Community Development in CSR Programs
Development of Laguna Fishing Pond Tourism
Rachmad Ilham
and Budi Setiawan
Master Program Study of Human Resource Development, Postgraduate School of Universitas Airlangga, Campus B. Jl.
Airlangga No. 4-6 Surabaya, Indonesia
Lecturer of Anthropology Science, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science Universitas Airlangga, Campus B. Jl.
Dharmawangsa Dalam, Surabaya, Indonesia
Keywords: CSR Programs, Tourism, Laguna Fishing Pond, Community Development.
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of the implementation, stages, and constraints of CSR activity
programs in Laguna Fishing Fishing Pond. This study uses descriptive field research method with a
qualitative approach. This research was carried out in Laguna Fishing Village Kalanganyar tourism, Sedati
District, Sidoarjo Regency. Data collection methods used interviews, observation, and documentation.
Intensive depth interviews involving six informants. The analysis technique used is descriptive analysis. The
results showed that the implementation of CSR programs that had been carried out by the company had not
been effective. The implementation stage has not shown conformity with the existing concepts and theories,
from the planning stage to the evaluation stage. The constraints in implementing CSR implementation
programs include limited human resources and the lack of skills or expertise possessed, thus causing some
errors that make CSR programs run by companies in Kalanganyar village, not on target.
Corporate Social Responsibility is an agreement of
the World Summit on Sustainable Development
(WSSD) in Johannesburg South Africa 2002 aimed
at encouraging all companies in the world in the
context of creating a sustainable development. One
factor that must be faced in order to achieve
sustainable development is to improve
environmental destruction without sacrificing the
need for economic development and social justice.
CSR is a choice based on the awareness of the
company (Beal, 2014: xi). In business, companies
not only have obligations to shareholders but also
must meet the expectations of stakeholders, namely
employees, business partners, the government and
the surrounding community. A company is a
business entity that is considered to carry out its
social responsibility to the community (Moon, 2014:
4). It shows that the company can appear and be
operated because of the environment that supports it.
CSR has been regulated by the government in
Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability
Company Article 74 Paragraphs on Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR), namely the company that runs
its business activities in the field concerned with
Natural Resources must carry out social and
environmental responsibilities. CSR is not only
carried out by large companies but also by micro,
small and medium enterprises. While the CSR
budget as seen in the Regulation of the Minister of
State Enterprises No. 4 of 2007 which is 2% of the
company's profit.
The form of CSR implementation for each
company varies depending on the management and
systems of each company. There are seven areas that
must be fulfilled in the formation, management, and
implementation of CSR programs that include agro-
business, education, health, utilization of small and
medium micro enterprises, infrastructure, nature and
culture preservation, and community capacity
building and governance. Apart from various types
of CSR, it is devoted to community empowerment
which of course can provide direct benefits and
various impacts that are gradually able to develop
community independence to become free from
dependence on the government.
Green and Haines (2007: vii) define that
community development is as a planned effort to
produce assets that increase the capacity of the
Ilham, R. and Setiawan, B.
Community Development inÂ
a CSR Programs Development of Laguna Fishing Pond Tourism.
DOI: 10.5220/0007551007650768
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 765-768
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
population to improve quality of life. Community
development is a multidimensional concept in which
social action can contribute to or weaken the
creation and maintenance of economic, social,
ecological, human, political, and cultural capital of
society. Community development can also be
described as community involvement in the process
of achieving improvements in several aspects of
community life where these actions lead to
strengthening patterns of human relations and
community institutions. One of the many community
development programs carried out by companies as
part of CSR is the development of the tourism
At present, the tourism sector in Indonesia is
slowly gaining attention and becoming the dominant
socio-economic activity in people's lives. The
tourism sector continues to be developed by the
government and society because this sector
contributes significantly to the country's economic
growth. In his book entitled the sociology of
tourism, (Pitana & Gayatri, 2005: 41) reveals how
vital the role of tourism is for the development of
this republic, the role of the tourism sector is highly
expected by the state so that it can replace the role of
the oil and gas sector which has dominated the
Indonesian economy. The Indonesian state is very
dependent and hopes for its tourism potential.
