(18-59 years old). Emotional stress and diabetes
mellitus may also be the cause of the absence of
significant correlation.
Wide age range (18-59 years old) could be a
counfounding factor for correlation between
psoriasis severity and periodontal pocket depth in
this study. Brown et al.
(1990) reported 5.7%
subjects with 4-6mm pocket depth in the age group
of 18-24 years old. This proportion was increased
three fold (18.1%) in the age group of 55-64 years
This study did not evaluate stress factors.
Lakshmy et al. (2015) reported psychiatry morbidity
in psoriasis vulgaris and the correlation with
psoriasis severity. The results showed that 71
patients (78.9%) have depression and 69 patients
(76.7%) have anxiety disorders. There was positive
correlation between psoriasis severity and
psychological variables (depression, anxiety, and
stress). Psoriasis severity correlated significantly
with depression (r = 0.465, p = 0.000), anxiety (r =
0.515, p = 0.000), and stress (r = 0.544, p = 0.000).
Rosania et al.
(2009) reported there were positive
correlation between the score of stress and pocket
depth (r = 0.23, p = 0.06) and also with number of
missing teeth (r = 0.54, p <0.001).
Diabetes mellitus is a frequent comorbid in
psoriasis and periodontitis patients (Anonym, 2016;
Holmstrup et al., 2017).
There were 5 patients
(14.7%) with history of diabetes mellitus. Diabetes
mellitus could act as a counfounding factor between
psoriasis severity and periodontal pocket depth in
this study.
The high proportion of periodontitis was found in
psoriasis vulgaris patients and there was no
statistically significant correlation between psoriasis
severity and periodontal pocket depth. In the
management of psoriasis vulgaris, all trigger factors
should be eliminated so that psoriatic lesions do not
get worse and recurrent. Although this study found
that there was no correlation between psoriasis
severity and periodontal pocket depth, but the high
proportion of periodontitis in psoriasis vulgaris
patients should increase the physician awareness to
identify and treat the focus of infection properly.
The author thanks to the patients for their
participation in this study. And also special thanks to
dr. Windy Keumala Budianti, SpKK, dr. Endi
Novianto, SpKK, drg. Cut Intan Safitri, Sp.Perio,
and drg. Siti Marhamah, Sp.Perio for their help in
data collection. The author also thanks to dr. Rompu
Roger Aruan, SpKK from Koja District Hospital
who had participated in referring his patients for this
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