The Effective Implementation Theory on Economic Development
Based on Part of District Region in Indonesia
A Study of Government Developing Program in Soko Village, Glagah
District, Lamongan Regency
Noto Mashari Joyo
and Philipus Keban
Human Resource Development Program, Post Graduate School, Universitas Airlangga
Lecture of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Airlangga
Keywords: Effectiveness, Implementation, Economic Development Movement.
Abstract: The purpose of this implementation study is to describe the rating result of the performance attainment of a
program initiated by mobility economic development based on population in Lamongan. This study applies
qualitative research method with descriptive research type. The location of this research includes
government agencies which are involved in the program performance of mobility economic development
based on population in Lamongan. Those agencies are development planning agency at sub-National level
(Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah) Lamongan regency. Food plants, horticulture and plantation
offices (Dinas Tanaman Pangan, Hortikultura, dan Perkebunan) Lamongan regency as an agency assigned
as the program executor, with the help of unit technical implementation (unit pelaksana teknis dinas) in
agriculture field from the sub-district. The result of this study shows that the process of the mobility
economic development based on population in Lamongan is not effective and also inefficient. This can be
stated because five indicators of effectiveness show that the program is not performed well and there are
two of three efficiency indicators that assert adversity.
Development is an instrument used to achieve a
purpose that is a prosperous and society, such as the
process of development as the stepping stone for the
progress whom is very important factor and must be
done. Strengthening food sector is one of awareness
design for increasing of food availability.
Strengthening through policy and program is hoped
could develop the agriculture potency. The
Urgencies that have been constructed by the food-
consumption culture is provided by the reason that
agriculture and food security in live-stock
availibility became neccessary in the regional based
on economic development.
According to national research agency, the
central bureau of statistics, Lamongan regency is in
the second place as the highest rice productivity in
Indonesia. Rice production in Lamongan regency
counted by 979.004 tons in the year of 2016. This
fact will be counted as the greatest factor of regional
economic development in Lamongan regency.
Farming have to be one of the continuously
preserved sectors by both the community or regional
governors of Lamongan, because the majority of its
people are farmers, and foodstock are a valuable and
durable resource which made Lamongan well-
known. Such things could surely improve the
economical value of Lamongan Regency, which
means improvement through maintenance is a very
important thing to do, thus one of the essence of
food durability that based upon farming must be
developed. But, the improvement of the economy
must be seen from the farmers’ point of view.
The advancement of the economy could bring
back the prosperity that was dreamed upon to reality.
There would be no more unbalance between urban
and suburban areas in terms of economy which
makes stabilization and equalization the primary
target for the ongoing program.
The strengthening of the agricultural sector
would surely look at the auxiliary factor that
available. This will be explained through this table:
Mashari Joyo, N. and Keban, P.
The Effective Implementation Theory on Economic Development Based on Part of Distr ict Region in Indonesia.
DOI: 10.5220/0007550907580764
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 758-764
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
No. Village Name Rice (tonnes)
Kentong 1.058,18
Wangen 422,73
Bangkok 0,00
Meluntur 440,88
Dukuhtunggal 1.506,82
Bapuhbandung 979,76
Tanggungprigel 680,34
Sudangan 879,13
Karangagung 608,95
Duduklor 885,96
Medang 865,83
Mendogo 847,44
Began 406,25
Menganti 1.392,60
Rayunggumuk 973,95
Gempol pendowo 506,39
Soko 303,36
Morocalan 417,30
Pasi 1.033,62
Margoanyar 1.053,00
Glagah 1.245,48
Bapuhbaru 1.001,13
Jatirenggo 1.245,48
Konang 261,66
Wonorejo 580,52
Panggang 918,79
Wedoro 632,31
Karangturi 771,40
Meluwur 610,08
Glagah District 22.559.82
Figure 1: Land mass.
Sources: Glagah district regional statistics 2015.
The data from the aforementioned diagram
explains the abundance of land being used for
farming, with lands used for ricefields reaching
87.762 acres used for agriculture, 55.751 acres used
for non-ricefield farming, and 23.459 acres used for
other purposes.
