from other normal children. Their attitudes to
strangers are rarely greeted and embarrassed. They
will be very nice to the known person although they
tend to not talk and put smile if they meet.
Spiritual attitudes depend on habits in the family,
school, and neighbourhood. For example, do the
greeting with friends, shake hands to teachers and
friends, and pray before eating and others. They
respect each other as well as one religion and
another. In religious terms, their parents and teachers
always guide them to worship according to their
beliefs, eventhough sometimes they do not
In terms of social interaction, children with
special needs considered their teachers and friends
are friends without differentiation. This is because
they do not yet understand the meaning of mutual
respect for the elderly because they consider
everyone around him is equal and same with their
age. They frequently gather together with people
they like which mean “picky” of friends.
In facing problems, tunagrahita children in SLB
Biromaru tend to be alone, quiet, nervous, easy to
cry, often singing alone to calm himself, and ask the
liked people, teachers, friends as well as those
around the school environment when encountered
difficulties in the lessons.
The ability of tunagrahita children in SLB
Biromaru in taking care of himself is very poor, due
to the less responsive parents and the environment to
their circumstances. Therefore, the teachers always
teach and guide them to be able to take care of
Characteristics of Tunagrahita Child
Tunagrahita children has characteristics in which
the head is larger and ear is smaller than normal size.
They also have childish face or not appropriate with
their age (baby face), have uncomfortable behaviour,
and like walking around. Besides, they are shy, not
confident, slow thinking, hard to control, emotional,
and often shouting. However, they show good
perseverance and empathy if they get conducive
service or a treatment.
In addition, they tend to behave like a child and
have unstable emotions looked from facial
expression because of their changed feelings
according to the mood. Their intellectual
development is slow and difficult to concentrate in
learning. The differences between tunagrahita
children and tunarungu (deaf) children are they are
easier to communicate even with minimal
vocabulary. The emotions are more controlled but
the concentration is lower than the deaf child.
Tunagrahita children still have obstacles in
ability to speak and communicate because their
vocabulary is limited which tend to produce the
repeated word in communicating as well as they
sometimes do not get into the conversation.
Teaching Method of Tunagrahita Child in
SLB Biromaru
The given education to tunagrahita children in
SLB Biromaru has the same treatment as other
SLBs, which concerned in terms of how to dress;
how to speak; how to take action and how to interact
between students and teachers.
Teachers teach based on the student's disabilities
and provide learning subjects that always in
accordance with their abilities. Teachers give more
attention and patiently guide their students one by
one using varied lecture methods, discussions,
games, and held a study tour. Although with not
adequate the facilities and infrastructure, this school
is able to well educate children with special needs.
Teachers in giving lessons to tunagrahita
children have to follow their mood. Without a good
mood, children tend to get bored quickly and cause a
sense of lazy in learning. The teacher gives
repetitive lessons so that the tunagrahita children are
able to repeat gradually the lesson studied,.
In teaching, the use of props with various forms
of visual is very necessary because it will make
children understand the lessons taught. In addition,
this kind of learning method is more fun for
In terms of spiritual and religious activities,
teachers teach how to worship according to their
religion, as well as show them appropriate places of
worship. In terms of social life, teachers teach them
to care about the surrounding and provide assistance
if people requires help. Teaching and learning
activities are sometimes done outside the classroom,
closer to nature.
Evaluation of learning is also given to
tunagrahita children. It should be done after
studying one small part of the learning subject to
find out the outcomes learning before continuing to
the next lesson. Evaluation tools should be in the
form of performance and the qualitatively processed
results while quantitative assessment is made as
SLB Biromaru has implemented a curriculum
from the education ministry tailored to the student's
abilities related to children with special needs. The
average age of tunagrahita learners are from 25 to
30 years. It shows that there is no existing age
problems relating to children with special needs.