4.6 Benefits of Coping Strategies
Formed by the Local Community
in Pekauman Village of Sidoarjo
Regency in Dealing with
Emergency Caused by Floods
The people are much better prepared in dealing with
the flood and are able to cope with the problems and
pressure that they face. For example, floods that
continue for days do not make them feel stressed but
make them more patient instead.
a. All three informants exhibit active behaviors in
dealing with emergency caused by the floods.
For example, they secure valuable items,
electricity to prevent short circuit, refrigerator
and television to prevent contact with water.
b. If viewed from economic and educational point
of view, there are various degrees of behaviors.
From the economic perspective, the 2nd
informant had renovated and elevated his house
before the floods hit as a form of strategy.
Meanwhile, from the perspective of higher
education (in this case, bachelor degree), the 1st
and 2nd informants requested the local
government to provide water pumps to move the
water into the water storage tanks as their
c. The people of Pekauman Village implement
almost all forms of coping strategies. In
Problem-Focused Coping, the strategies are
being confrontational, seeking social support,
and planning problem-solving solutions whereas
in Emotional-Focused Coping, the strategies are
self-control, diversion, positive judgment,
acceptance of responsibility, and avoidance.
d. Factors that influence coping strategies are
physical health, positive belief/outlook, problem-
solving skills, social skills, social support, and
e. The processes and dynamics which form coping
strategies are (1) the floods are not considered as
stressor because floods often hit the area every
year; (2) past experiences in similar situations
make the people more confident in overcoming
their own problems and the environment.
The benefit of coping strategies formed by the
people of Pekauman Village is that the people
can overcome the stress and find the solutions to
overcome the problems in dealing with
emergency caused by the floods.
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