Four Inter-Ethnic Marriages of Two ChineseKaili Couples and Two
ArabKaili Couples
Study Hybrid Identity
Moh. Kurniadi Hendry Ekodiyanto
Muh. Abduh Dwi Putra
, Moh. Fajar Agustian
and Rosmawati
Student in Postgraduate of Forensic Science, Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya, Indonesia
Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Science and Political Science, Tadulako University, Palu, Indonesia
Keywords: Hybrid Identity, Kaili Ethnic, Marital Adjustment.
Abstract: Marriage is the process of forming a new family and social relationship. In the past, the Kaili community
was aware of endogamy marriage system, which does not allow to do marriage with ethnicity other than
Kaili. But, with the development of era, ethnicities such as ethnic Chinese and Arabs have entered the Kaili
ethnic or Kaili ethnic settlements. Ethnic societies have occurred, and today, there are many who make
different ethnic marriages. The purpose of this study is to describe the differences in ethnic marriage
problems where different ethnic marriages often occurred in the Kaili ethnic community. The research
subjects were four different ethnic couples - the marriage of two Chinese-Kaili couples and two Arab-Kaili
couples. This descriptive research was conducted by collecting the information through passive and active
observation followed by the interview with the subject. Data analysis was conducted by grouping data from
observations, interviews, and field notes and then interpreted. The results obtained from this study were
from the four different ethnic couples. The majority have obstacles related to the blessing of parents and
family, but thanks to the beliefs and efforts of each pair to convince parents and family, the marriage can be
done. This happens due to of differences in culture and point of view on life. Therefore, in this case, marital
adjustment is required. The greater the cultural differences, the greater the difference in communication
both in language and in nonverbal cues. Thus, it can be concluded that communication is the main thing
required in the matter of adjusting different ethnic marriages.
Marriage is the process of forming a new family and
social relationship. When a man and a woman
marry, each of them brings their own cultural values,
attitudes, beliefs, and styles of adaptation into their
marriage (Haviland, 2017). Marital adjustment is the
process which the married couple adjusts their
behavior, personality, and even the way of life that
has previously become the habit of self (Kessing,
1991). In marriage, it is also united two different
cultures, different backgrounds, different tribes
(Koentjaraningrat, 2002).
In the past, the Kaili community (which is tribe
from Central Sulawesi) was aware of endogamy
marriage system. A marriage that does not allow to
marry with ethnicity other than Kaili. However, with
the development of the era, ethnicities such as
Chinese and Arabs have entered Kaili ethnic or Kaili
ethnic settlements. Ethnic societies have occurred,
and today, there are many who make different in
ethnic marriages.
In Chinese families, men are considered very
valuable, as the successor of the family (Skinner in
Afif, 2012). In Chinese society, families play a big
role in preserving culture because family is the
institution that supports upholding and preserving
Chinese cultural practices. The Chinese, despite
expressing liberal views on relations between ethnic
and interfaith, do not like mixed marriages. When a
member of a Chinese family marries someone from
another ethnic or religious group, that person is
considered "missing" from the family (Hefner,
Arab descendants have spread throughout all
parts of Indonesia, and its existence continues to
grow and develop in Indonesia. This is because of
the strong tradition of retaining descent by means of
a marriage like sekufu' (fellow Arabs) (Suroyyah,
Ekodiyanto, M., Putra, M., Agustian, M. and Rosmawati, .
Four Inter-ethnic Marriages of Two Chinese â
A ¸S Kaili Couples and Two Arab â
A ¸S Kaili Couples.
DOI: 10.5220/0007554209310934
In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School (ICPS 2018), pages 931-934
ISBN: 978-989-758-348-3
2018 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2014). With the rapid development and the existence
of modernization everywhere, the Arab community
especially in Indonesia, are seemed not to collapse
by the flow of modernity. Sekufu's marriage
tradition is maintained in their own way.
Ethnic marriage is an inter-ethnic marriage. It is
a process of unifying various ethnic groups
biologically and forming a new generation with
hybrid character traits. By looking at Chinese and
Arabic ethnic phenomena and traditions that have
been explained previously, then there must be some
problems occurred when Kailis married the
ethnicities that mentioned above. Hence, authors
conducted this research to study and describe what
problems occurred in inter-ethnic marriages, which
are Chinese-Kaili couples and Arab-Kaili couples.
The purpose of this study was to describe different
ethnic marriage problems where different ethnic
marriages often occurred in the Kaili ethnic, a
community in Palu, Central Sulawesi.
The research subjects were four inter-ethnic
couples - the marriage of two Chinese-Kaili couples
and two Arab-Kaili couples in Palu. This descriptive
research was conducted by collecting the
information through passive and active observation
followed by interview with the subject.
Data collection was conducted in qualitative
approach. Selecting the informants was conducted
by purposive sampling, which is choosing certain
people who can provide data or in-depth
information. Data analysis method was conducted by
editing data of observation result, interview, and
field record, and then categorized the data according
to problem formulation, interpreting data, and drew
the conclusion.
Marriage is a very sacred bond, whether it is a
physical bond or an inner bond and as a process of
unification between two distinct individuals from
different cultures, customs, values, traits and family.
Practically, in the community, it is very rare for
families to marry their children with different tribes
because the strata in different tribes may be lower or
higher. Thus, it becomes a personal insult to the
family shall their descent married to a lower strata or
social class. Therefore, the process of marriage
adjustment in an inter-ethnic marriage is presumably
not easy and has many obstacles.
