also known as environmental management accounting (EMA) by the international community [4].
The researches of F A Beams [5]and J T Marlin [6] on the social costs of pollution and the
accounting of pollution have created a new era of green accounting and researches on green
accounting have begun to grow.
The United Nations released the System of Integrated Environment and Economic Accounting
(SEEA) [7] in 1993. As a product of the sustainable development economy, it is mainly used for the
implementation of national accounts under the influence of environmental factors. Afterwards, the
UN Department of Public Information Strategic Communications Division (UNDSD) put forward
specific methods for implementing environmental management accounting [8]. The UNDSD EMA
method includes four types of environmental expenditures (costs) and one type of environmental
income measured by seven environmental media. By the implementation of this classification,
companies can find hidden costs and relevant cost savings. Since then, Gale[9]applied this method to
a Canadian manufacturing company and found that the natural and environmental costs under
traditional accounting were underestimated by approximately 50%.
As the topic of corporate social responsibility continues to intensify, more and more scholars
begin to pay attention to the relationship between organizational behavior and the environment [10].
One study found that environmentally sensitive organizations such as mining, chemical,
pharmaceutical and oil extraction are more likely to implement green accounting, while legal
requirements also force these industries to actively use environmental accounting as a method of
internal management[11]. Moreover, due to the limitation of organizational capital, the effective
utilization of environmental resource capital also urges managers to pay more attention to
environmental strategy [12]. In addition, the strategic direction of the enterprise, the industry in
which it operates and the size of the organization also have a great relationship with the use of
environmental accounting [13].However, although green accounting has received growing attention,
its application still faces many difficulties, lack of learning at the organizational level, excessive
attention to economic performance and lack of guidance on the application of environmental
accounting[14]have seriously hampered the development of green accounting.
China entered the ranks of the newly industrialized nations (NICs) in 2011, and the contradiction
between economic growth and environmental development has become increasingly prominent [15].
Recycling economy and green economy have become the theme of the development of new era. The
demand for green information is increasingly highlighted [16]. In the 1990s, Jiashu Ge
[17]introduced the concept of environmental accounting into China for the first time, marking the
beginning of China's systematic study of green accounting. So far, theorists have tentatively set up
the theoretical framework of green accounting [18] and pointed out that enterprises are facing serious
environmental risks and environmental liabilities [19]. However, there are only few studies on the
methods of green information disclosure in China. At present, the disclosure of green information
draws basically on traditional financial accounting and generates a series of forms such as
environmental balance sheet, environmental cash flow statement and environmental profit statement
[20]. However, there is no further study on how to quantify the green information which is of vital
importance in the information age.
What kind of green information should organizations disclose to the general public? How to
quantify the green information to make it more comparable? By analyzing the current situation of
China's green accounting information disclosure, this paper attempts to use the basic idea of input-
output analysis to build the preliminary framework of green information disclosure, taking the coal-
fired thermal power plant as an example. Also, by introducing the theory of emergy analysis into the
framework of green information disclosure, this research may help to solve the problem of the
current measurement dilemma of green information.
IWEMSE 2018 - International Workshop on Environmental Management, Science and Engineering