective
labour agreement with management team of “X”
Hospital. The agreement must be established by
conference within mutual cooperation of both sides.
The labour association in “X” Hospital, started in
2008, had commenced five collective labour
agreement, the first PKB is signed on June 2016.
The first agreement was not used in long time. there
was a revision and addition of its materials. Thus,
the new agreement was established and it survived
until June 2018.
The establishment of labour association is to
provide protection, right and duties empowerment,
and improve the prosperous life of the labours and
their families. Within the purposes, the role and
function of labour association will be as follow:
the side who commit in collective labour
agreement and problem between labour and
as representation of labours in state employment
council or any similar state institution.
as mediator to create industrial relation which is
harmony, dynamic, and equitable based on
current regulation of state
as aspiration mediator of its members
as the one who plan, execute, and responsible for
mass employee strike based on current laws.
There is a slight different about minimum wage
stated i PKB and concept of Law about
employement. Law number 13 of 2013 in chapter X
second section, the concept of law is using the term
Wage while PKB uses the term of Salary. It will
result in different interpretation, the labours will be
known as subject if the term used was salary.
Whether the labour is already permanent or on
training, the agreement that they made with “X”
Hospital is still affected and the same to all labours.
The character of PKB is general for employment
department, there is specific points which company
give instructions for the decision made by
management team of “X” Hospital before the
agreement is reached from both parties.
Conference and discussion in bipartite forum will
be applied if there is any clash or conflict occurred
in their environment. If the bipartite forum could not
finish the clash between both parties, the case will
be handles into employment and transmigration state
Moreover, if the result they got from council
does not meet their expectation of both sides, the
case will follow current laws. The procedures above
are also applicable for different interpretation case
between PKB and current regulation. In the other
hand, “X” Hospital will be the one who responsible
for employee requirement which requires high skills,
specific criteria, the recruitment process and
policies. The PKB agreement only concern in
waging policies, Occupational Health Safety, and
social guarantee for labours.
3.5 Subduing Collective Labour
Agreement Obstacles
The efforts to handle with PKB obstacles have been
established by company and labour association as
a. The representation of the role commenced by the
Labour Association in accordance with problems
arising of the existence of management decisions
that affect the employee's welfare within
coordination and clarification. From the results
of coordination, the result gives positive steps
taken by the Union in performing its functions
and roles. Then, the Union of Workers and
Management sit together to coordinate and
conduct joint talks to correct the decisions or
policies that have been issued by management.
For policies or decisions that have been issued by
management of “X” Hospital has never been
cancelled. However, correction is made by way
of revision relating to the substance of the
decision or policy that harms the employee. If
according to the consideration of the policy is in
accordance with the circumstances of the
company, then Unions are not too imposing the
The Execution of the Collective Labour Agreement between the Labour Union and the Management of "X" Hospital
will. The circumstances of the company that can
be considered such as the increase prices or the
ability of the company that does not allow the
company to meet the demands of the Union
Workers. Then in the bipartite meeting was made
by Minute of Meeting or Minutes that will be
attached in the decision of the board of directors.
b The labour association contributes in sanctions
given to their members as follow:
1. Clarifying the sanction to corresponding
labour, the association ask the position of
labour when the case was occurring. The
association measures the mistakes of their
member and the sanction given by company,
the association will ask for labour perspective
whether he/she accept the sanction or not.
2. If the result is an objection. The association
will accompany the labour to send legal letter
of objection to HRD department of company
for advance advocacy. Because, some of
labour are not willing to have meeting with
HRD team because of prestige factors. In
other words, it is the labour decision to have
an objection and get help from association or
the labour simply just take and accept the
sanction from their mistakes.
From collective labour agreement effectiveness
perspective between company and association, the
one who is very affecting in PKB effectiveness is
labour association, the employee, and management.
From regulation perspective, PKB has already in
line with current regulations, it could be a model for
good agreement between company and its employee.
Moreover, the agreement meets all requirements to
be a legal document in the eye of state.
Unfortunately, the behaviours of actors in PKB
agreement has violated that makes the agreement
ineffective. The internal problems of the obstacles
are caused by self-demand that result in regulation
violation within company. Externally, the problems
come from economic condition and government
policies which result in relation between company
and its employee.
There is some conclusion taken from collective
labour agreement case. First, the collective labour
agreement between “X” Hospital and Labour
association, from the first agreement established in
2016 into current agreement, there is no much
problem in quantity perspective. But, such little
mistakes will also affect the agreement which result
in relation between both parties. Second, the
problem arose when there is no coordination
between both “X” Hospital and its employee. The
policies decision without coordination of both
parties will result in the welfare of labours and
violation to the regulation. Thus, the sanction to the
employee becomes an option for the employee to
deliver and show their aspiration. Thirdly, bipartite
forum is enough to handle out most cases happened
during the agreement. Whereas, the labour
association becomes protector of its members in the
conference. But, most problems are affected from
external factors such as economic condition and
government policies which affects policies by
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The Execution of the Collective Labour Agreement between the Labour Union and the Management of "X" Hospital