As shown in figure 5, the nitrate removal rate of the 1 my/5L system reached 61.60%, the 2 mL/5L
reached 60.02 %, the 5 mL/5L reached 61.08 %, and the 10 mL/5L reached 60.55 %, in 96 h. And
there was no nitrite accumulation in whole experiment (figure 5c).
The removal rate of nitrate correlated strongly with the growth rate of isolate N299. With the
death of N299, the ammonia started to release to the water, the ammonia began to increase which
correlated strongly with the growth rate of isolate N299. As shown in figure 5, the 29.94 % of TN in
1 mL/5L system, 27.10 % in 2 mL/5L, 38.47% in 5 mL/5L, and 27.10 % in 10 mL/5L were changed
into gas and achieved nitrogen removal. In the figure 5e, the C/N from 4.67 reached 0.54 in 5 mL/5L
system, in 36 h. Because of the lack of the carbon source, the denitrification can’t continue further. In
0 ~ 24 h, the strain was in logarithmic phase and had the highest performances of denitrification.
Moreover, the temperature maintained stable and the DO was in 4 ~ 8 mg/L.
3.6 The different inoculums of N299 in soft flask
As shown in figure 5g and figure 5h, the nitrate removal rate of the 1 mL/5L system reached 55.03%,
the 2 mL/5L reached 49.77 %, the 5 mL/5L reached 53.45 %, and the 10 mL/5L reached 51.35 %, in
96 h. And there was no nitrite accumulation in whole experiment(figure 5i). The removal rate of
nitrate correlated strongly with the growth rate of isolate N299. With the dead of N299, the ammonia
started to release to the water, in figure 6j, the ammonia began to increase which correlated strongly
with the growth rate of isolate N299. As shown in figure 5k and figure 5l, the 16.24 % of TN in 1
mL/5L system, 29.94 % in 2 mL/5L, 23.74 % in 5 mL/5L, and 24.77 % in 10 mL/5L were changed
into gas and achieved removal. The 2 mL/5L system owned the best denitrification ability. The water
pressure had a bad effect on denitrification.
The TDN removal rate reached 42.31 % in 1 mL/5L, 42.05 % in 2 mL/5L, 35.55 % in 5 mL/5L,
and 32.43 % in 10 mL/5L, in 96 h. In the figure 5k, the C/N from 4.67 reached 0.93 in 1 mL/5L
system, 0.74 in 2 mL/5L system, 0.99 in 5 mL/5L, 0.92 in 10 mL/5L, in 36 h. Because of the lack of
the carbon source, the denitrification can’t continue further.
4. Discussion
Based on the temperature distribution of the reservoir, we designed three temperature gradient
experiments. Denitrification process is sensitive to temperature, and denitrification rate doubles with
every 4 °C increase (Zaitsev et al. 2008)[15]. As shown in Figure 4, temperature had a pronounced
effect on nitrogen removal by isolate N299. The nitrate removal percentage of hard flask experiment
increased from 57.66 % at 11.5 ± 0.5 °C to 99.21 % at 30±2 °C in 96 h. The TN removal percentage
of hard flask experiment increased from 27.10 % at 11.5 ± 0.5 °C to 38.47 % at 18.5 ± 0.5 °C to
82.42 % at 30 ± 2 °C in 96 h. Meanwhile, the nitrogen removal of hard flask was consistent with the
soft flask experiment. The TN removal percentage of soft flask experiment increased from 21.41 %
at 11.5 ± 0.5 °C to 23.74 % at 18.5 ± 0.5 °C to 36.40 % at 30 ± 2 °C in 96 h. A remarkable decrease
in nitrate and TN removal were found when the temperature increased from 11.5 ± 0.5 °C to 30 ±
2 °C. The optimal temperature for nitrogen removal was 30 ± 2 °C for N299, and the nitrogen
removal rate was higher than that of other bacteria capable of aerobic denitrification (Wei et al. 2010;
Wei et al. 2012)[16,17]. Moreover, the excellent adaptability to low temperature presented by strain
N299 is beneficial for nitrogen removal from water in cold regions.
In the temperature gradient experiment, in 7.5 m, the TN removal rate of the hard flask reached
38.47 %, however the soft flask system reached 23.74 %; in 15 m, the TN removal rate of the hard
flask reached 27.10 %, however the soft flask system reached 21.41 %. Table 1 showed a clear
relationship between environment variables and uncovered nitrogen in hard and soft flask experiment
systems, obviously. The bivariate analysis has indicated that uncovered nitrogen (gaseous N removal)
significantly correlated with the height (R=-0.9468) and (R=-0.9291), and temperature (R=0.9813)
and (R=0.9702) in hard and soft flask systems, respectively. Obviously, the hard flask system had a
In Situ Nitrogen Removal by a Newly Isolated Oligotrophic Aerobic Denitrifier Zoogloea Sp. N299, in Relations with Temperature and
Water Pressure in a Reservoir