buyers honestly, work on the order timely, and give
alms to maintain their business sustainability. It can
be seen from the citation of interview below:
“The most important thing is that I can be useful
to many people. I have established
Muhammadiyah Elementary School for three
years, and became donator in the school. I am
inspired from my experience in which my child
attended public school up to 4
grade, but he/she
worked on problem of 5 x 5 difficultly. Finally I
move him/her to Muhammadiyah school in
Banaran” (Wahyu, a metal craftsperson,
Boyolali, February 25, 2018).
Craftspersons believe that giving some of our
livelihood for many people’s interest will affect our
life and business. A successful business is separable
from religion activity implemented by craftspersons.
It is consistent with Max Weber’s theory suggesting
that work ethos as working spirit becomes an
individual or a groups’ typical characteristics and
group. Weber’s basic findings in protestant ethics
and capitalism spirit are: (1) considering that any
type of jobs and level are God’s calling, (2)
successful work indicates that God has given them
an opportunity of exalting His name, (3) ethics
grows work ethos, discipline, hard work, parsimony
or benefit rather than lavishing money for
unnecessary thing, and saving money. Thus, the
implication of protestant ethics includes work
success improving within society, high production,
and accumulated profit.
Economic activity adjacent to religion has
created new atmosphere in economic activity. Islam
tenet value applied to a business includes treating
fellow human beings well. The effect to be felt is
kindness acceptable to metal craftspersons. Rapidly
developing business makes the craftspersons not to
forget investing their richness. It can be seen from
citation of interview below:
“I usually use monetary profit resulting from
business for opening new business in different
area (field), such as cow breeding, broiler
chicken breeding, fashion store, and for buying
some land for investment” (Kis, metal
craftsperson, Boyolali, February 15, 2018).
Investment usually done by craftspersons can be
a reserve business when business cycle is
From the result of research, it could be found that
work ethos and religion implementation affected the
existence of business among craftspersons in
Cepogo. Work ethos and religion implementation
applied by metal craftspersons could make their
business surviving until today. Work ethos applied
includes honesty, timeliness in finishing product
ordered by consumers, persistence in producing
work, and loyalty to consumers. In addition to work
ethos, craftspersons were supported with religion
implementation usually done by business performers
in daily life. Religion implementation was conducted
through Islamic boarding schools, establishing
elementary school, doing umroh, and giving alms to
orphanage. In running their business, metal
craftsperson had a great spirit and works hard for
their business’ success as the representation of
religion implementation.
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