The creation of programs that are aimed to
flourish and increasing farmed goods surely are the
hope of the people. To achieve such goal, the
Mobility Economic Development of Population in
Lamongan Basedprogram is made by the
government of Lamongan. This flagship program
made by the Regent and Government of Lamongan
is purposed to increase the harvest yields of the
community, especially the ones made from the
villagers of Lamongan Regency.
Program execution is done by way of gradually
giving every village which is represented by a group
of farmers in the rural areas of Lamongan, in form of
hand tractors and pumps is indeed badly needed by
farmers, with hopes that the pumps and hand tractor
certainly aim to facilitate the work of farmers and
ease the job and get higher yields. Indirectly the
Government wishes that the economical income of
the regency in the agricultural sector should continue
to be intensified, in this case the regencythe
durability of those foodstockmust be continuously
strengthened. However, if there are no training on
how to utilize the farming tools, and making it look
like those given tools are commercialized by the
village authorities. In this case, the process of
making hand tractors must be crafted and used by
experts, thus making common farmers spend more
money to use. The hopes off the villagers concerning
the development of the agricultural sectors surely
The Effective Implementation Theory on Economic Development Based on Part of District Region in Indonesia
became the mutual expectations of all sides,
including the government agencies working to give
potential service so the existing regions could be
properly treated and lead into prosperity.
Table 1: Production of foodstock crops (rice) of Glagah
district in 2014 (tons).
Sources : Glagah District Regional Statistics 2017
There are several foodstocks produced such as
horticulture and rice crops. But, rice farming is
currently becoming the main interest. Rice is the
major-consumed food in indonesia. It would be
obvious if the rice is the most thing that planted on
many farms in indonesia, especially in East Java.
Fom the table above, it can be seen the
production in several villages in Lamongan. Dukuh
tunggal village is the most productive village,
despite the large of their village-zone and Bangkok
village comes to the lowest with their prodution of 0
tons, it means that they don not have any ricefield in
their village-zone.
One thing interesting in this table is the range of
amount of production beetwen every village. The
range will not last more than 48% (leaving Bangkok
village whom has 0 tons of rice-producing) in the
statistics comparation, and that means the amount of
production beetwen those villages is average and
they all productive village in rice production.
The food diversity in each village do not affect
for rice production in significant ways. The rice
always comes first, despite the major-consumed
food in Indonesia. The last thing that we must know
from that table is the background of the amount of
production. Technology always have the significant
part in this case, and its also the “suprastructure”
ways involved according to the cultural society. The
most productive village, what means Dukuh tunggal
village, has the most developed technologies than
the others. Unlike Konang Village that must have
the major disadvantage in technology.
2.1 Populist Economy
The Populist Economy system according to
Mubyarto et al. (2014) is a national economy system
that was based upon the concept of familiarity, the
sovereignty of the people, morally based on
Pancasila and showing total allegiance to the people.
Allegiances and protection towards the economical
condition of the people that is constantly set aside
during the colonial era even until after the
independence. The absolute requirement of the
national economy system with social justice is to
carry out political sovereignty, economical
independency and cultural character.
2.2 The purpose of Populist Economy
There are seven important elements of populist
Economy according to Mubyarto et al. (2014)
First, the Nation must held full control of the
natural resource that we have.
Second, fiscal law is more stable by balancing
income and expense.
Third, Industrial and trading policies must be
aimed towards the realization of a strong,
efficient and highly competitive industrial
Fourth, the good governance must be aimed
towards increasing transparency, accountability
and free of corruption. Bureaucratic reformation
purposed to increasing efficiency and effectivity
of public service.
Fifth, the agrarian reform became very important
due to simplifying public access to lawn. The
Nation have to place limits to owning or
cultivating private lawn and maintaining land
Sixth, the strengthening of regional autonomy is
directed to empower villages more as the
spearhead of eradicating poverty and improving
welfare. Village empowerment is done through
development.Budgets can exceed 1 billion per
Seventh, improving the human resources.
