Spatial Distribution Pattern of Nitraria L. in Tarim Basin
Y Feng
*, H L Xin
, Y Li
and W J Li
Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Urumqi, 830011, P.R. China,
Department of Pharmacognosy, School of Pharmacy, Second Military Medical
University, Shanghai 200433, P.R. China
Corresponding author and e-mail: Y Feng, luckfy@ms.xjb.ac.cn
Abstract. Based on the field survey and integrated with typical sample area recording, the
quantifying spatial distribution patterns of Nitraria populations were analyzed with dispersion
coefficient, average clumping index, aggregation index, Cassie index, Morisita index, and
negative binomial indexes. The results showed that the five species of Nitraria of spatial
distribution patterns are the cluster distribution, which are different in the level of aggregation,
in order of most intensity, it goes: Nitraria sphaerocarpa, N.sibirica, N. tangutorum, N.
roborowskii and N. pamirica. This is related to the population characteristics, habitat
condition and species density effect.
1. Introduction
Spatial distribution pattern is an important tool in plant ecology [1, 2]. Generally speaking, the spatial
distributions of plant species are mainly three types: there are random distribution, regular
distribution and clumped distribution. The population spatial distribution pattern is refers to
the population individual present the spatial distribution state in the community. All there are each
species biology characteristics, the embodiment of the interspecific relationship and its effect by the
environmental conditions, and it is an important attribute of the population [3, 4]. Living spatial
distribution pattern adapting to its environment is one of natural selection's results. The population
spatial distribution pattern of the study is not only quantitatively described spatial structure but also
exposing its cause, expound dynamically change in population and communities. In our study, the
dynamic spatial pattern of the dominant population in a community had been
investigated; understand the intraspecific competition and interspecific competition of life
history strategy. To grasp ecological environment status and infer basis for environmental protection
and fashioning conservation measures.
The genus Nitraria L.(Nitrariaceae) consists of 11 species grows in desert areas of Asia ,Europe,
African and Australian[5]. In China species of Nitraria mainly distributes in northwestern desert
[6,7]. There are 5 species in China and 5 species in Xinjiang province [8] . They possess the
characteristics of toleration of drought and freezing salinity sand burying, grow well in the arid and
semi-arid area of China They can easily produce adventitious roots and rhizomes and develop new
stems when covered by sand leads to a local decrease in wind velocity So they are excellent pioneer
sand shrubs for the restoration of ecosystem in desertification areas. Nitraria L. plants may have all
Feng, Y., Xin, H., Li, Y. and Li, W.
Spatial Distribution Pattern of Nitraria L. in Tarim Basin.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Environmental Management, Science and Engineering (IWEMSE 2018), pages 285-290
ISBN: 978-989-758-344-5
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