basic assumptions of spatial regression. From
normality test, data is normally distributed.
Multicollinearity shows if VIF value<10. The
following is VIF value from predictor variables:
Table 3: Variance influence factors value.
Predictor Variables VIF Value
Number of Scholl (X
) 1.20
) 1.08
Gini Ratio (X
) 1.27
Percentage of Poor People (X
) 1.20
Percentage of Work Force on
Working Age Population (X
To test the effect of spatial heterogeneity, it was
used Breusch-Pagan test. Based on the test result, it
was obtained p-value, i.e., 0.01994 less than
=0.05. It means that there was heterogeneity
spatial in data. Furthermore, Moran’s I test was
implemented to find out the effect of spatial
dependency and get p-value=0.000. Finally, it was
concluded that there was spatial dependency in data.
4.3 Estimation Spatial Regression
This research has fulfilled the basic assumptions of
spatial regression thereby the next was step to
estimate the parameters of the spatial regression
model and to determine the weighted. The weighted
used were the kernel function weights while the
kernel function used was Fixed-Gaussian. To
determine the best model, look at the comparison of
AICc values between GWR and MGWR methods.
The summary of AICc values is represented in Table
Table 4: Comparison of AICc value between GWR and
MGWR methods.
Methods AIC’c Values
Fixed Gaussian GWR method 242,280491
Fixed Gaussian MGWR
Based on Table 4, the best method is the method
that has the smallest AICc value that is Fixed
Gaussian method MGWR method with AICc value
227.9374. Therefore, the method used to estimate
the best model in this research was Fixed Gaussian
MGWR method.
4.4 Partial Test of Local and Global
After the best model was obtained, the next step was
to test the significance of global parameters with
GWR 4.0 software. Based on the calculation, the
variables that affect global was X
with standard
residual is 0.667, t-value is -2.078, and the
estimation is -.1371.
The other variables are local and the values
depend on each region. The summary of significant
variables can be seen in Table 5 as follows:
Table 5: Significant variables in each region
Province Significant Variables
DI Yogyakarta X1, X2, X3
Papua X2, X5
MGWR model for province of DIY is as follows:
Based on the model above, it can be said that
every increase of number of school (X
) will
decrease school participation rate as big as
0.002392, every increase of economic growth rate
) will decrease school participant rate as big as
1.371757, and every increase of gini ratio (X
) will
increase school participation rate as big as
MGWR model for province of Papua is as
y = 166.903313 – 1.371757 X
– 1.062467 X
Based on the model above, can be said that every
increase of economic growth rate (X2) will decrease
school participation rate as big as 1.371757 and
every increase of percentage of work force on
working age population (X5) will decrease school
participation rate as big as 1.062467.
Predictor variables estimation that influences
both provinces is different. Their economic growth
rate is not increasing school participation rate. This
is because high economic growth rate is not always
causing all of the people to be prosperous, because
economic growth rate is often not followed by good
equity. Economic growth rate is significant in 34
provinces in Indonesia, but the other predictor
variables just influence locally. Hence, modeling of
school participation rate for senior high school is