2.3 Effectivity of Implementing the
Populist Economy Growth
Movement Development
The Accuracy of determining an indicators for
effectiveness is affecting the analitical accuracy of
the researcher on the researched program. Indicators
according to Ripley in Erwan and Dyah (2012) is the
following :
Access is used to find out that the program or
service that is being given is easy to reach by the
targeted group.
The coverage used to judge on the reach on the
targeted group.
Frequency is used to judge how often the
targeted group receive a promised service by a
policy or a program.
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
Bias is used to judge whether or not the service
being given by implementor is biased to the
Service delivery is used to judge whether or not
the service done during a program is right on
Accountability is used to judge the
implementor’s acts during its job.
The suitability of the program with these needs is
used to assess whether the various outcomes of
the policies or programs received by the target
group are in accordance with the needs or not.
Ripley’s Indicator leads to execution or
implementation stage of the program by prioritizing
the accuracy of the implementation, or in this case,
programs could be deemed effective if those seven
indicators prove useful and well.
Implementation, according to Sabatier and
Mazmanian in Triana, Wahyuni (2011), is the
carrying out a basic policy decision, usually
incorporated in a statute but which can also take the
form of important executive or court decisions.
Ideally that the decision identifies the problems(s) to
be addressed, stipulates the objective (s) to be
pursued and in a variety of ways, structures the
implementation process.
According to another statement about effectivity
of a program by Hisnuddin Lubis (2015), the
program could be said as effective if it is being
influenced by the implementation of its technique
because the implementation would determine the
output of the program. The logics is, the instrument
of effectivity of a program would be determined by
how the implementation of its policy. According to
Rainey (1991), effectivity is the most important
thing for the prosper of the nation they (bureaucrats
and apparatus) serve.
This Research is using a qualitative research method
with an Effectivity Implementation type of research,
which is looking at how effective the program has
been since its launch. The location of research is in
food plants, horticulture and plantation offices.
Those agencies are Development planning agency at
sub-National level Lamongan regency, Local
Technical Implementation Unit of Glagah District
and Farmers’ Association in Soko Village, Glagah
District, Lamongan Regency.
Technique used for determining informant is by
using purposive sampling which turns into snowball
sampling. Data gathering method done using
interviews, observation, documentation, literature
study, and online data. Data analizing method used
by researchers is by implementing data reduction,
data presentation, withdrawal verification and
conclusion and also data validation method is done
by using triangulation. The exactness of determining
research method will affect on the results of the
According Glenn in Bowen G.A (2005) during
the field research, what went through in my mind
was that I simply could not afford to rush through
the interviews or skirt around the issues. And when
the time came for me to draw upon the interviews
for my research report, I was at pains to ensure that I
was not offering a cure for insomnia. I did that by
constructing a compelling narrative and including it
in the appendix. The parts of the narrative that
illustrated emerging themes found their way into the
results chapter, which I knew had to be more than a
good story well told. Field observation was done
during the same period in which the interviews were
conducted, with the observer role being
supplementary to the interviewer role.
4.1 Implementing the Populist
Economy Growth Movement
Development carried out by the government of
Lamongan District with the holding of the superior
program of the Lamongan Regent is related to the
development of rural enterprises under the name of
the Mobility Economic Development of Population
in Lamongan Based program is certainly a
breakthrough to empower the rural community
especially to those who have business. In this case,
one of them is rice farming, with the majority of the
farmers, of course, such programs are expected by
farmers to grow with mutual help from all elements
of interest in it, not impossible again when the
program is felt successful then the goal of food
security can be achieved and the level of welfare the
communty increases especially if Lamongan regency
can cover the food shortage. So far, Indonesia still
depends on other countries in the sufficiency of food
security, so that the price can not be determined by
the government to make the market price went up
and down is uncertain and certainly detrimental to
society itself.
The Effective Implementation Theory on Economic Development Based on Part of District Region in Indonesia
According to Serageldin (1993) economic
sustainability which includes economic growth,
capital maintenance, and efficient use of resources
and capital. Ecological sustainability includes
ecosystem integrity, carrying capacity, protection of
species diversity and natural resources, while the
sustainability of social aspects is the existence of
justice, empowerment, participation and institution.
