Gender Differences in Sociodemographic Characteristics and Risk
Factors among Condyloma Acuminata Patients in Dr. Moewardi
General Hospital Surakarta
Adniana Nareswari, Primadhanty Bhadra, Mardiana, Halim Perdana Kusuma, Endra Yustin
Dermatovenereology Department Medical Faculty of Sebelas Maret University/
Dr. Moewardi General Hospital, Surakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: acuminata, gender difference, sexual behavior, risk factor.
Abstract: Condyloma acuminata (CA) known as anogenital wart is the most frequent sexually transmitted infection
(STI) worldwide. This highly infectious disease is caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV), whose its
high recurrence rates contribute to direct medical costs, productivity loss and increased psychosocial impact.
Thus, the prevention of this viral disease is more important than focusing on its treatment. This cross sectional
retrospective study assessed the gender differences in sociodemographic characteristics and sexual risk factors
of CA patients. There were 94 newly diagnosed CA patients, 47 males (50%) and 47 (50%) females during
the period of January 2013- December 2017. The demographic data were taken from medical record and the
additional data about the risk factors were from the questionnaires. Chi-square test was performed to compare
between genders and p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. There was significant difference
between genders on all sociodemographic characteristics (age, occupation, education, marrital status) and risk
factors (HIV/AIDS infection, condom using, age at the first sexual intercourse, number of lifetime sexual
partner, type of intercourse) among CA patients. Our study revealed that male CA patients were mostly single,
employed and multipartner, while CA female patients were mostly married, housewives and singlepartners.
Condyloma acuminata (CA) which is also known as
anogenital wart is common among sexually active
people. It is caused by the Human Papilloma Virus
(HPV), a sexually transmitted virus. Two low-risk
HPV genotypes, HPV 6 and 11 are believed to be the
cause of 90% of all CA cases.
Stanley, 2012). The
prevalence of CA is increasing by time in adult
population. Data from Center for Disease Control and
Prevention showed that in United States there are
more than 19.7 million new cases of STI annually and
14.1 million of them are CA.
Center for Disease
Control and Preventon, 2013)
Gender differences in norms for sexual behavior
exist and factors associated with sexual relations may
differ by sex. In studies by Faílde JM et al
(Failde,2008) and Teva I et al
(teva,2009) it was
found that generally, males tend to have more sexual
partners than females and to use condoms less
frequently than women during vaginal intercourse. In
other words, risky sexual behavior is more likely
among males than among females at any given
adolescent age. However, little research has been
conducted on sociodemographic factors or the effect
of addictive substances on sexual behavior, especially
in relation to gender; therefore, it is important to take
into account sexual risk factors, sociodemographic
characteristics and gender when making and
implementing intervention.
Condyloma acuminta is highly infectious and
although it is a benign neoplasma and not life
threatening but its high recurrence rates contribute to
direct medical costs, productivity loss and increased
psychosocial impact (Patel, 2013). Therefore, the
prevention of this disease is important and should be
concerned by investigating its epidemiological
characteristics and sexual risk factors. Some studies
have been performed about CA infection in
Indonesian population, but the data about the pattern
of sexual behaviors and risk factors among CA
patients is still limited, especially studies that
evaluated and compared between male and female
Nareswari, A., Bhadra, P., Mardiana, ., Kusuma, H. and Ellistasari, E.
Gender Differences in Sociodemographic Characteristics and Risk Factors among Condyloma Acuminata Patients in Dr. Moewardi General Hospital Surakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0008154202140218
In Proceedings of the 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology (RCD 2018), pages 214-218
ISBN: 978-989-758-494-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
CA patients. Our study analyzed the gender
differences in sociodemographic characteristics and
sexual risk factors of CA patients in order to plan
future health interventions.
This cross sectional retrospective study used
purposive random sampling technique, 94 patients
who were newly diagnosed with condyloma
acuminata were evaluated. They visited
dermatovenereology outpatient clinic, dr. Moewardi
General Hospital from January 2013 to December
2017. Sociodemographic data of the patients with CA
included gender, age, educational status, occupation
and marrital status were taken from medical record
while the sexual risk factors include HIV/AIDS
infection, age at the first sexual intercourse, condom
using, type of intercourse and number of lifetime
sexual partner) were from questionnaires. This
information was routinely asked to the patients on
their first visit and recorded in medical files. The data
were analyzed using Predictive Analysis Software,
version 22.0 (SPSS Inc, US). Chi-square test was
performed to determine the association between
gender and behavior as well as risk factors of CA
patients. P value < 0.05 was cosidered to be
statistically significant.
