Based on Table 1 and Figure 1, on day 21
, the
mean percentage of wound length in the treatment
group was smaller than the control group (4.6% vs.
22.1%) and untreated group (4.6% vs. 30%).
Statistical analysis was performed using Kruskall-
Wallis non-parametric test because the data was not
distributed normally. From the Kruskall-Wallis test,
p = 0.017 (p <0.05) was obtained, demonstrating a
significant difference in the mean of wound length
between the treatment group, the control group, and
untreated group. In the Mann-Whitney Post-hoc test
results, there was a significant difference between the
mean wound length of the treatment group and the
control group (p=0.022; p<0.05) also the same result
between the mean wound length of the treatment
group and untreated group (p=0.009; p<0.05).
The efficacy of honey on acceleration of wound
healing and antimicrobial properties of honey has
been studied so far (Yaghoobi & Kazerouni, 2013).
However, the efficacy of local Indonesian honey such
as Sumbawa forest honey has not been widely
studied. This study is important because the
composition and function of honey are influenced by
the different types of plants, climates, and
environmental conditions within which the honey is
produced (Sumarlin et al., 2014).
The results of this study indicate that from day 1
to day 21
, the mean percentage of wound length
following topical application of Sumbawa forest
honey is consistently smaller than the mean
percentage of wound length in the group with
application of povidone iodine 10% as well as in the
untreated group. It can be interpreted that the wound
closure occurred faster after topical application of
Sumbawa forest honey. This is in line with Ghaderi’s
study (2004) which showed that the mean length of
the wound edge of the group of mice smeared with
honey were smaller than the control group (Ghaderi
& Afshar, 2004). In the inflammatory phase that lasts
between day 1 and 4, the application of honey
provides an anti-inflammatory effect that reduces
edema and necrosis, and decreases infiltration of
polymorphonuclear (PMN) and mononuclear (MN)
cells. In addition, previous studies have shown that
honey can accelerate re-epithelization, stimulate
angiogenesis and improve wound contraction by
increasing collagen synthesis and the degree of cross-
linking of collagen in granulation tissue in the
proliferative phase (Yaghoobi & Kazeroune, 2013;
Al-Waili et al., 2011).
There are three major properties of honey that
play roles in accelerating wound healing. First, its
high sugar content causes high osmolarity thus it
inhibits bacterial and fungal growth in open wounds.
Second, the presence of glucose oxidase enzyme that
can convert into hydrogen peroxide, which acts as an
antiseptic. Third, the content of various enzymes in
bee pollen and propolis can stimulate the growth of
new tissues. In addition, honey also contains essential
oils, flavonoids and polyphenols and vitamin C that
serve as antioxidants (Ghaderi& Afshar, 2004; Al-
Waili et al., 2011; Molan & Rhodes, 2015).
It is necessary to observe the effects of Sumbawa
forest honey on other aspects of wound healing such
as microbiological and histological aspects. Further
study is needed to determine the concentration of
Sumbawa forest honey that is most effective for
wound healing.
The topical application of Sumbawa forest honey can
accelerate the healing of incision wound on BALB /
c male mice.
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Evidence for clinical use of honey in wound healing as
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