Furthermore, the implementation of sustainable
development that must first be considered is the
social aspect, because it acts as the center of
4.2 The Simplicity of Information
Access and Help
According to the farmer’s organization in Soko
Village, Information sharing or counseling related to
the Mobility Economic Development of Population
in Lamongan Based program should focus on the
needs that is expected by farmers, which is utilized
by learning the structural problems existing in field,
when the affiliated government or agencies have
understood the issue and then giving information
and counseling as important and attractive as
possible and further breakthroughs that could
develop farmers so that they could give a more
positive outcome on farmers’ society in local
villages. But the unoptimal information sharing and
in such a short, unscheduled time makes the
presentation to the farmers unoptimal.
The information access and the ease of use by
the government or any related bureau or
organization shows that there are no detailed agenda,
so the farmers’ society is having a hard time to get
information and even refused to attend a counseling
that is related to information sharing from the
Agriculture and Forestry Agency and the Regency of
Lamongan. Besides, inaccuracy on information
sharing is also there on Soko Village with its own
related problems.
Ease of access according to Mulyono (2015) in
information, ease of access could be interpreted as a
form of information sharing about the stages that
exists in a program, the usual interaction that
contributes to the formation of an agenda or the
calmness of all things related to the program. The
importance of information access is so that all
elements of society could observe on all businesses
that is being done by all government official by
utilizing organizations’ purposes and social welfare.
As such, the officials must act professionally in
performing their duty, and besides, the officials held
an important role on attaining and sharing high-
value information by the targeted group so they
could acknowledge what they were yet to know.
4.2.1 Program Suitability with Needs
Executing a program will oversee a coming problem
and plan to overcome such problems by preventing
one of the causes, so that the process of concluding
the problem could be done quickly and efficiently.
The Mobility Economic Development of
Population in Lamongan Basedprogram is a
distinguishing program that is aimed to improve the
business owned by the society, in this case the
farmers. In determening the need to solve a problem,
surely the related parties which is the government
must do an in-depth study from the root of the
problem; not only using samples when determining
conclusion, but more geared towards field activities
and filter out public opinions and aspirations, so they
could be handled wholefully. Because in a problem,
the society affected is farmers, which more
understands the characteristic of the faced issues.
The conformity of the needs according to Ripley
in Erwan and Dyah (2012). The conformity of such
program is used to judge whether or not the policies
released is accepted by the targeted groups is used
properly or not.
4.3 Intensification of Program
Maintaining and Coaching
The coaching that is being done is due to enrich the
human resources. It was made so that the farmers
could optimize the farmers’ potential, which could
in turn, became one of the main factors in
agriculture, because agriculture is one of the main
occupation with highest interest in the whole
The help being provided by the government to
the farmer group, in the management of the whole is
given to the farmer group, so that the bad condition
of the aid of the tool given is all returned to the
farmer group. Farmer groups are fully responsible
for the management of goods, the government only
exercises control to see how the state of the tool aid
has been given to farmer communities managed by
said groups.
Based on the Lamongan’s Government, the
management of relief items is more commonly used
at the turn of seasons, after the completion of the
rice season the necessity of hijacking rice fields
using the tractor. But there are some obstacles
during the field tilling which is an order from land
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
owner to farmers’ group, which in this case is
difficulty to handle or to operate that makes not all
farmer’s request to plowing land left unfulfilled,
thus making the problem more difficult. But these
matter must be faced and solved with good
intentions, because the purpose of handing out help
in form of those tractors were an effort to ease the
farmers on plowing the land.
Accuracy on doing a development is a
responsibility to all related stakeholders, because
even though help has been handed to all farmer
groups, but in entirety of the program is everybody’s
responsibility. The existence of obstructions in the
development system must be solved together
because if a problem weren’t treated soon, will cause
an inconsistency in the implementation with the aim
and fixed target during the agricultural development
through mobility economic development based on
population in Lamongan.