Marital adjustment is a process of adaptation
between the married couples such as making
communication adjustments, adjustment of living
together, adjustments with the partner's family, and
any adjustments that aim to avoid conflicts within
the household.
The results obtained from this study were from
the four different married couples. The majority
have obstacles related to the blessing of parents and
family about their marriage. In the first Chinese-
Kaili couple, the woman's father initially did not
approve their marriage because he thought the age of
the couple was considered too young to marry.
Whereas there is no law in Indonesia that regulates
the age limit of a person to marry. While, the second
Chinese-Kaili couple, one who did not approve their
marriage was from the woman’s family, not her
parents. However, since they came from the same
Church, so, the woman’s family saw and judged that
their spiritual attitudes were good. That was the
reason why the marriage was finally approved. As
Hefner (2007) has pointed out that Chinese
considers religious issue in determining one to be
married. Therefore, the second Chinese-Kaili
couple, the family finally blessed because they saw
the religious similarity of the couple.
Then a different thing happened to the first Arab-
Kaili couple, where they did not experience the
disagreement from both families considering that
they have known and close each other for a long
time. While in the second Arab-Kaili couple, there
was a conflict between the two families because they
came from two different ethnics. It cannot be denied
because the Arab tradition is known to hold the rule
that the marriage of the descendant of children must
be with fellow Arabs. Even the man’s family had a
desire to matchmaking him, the determination and
desire of the couple lies in the assurance to the
families that their marriage will run smoothly and
well due to the good faith of both.
The same thing can be seen in the previous
research by Ali (2011). He stated that there is a
prohibition for a sharifah (woman in Arabs sayyid)
in the case of marriage to non-sayyids by reason of
maintaining a descendant who has been attached to a
sharifah. Arab descendants assume that marriage
that occurs with sharifah with non-sayyids will
destroy the attributes of their descent. Whereas for
sayyid men who are married to non-sharifah women
have no influence on their descent because men
carry lineage or patriarchal traditions.
ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School
In another previous study by Rizkiati (2012), it is
mentioned in the results of her research that
endogamy marriage is maintained because of the
background of culture that is hold firmly by Arab
descendants. The strong desire to maintain her
identity as an Arab descendant by limiting the
selection of partners in marriage. The efforts to
purify blood descent, trust, and security of the
property are maintained. In addition to marriages
carried out on the basis of emotional or mutual love,
the parents also has an important role in the selection
process of mate, namely by conducting a
matchmaking system. Therefore, it is not surprising
that in the second Arab-Kaili couple, the man’s
family had intended to arrange his marriage with the
candidate whom chosen for him.
From the facts mentioned above, in different
ethnic marriages, the problem tends to come from
before the marriage. Thus, pre-marital adjustment is
required. This pre-marital adjustment apart from the
couple's determination in convincing parents and
family also concerns the role of the couple's family.
Judging from the processes of the four couples
above, it appears that their family can solve the
problems that arise well. Thus, a good settlement
can make harmony in the family. A good marital
adjustment is characterized by the ability of family
members to understand the different views between
their family members. A good adjustment will be
achieved in this way compared to if one member of
the family has to give up or dissent is silenced.
Another main problem in communication
between different ethnic marriage is the adjustment
of communication patterns that require mutual
understanding between one another due to cultural
differences. If there is no mutual understanding
between different ethnic groups when these two
types of culture are united, then miss-
communication often arises. This difficulty could
lead to more communication errors, more sentence
errors, more likely misunderstandings, and more
misperceptions. If this is applied to the world of
marriage (household), the more cultural differences
between the two partners, the harder it is to adapt to
a marriage. In addition, the more differences
between the two extended families, the difficulty of
adapting would increase because basically a large
family (tribal family) is very influential on
individuals. This indicates that problems in marriage
would be more complex, especially if
communication is unhealthy. For this reason, mutual
understanding of each other's culture is absolutely
necessary to minimize this problem. Though it
cannot be denied that mutual understanding of a
partner's culture does not guarantee freedom from
misunderstanding (arising out of feeling offended)
for culturally different partner.
Every couple who has been married would very
much hope to be formed and increased a
psychological well-being, but, it is very difficult to
achieve if the marriage comes from two different
cultures. In terms of dimensions, couples married to
different cultural backgrounds would find it difficult
to make full acceptance of their spouses and
extended family because the person has a very
different principle from others.
Parental treatment of children born to different
ethnic marriages is also necessary, especially to
introduce every element of behavior from the two
different cultures, such as cultural background,
communication and so on which can be embedded in
children to become the reference of the cultural
recognition both parents. Both parents must
understand how to educate children, to make both
parents’ cultures well-known by the children.
Marital adjustment is not an absolute state but a
continuous process. Adjustment of inter-ethnic
marriage is a process of bringing the differences that
exist between couples with different ethnic
backgrounds in the form of culture, life view,
adjustment to life or new things, and adjustments to
communication. Thus, happiness and hope in
marriage can be fulfilled. The greater the cultural
differences, the greater the challenge in
communication both in language and in nonverbal
cues. Thus, it can be concluded that communication
becomes the main thing required in the matter of
adjusting different ethnic marriages.
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Four Inter-ethnic Marriages of Two Chinese â
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ICPS 2018 - 2nd International Conference Postgraduate School