which is controlled by law of employment. At last,
conceptual approach is used to evaluate law concept
in accordance with employment regulation.
3.1 Definition, Principles, and
Requirement of Legal Agreement
The agreement is stated in article 1313 of The Civil
Law which sates: “an agreement is an act of single
person or more who are bounded towards another
people”. This policy is not strong enough as there is
detail need to be revised. The weaknesses are: first,
it does concern on one sector, it is depicted in the
word “Bounded theirself”, this verb phrase means
single perspective from single sector and it does not
come from both parties of agreement. It must be
replaced by “bounded each other” as it represents
consciousness of both sides. Second, the word “act”
has no consciousness, from its definition, “act” also
has meaning as organizers of interest
(zaakwaarneming), or an act of breaking the law
(onrechmatige daad). It must be replaced with its
former meaning, an agreement.
Thirdly, the term agreement is too general, it
could cover the wedding agreement in system of
law. But, the agreement here has specific relation
between debtor and creditor about their financial
status. The agreement stated in book of III KUH
Perdata limits its agreement on commodities only, it
does not talk about personal character. Fourth, the
law does not mention the purposes of agreement that
makes people bounded by agreement do not have
exact idea of their agreement.
The principles of agreement support the state as
pillars of the policies and laws to create harmony,
balance, and to prevent the complex norms to
dominate over another. The law principles also
become a measure point to guarantee the law
empowerment among societies. Theoretically, there
are five principles agreement law based on civil law.
The principles are freedom of contract,
concsencualism, pacta sun servanda, good faith, and
personality principles.
As for the sake of the validity of the agreement,
even though the law of the treaty embraces an open
system, people are free to enter into an agreement.
They are not to be bound by existing provisions, but
the conditions of validity of treaties required by law
must be fulfilled in order to enter into impeccable
agreement. Regarding the validity of an agreement is
generally regulated in Article 1320 Civil Code,
namely: First, agree those who commit themselves.
Second, the ability to take an engagement. Third, a
certain thing. Fourth, a lawful cause.
3.2 Aspects and Requirement of Legal
In collective agreement, there are some aspects that
need to be completed. First, there must be work
aspect. In collective agreement, work aspect should
be mentioned as major object of the agreement, the
job should be done by its own workers, the duties
could not be replaced with other person without
permission from company. This is supported by civil
KUH article 30a, it states “labour must finish their
own job, they could ask help from third parties
within permission of company”. Secondly, it is the
instruction aspect, the job manifestation is depicted
in the instruction given by the companies to the
labours, they must obey to the instruction as their
job description. This aspect differs one job to
another such as doctors and their patient, lawyer and
their client.
Meanwhile, concerning with requirement for
legal agreement, there are several requirements that
must be fulfilled for them as states in article 1320
civil KUH. This policy is also stated in article 52 act
1 law number 13 of 2003 which states that the
agreement is established within four principles as
Agreement from both sides
The ability to commence act of law
Job description
The job must not against norms, decency, and
others that stated in current laws.
3.3 Collective Labour Agreement
The agreement is mentioned in law number 13 of
2003 as Perjanjian Kerja Bersama (PKB), it is
known as collective labour agreement in English
(CLA) and Collective Arbeids Overemskomst in
Netherlands (CLO). In Indonesia, this agreement is
known as part of civil KUH. Meanwhile, according
to Lotmar, Tarifvertrage, it is an agreement between
an individual or a group entrepreneur and group of
labour which concern in minimum wage for future
job that will be part of their agreement.
According to article 1 number 12 law number 13
of 2003 jo article 1 number 2 decision of ministry of
employment and transmigration number KEP-
48/MEN/IV/2004, PKB is an agreement is result of
conference between worker association/labour
association which is registered in state record in