According to H. Combs and Manzoor Ahmed
(1985;41-174), there are four types of environmental
development typologymodels, which is the
counseling approach, training approach, independent
union approach, and integrated construction
approach. The existence of those four typology
models surely were a form to be able to develop the
society, so that the society would be able to follow
the cultural advances that is rapidly spreading.
4.4 Monitoring
In the unscheduled and unknown monitoring, these
kind of things were hard to evaluate how far the
mobility economic development based on population
in Lamongan, developmental phase or trouble that
block a progress of a certain program. In executing a
program, even though there has been a proper
planning, but without proper maintenance and
controlling its growth, there tend to be a forgotten
thing that could lead to failure of the program.
Especially monitoring is a valid material for
evaluation. If monitoring is done rather seldomly,
there would also be different results in the
evaluation, it will look pointless if the obstructions
and problems were not detailed.
Inaccuracy during planning and monitoring by
only relying on observig passages in the village
could surely be a major obstruction in the
government body, because the society surely expect
a problem solving statement which could not be
handled too well by farmers with hopes of help.
Meanwhile with a fundamentally similar matter,
Winardi in Sujamto (1994:96) describes the process
of observation in 4 (four) steps, which is:
Assessing the standards to observe
Analizing results
Comparing execution to standards and assessing
the difference (if there is one)
Fixing anomalies with creative actions.
The starting point of the observation process is to
assess observation standards. The standards is a
mark that is used by observers to judge whether the
observed object is progressing smoothly or not. By
seeing these standards, the results of observation
could only result in two things : progress
accordingly or defying the standards (Sujamto,
Based on the presentation, analysis and data
interpretation that has lead to researches about the
effectivity of mobility economic development based
on population in Lamongan. Program in Soko
Village, Glagah District, Lamongan Regency in
relations to agricultural social services, which could
be explained as such:
1. The development of farmlands which is hauled
has been executed which is against the Regent’s
desicion . But, in the process of the program,
there have not been an optimal one, so
continuing the progtam that has been planned
yield unfavorable results. And then there is also
the lack of Coordination between the
Agricultural and Forest Agency, Regional
Technical Maintenance Unit and the civilians
from the farm group.
2. The Agricultural Development through mobility
economic development based on population in
Lamongan is still far from hopes of the farmers.
The stagnant results is very disheartening do to
no harvest yield increase right. There were 6
Indicator used to judge the program and describe
that there are more than several issues currently
happening during the duration og the Mobility
Economic Development of Population in
Lamongan Based program, which is:
Necessity: By using coordination starting
from the farmers, Regional Technical
Maintenance and Agriculture and Forestry
agency, the Regency of Lamongan granted 2
units of manual tractor and 3 units of pump
which is not effective considering the size of
the society and the farmers were expecting
more kind of supplies and tools with high
The Effective Implementation Theory on Economic Development Based on Part of District Region in Indonesia
hopes that other farmers could learn how to
and the techniques.
The Agricultural and Forestry Agency of
Lamongan Regency needs to do a more
personal approach to all farmers and listen to
their complaints wholefully. It is important to
do to invoke an emotiolan closeness and to
avoid disintegration in the program’s
implementation. The schedules to meet and
observe must be intensified.
There are also complains to the changing
weather such as floods and drought, which
would be the main basic issue, and the other
issue is the limited stockpile of fertilizers that
could lead to pest-ridden crops.
Information Access and Ease of Use for the
media: the uncertainty of information sharing
related to developing agriculture is by the
government or any related bureau or
organization shows that there are no detailed
agenda, so the farmers’ society is having a
hard time to get information and even refused
to attend a counseling that is related to
information sharing from the Agriculture and
Forestry Agency and the Regency of
Mentoring and Developing Accuracy: The
development of human resources must have a
coordination between related stakeholders
and mentoring was one of the forms of
Monitoring: To see and observe the program
implementation, surely had to be done
routinely, but in truth, Observation sessions
are only done during the Agencies’ free time
and showed an ambiguity concerning the
monitoring schedules.
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ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School