district can support the ability of smallholder salt
farmers in Galis regency in producing the salt of the
people they have acquired from generation to
generation from their own parents.
2) In developing competence of traits and
motives of peasant salt in Galis Sub-district of
Pamekasan Regency, Fishery and Marine Office of
Pamekasan Regency as training and coach to
develop competence of traits and motives owned by
peasant salt farmer in Galis Sub-district until now,
training and sustainable development to all peasant
salt people in Galis Sub-district Pamekasan
Regency, it is evident with still found most of the
people salt farmers in Galis Sub-district Pamekasan
Regency which until now still have not followed the
training and coaching activities conducted by the
Department of Fisheries and Marine District
Pamekasan. Until now there are still many people
salt farmers in Galis Sub-district Pamekasan
Regency that competence traits and motives has not
developed and still produce people's salt with the
ability obtained by hereditary from their parents, so
the quality and productivity of the people's salt they
produce is still low.
3) In developing the competence of traits and
motives owned by peasant salt people in Galis Sub-
district Pamekasan Regency, Fishery and Marine
Office of Pamekasan Regency have coordinated and
cooperated with the power holder or government
under it, such as Sub-district Head of Galis Sub-
district and its staff and at the level Village Heads,
Village Devices, Community Leaders, Religious
Leaders, and other influential people in conducting
training and fostering activities to smallholder salt
farmers in Galis Subdistrict, so that training and
coaching activities can be done well.
The researcher is grateful to Postgraduate School of
Universitas Airlangga for giving him the opportunity
to present this paper at the 2018 International
Conference of Postgraduate School, Universitas
Airlangga, Surabaya.
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