According to statistical data, it is noted that the
tourism sector contributed significantly to the
national economy. In 2014 the foreign exchange
target was the US $ 5.8 M for 5.8 million foreign
tourists, and in 2015 US $ 6.3 M 6.9 million foreign
tourists, while the 2014 target was the US $ 7.5 M
(Widibyo, 2015). With the tourism potential that is
owned, it still allows opportunities to increase state
revenues from the tourism sector (Dirjen Pariwisata,
2015). Based on the description above, development
and tourism development programs play a very
important role in economic development strategies
in a country or region.
Every region in Indonesia has a great potential
for natural and cultural wealth to be used as a land
for the growth of the tourism sector. One tourism
sector that utilizes the natural environment is
Pancing Laguna pool tourism. It is an obligation for
every company including Laguna fishing pond to
implement CSR as an environmental responsibility.
In this case, tourism is a sector that involves the
community at large. So that forms of CSR that can
be done one of them is related to community
development. This study describes the effectiveness
of the implementation, stages, and constraints of the
Company Social Responsibility activities in the
Laguna fishing pond.
This study uses a descriptive field research method
with a qualitative approach. This research was
carried out in Laguna Fishing Village Kalanganyar
tourism, Sedati District, Sidoarjo Regency. Selection
of Laguna fishing pond tourism in Kalanganyar
Village was made as a research location. In order to
ensure the accuracy of data and information obtained
from field research, it is necessary to have an
appropriate data collection technique. The research
method using intensive depth interviews is data
collection techniques or information by face to face
with the informant to get complete and in-depth
data. The informants in the study consisted of seven
informants which included the manager of the
Pancing Laguna pool, visitors to the Laguna fishing
pond, and the Head of the Public Service Division of
the Sedati District Office. Informants are determined
using purposeful sampling techniques. A purposeful
sampling technique is used to get specific data from
selected individuals (Cresswell, 2015: 217).
Informants were chosen based on an
understanding of research problems and phenomena
in research. The results of the interview were in the
form of scripts which were then analysed by
descriptive analysis techniques. As for testing the
validity of qualitative data, it is done by
triangulation. Triangulation is the technique of
checking the validity of data that view something
outside the data obtained by utilizing the use of data
sources, methods, investigators, and theories.
Sidoarjo Regency has great potential in the field of
fisheries, the ponds area in Sidoarjo Regency
stretches from north to south along the east coast.
Sidoarjo Regency relies on the fisheries sector,
especially the results of milkfish and shrimp
aquaculture as the regional superior commodities.
Developments in the fisheries sector in Sidoarjo
Regency cause the government to appoint Sidoarjo
area as a Minapolitan Area in Indonesia. The
Minapolitan area was developed jointly between the
government, the private sector and non-
governmental organizations to achieve better
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
economic conditions. Mina means fish while politan
/polis means city.
Laguna fishing pond is on Tambak Cemandi
Street, Kalanganyar Village, Sedati District,
Sidoarjo Regency, located in the easternmost region
of Kalanganyar Village. Laguna fishing pond has an
area of ± 3 hectares which is divided into four plots
of fishing ponds. The type of fish used in the Laguna
fishing pond specializes in milkfish, this is because
before it becomes a fishing pond tourist attraction
fishing rod tourism business owners cultivate
milkfish which are then sent to other regions. In
addition, the existing water conditions in
Kalanganyar Village are salt water because it is
located adjacent to the Madura Strait so that the
saltwater environment affects the types of fish that
can survive in it (milkfish) and become a commodity
of local aquaculture.
In general, the stages of implementing a CSR
program include: establishing a vision and mission,
setting goals, setting targets, considering policies,
setting strategies, designing organizational
structures, designing programs, providing human
resources, mapping regions, and determining
funding sources (Wibisono, 2007 ) Laguna fishing
pond tourism in its CSR activities does not begin
with the determination of vision and mission. This is
because almost every social activity carried out by
the company is more short-term and small-scale so
that it does not require special thought regarding the
vision and mission of the activity and is sufficiently
based on the company's main vision and mission.
Setting goals for each social activity carried out
by Laguna are process-oriented and not results.
