easily in relatively short time (Masood, 2016;
Dunham, 2015; Likitapiwat et al, 2016.) and more
prestigious (Astarini, Ita and Amir Mahmud, 2015;
Izhar et al, 2010; Sousa, 2004; Svalastoga, K.
(1959). As a result, it is more difficult to find skilled
workers (Galina et al, 2016) in this village. Even
they should be imported from surrounding areas in
order to make regeneration and to increase the
people’s interest in preoccupying and working in
metal craft production sector.
Metal craft production activity is very important
to business sustainability. Unfortunately, the
transformation of occupation type (Harini, 2012;
Unwanullah, 2015) occurs in craftsperson from
production to marketing threaten the business
sustainability. Considering this finding, the existence
of metal craft in Tumang begins to be threatened due
to the decreased number of craftsperson, particularly
product designers, because of limited skill.
Therefore, it is important to evaluate descriptively
the transformation of occupation type from
production to marketing (Lipset and Zetterberg,
1956) in young generation of metal craftsperson in
Tumang based on CIPP (Context, Input, Process,
Product) and to explore the strong materialism and
pragmatism factor, and prestige in transforming the
occupation type. So, the research problems are:
1. How are CIPP so that transformation occurs in
occupation type from production to marketing in
young generation of metal craftsperson in
Tumang ?
2. How strong is the effect of materialism and
pragmatism, and prestige consideration on young
generation of metal craftsperson in Tumang in
encouraging the transformation of occupation
type from production to marketing division ?
1.1 Literature Review
Social transformation (Yudi, 2015) occurs due to
external stimulus and sometimes it occurs
deliberately. The term generation generally refers to
family relation. Generation is a group of living
organisms lying on one ancestor lineage.
In socializing values, norms, and practices to
people in the world, family holds a central position
as the main socializing agent. Family plays an
important part in preparing individual in the
beginning period of member development. Family
members are expected to play active role in the
society where they live (Clary and Snyder, 2002).
Value, norm, and practice in primary socialization
are highly affected by ethnic, religion, culture, and
social strata backgrounds (Sewell, et al, 1957; Weiss
and Fershtman, 1998).
The value of the metal craftsperson holds on is
the one about business sustainability that will be
forwarded to young generation. Informal education
is also given about value inculcation in leading
young generation to find out how to produce metal
products. Craftsperson family is not only promoting
the products of metal craft smartly, but also inherit a
metal product producing skill.
Value and attitude changes, consumption
behavior, and degradation occurring within society
are affected by technology. Society’s lifestyle
changes in the presence of fairphone. The lifestyle
arising due to technology is conceived as atavism to
change the contemporary community’s life.
This research employed an evaluative method
with CIPP model (Stufflebeam, 2003). The
socialization of value between generations is
desirable to support the sustainability of business
existing in metal craftsperson. Value as something
very valuable and pursued in this life is always
socialized by metal business performers to their next
generation (Wong, et al, 2008. Informal education in
family environment helps the business performer to
forward their crafting skill to young generation.
However, time and technology development make
the young generation changing.
Social change is highly affected by technology
advance, in the context of virtual technology
dissemination and easy access to internet, and strong
effect of materialism (Kasser, 2003; Ryan and
Dziurawiec, 2001) and pragmatism (Benesch, 1993)
and prestige consideration of an occupation type
(Inkeles and Rossi, 1956). Materialism as the degree
to which one making acquisition of material
possessions, a central focus in one’s life that are a
large determinant of one’s happiness in life (Richins
and Dawson, 1992). The inputs are: infrastructure
with rapid proliferation of internet, and the improved
education of young generation, and the improved
mastery of internet virtual technology, and metal
industry program developed.
This study was an evaluative qualitative research
(Paranoan, 2015) using CIPP model (Salam and
Soenarto, 2013; Stufflebeam, 2002; Tokmak, 2013).
Data was collected from metal craftsperson young
generation in Tumang, Boyolali, Surakarta
Residency. Informants consisted of 8 persons taken
using purposive sampling technique based on
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School