Whatever the outcome, as long as the process runs
well, it will also have a good influence on the
company. This is not in accordance with Katamba et
al (2012) that the goal is an important orientation in
the success of CSR. The policy setting in Laguna is
carried out by the head of the social activities
implementing team who is also a marketing manager
so that the policies applied are always related to
sales. In relation to the organizational structure in
Laguna, there is no special division responsible for
handling and managing all needs related to the CSR
program starting from the planning to evaluation
stages, which are located directly under top
The provision of human resources in Laguna has
not been maximized because based on the results of
the interviews it was found that the majority of
existing human resources do not have competence
and qualified. This can be an obstacle to the
implementation of CSR programs because HR is an
important component in every operation carried out
by the company, especially in tourism management
(Zontek, 2016: 58). The planning stages carried out
by the company are about operational programs that
start with a survey of locations, forms of activities,
and socialization. For operational CSR activities
carried out by companies mostly always involve the
active participation of local people who are in the
location of CSR activities, both to be involved as
committee and participants. The basis for involving
the active role of citizens around the location of CSR
activities is in accordance with the theory explained
by Wibisono (2007), that CSR operational programs
are as much as possible attempted to be based on
local resources.
The regional division is one of the considerations
including priorities by the company in implementing
each CSR program. The rationale for selecting the
chosen location is the locations that have potential,
and the Laguna Fishing Pool in Karanganyar village
is considered potential so that it can involve local
communities. The funds used so far by companies in
carrying out CSR programs are funds taken from the
marketing budget for promotional posts. As a result,
all this time in the implementation of CSR activities
carried out by the company, elements often aimed at
marketing and increasing the company's turnover.
CSR programs for Laguna fishing ponds are
carried out by the company, including the
implementation of CSR programs with program
patterns. This centralization is due to the company as
the executor or the main organizer of the activity, as
well as the area where the activity takes place in the
area around the company. In practice, the
implementation of this activity collaborates with
other parties, namely the village apparatus and local
villagers. The mechanism for implementing the
program is carried out in a top-down process
because the program is based on a careful survey or
examination by the implementing team of social
activities, agreed upon by the company.
Referring to the description shows that the stages
of CSR implementation carried out by Laguna
fishing ponds do not meet the stages proposed by
Wibisono (2007). This has an impact on the value of
the effectiveness of the implementation of the
program. The effectiveness of CSR programs is
context, input, process, and product aspects.
(Yulianti, 2013). The value of effectiveness can be
seen in the results of achieving goals. The closer the
goal is, the higher the effectiveness level is stated.
Referring to the explanation of the implementation,
the implementation of the Company's Corporate
Social Responsibility activities in Laguna fishing
Community Development inÂ
a CSR Programs Development of Laguna Fishing Pond Tourism
rod tourism is not yet effective. This is because the
CSR activity program which run in the village is not
well targeted, in the sense that the results achieved
by Laguna do not approach the expected objectives
of the implementation of the program.
Laguna Fishing Pond tourism as a business that
utilizes natural or environmental potential so that it
has a responsibility in the form of community
development. Katamba et al (2012) explained that
effective CSR can be seen in the achievement of
goals. Based on this, the implementation of CSR
programs is considered to be ineffective because it is
not able to achieve the company's goals and is not on
target. This can be caused by several stages of CSR
implementation are not carried out, such as the
determination of the vision, mission, goals, and
organizational structure. In addition, there are
obstacles to the implementation of CSR which
include internal constraints and limited human
resources. The internal constraints in question are
about the issue of funds (budget) because so far the
company has never provided and budgeted special
funds for the implementation of CSR activities. The
CSR program that has been running so far, uses
funds from promotional posts of the company's
marketing division and if the funds are insufficient,
the team will work on it by owing first to the
company's cooperatives. The human resources
involved so far are not competent human resources
and experts in CSR matters. This is indicated by the
majority of team members who do not know the
theory and concept of CSR as a whole, including the
flow or stages of implementation that should be
carried out.
The author expressed his gratitude to Laguna
Fishing Village Kalanganyar tourism tour manager,
Sedati, Sidoarjo regarding assistance in the form of
willingness to be informants and objects in this
study. In addition, the authors also convey gratitude
to all informants who have been involved in this
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ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School