Fourty seven males (50%) and 47 females (50%)
with condyloma acuminata were statistically
analyzed. There were significant difference between
genders in age (p = 0.014), occupation (p = 0.001),
education (p = 0.019) and marrital status (p = 0.036)
of CA patients. In our study, the most common age of
CA patients was 21-30 years old. The male patients
were mostly single and workers. Female patients who
were affected by CA were mostly married and
housewives. Both female and male patients with CA
were mostly twenties years old and high school
graduates. (Table 1)
Table 1. Gender differences in demographic and general information among patients with condyloma acuminata.
umber of sub
ects (%)
PARAMETERS Male (n = 47)
n (%)
Female (n = 47)
n (%)
p Value
1 (2.1)
21 (44.8)
16 (34.0)
3 (6.4)
6 (12.8)
8 (17.0)
22 (46.8)
12 (25.5)
5 (10.6)
0 (0)
Self employed
University student
11 (23.4)
4 (8.5)
3 (6.4)
29 (61.7)
7 (14.9)
4 (8.5)
19 (40.4)
17 (36.2)
Elementary school
Junior school
High school
0 (0)
8 (17.0)
34 (72.3)
5 (10.6)
3 (6.4)
15 (31.9)
20 (42.6)
9 (19.1)
Marriage status
24 (51.1)
22 (46.8)
1 (2.1)
0 (0)
12 (25.5)
34 (72.3)
0 (0)
1 (2.1)
Gender Differences in Sociodemographic Characteristics and Risk Factors among Condyloma Acuminata Patients in Dr. Moewardi General
Hospital Surakarta
There were significant difference between
genders in HIV infection status (p=0.035). Most
patients did not have HIV infection. The age of their
first sexual intercourse (p=0.039) were mostly in the
age of 15-20 years old. There was also significant
difference between genders in the number of lifetime
sexual partner (p=0.000), most of male CA patients
were multipartners with 2-4 sexual partners, while
female CA patients were singlepartner. The type of
intercourse among male and female patients was
significantly different (p=0.000), the male CA
patients mostly liked oral intercouse, differ from
female patients who preferred genital intercourse.
(Table 2).
Table 2. Gender differences in sexual risk factors among patients with condyloma acuminate.
The diagnosis of CA in our study was based on
history taking, physical and supportive examinations.
Application of 3-5% asetic acid which lead to
whitened of the lesion (acetowhite) is used to detect
HPV infection in genital mucous. Acetowhite test
sensitivity is reliable detecting in HPV infection.
There are many previous studies in condyloma
acuminata however only a few of them which studied
about gender differences among CA patients.
In this present study, there are significant
difference between gender in group age of CA
patients (p= 0.014) . The highest incidence is in the
age of 21-30 years old in both genders. This is similar
with the previous study by Patel et al who showed that
incidence of CA peaked before 24 years old in
females and between 25 and 29 years old among
males (Patel, 2013). These corelate with the sexual
reproductive age of the patients since CA is highly
infectious sexually transmitted disease.
Many of male CA patients in our study are
workers (n=29, 61.7%). This perhaps they earn a lot
of money, have their own flexible time and they are
also good at socializing. This is supported by a study
by Aprilianingrum which reported that most female
sex workers’s client are self employed. This may
demonstrate that there is a correlation between the
high occurence of CA in this community.
(Aprilianingrum, 2007)
In contrast, most of female
CA patients in this study are housewives (n=19,
umber of sub
ects (%)
PARAMETERS Male (n = 47)
n (%)
Female (n = 47)
n (%)
p Value
Condom Using
15 (31.9)
8 (17.0)
24 (51.1)
5 (10.6)
8 (17.0)
34 (72.3)
19 (40.4)
28 (59.6)
7 (14.9)
40 (85.1)
Age at the first sexual intercourse
3 (6.4)
32 (68.1)
9 ( 19.1)
1 (2.1)
2 (4.3)
0 (0.0)
27 (57.4)
14 (29.8)
6 (12.8)
0 (0.0)
umber of lifetime sexual partne
9 (19.1)
28 (59.6)
10 (21.3)
33 (70.2)
14 (29.8)
0 (0.0)
Type of intercourse
Anal oral genital
13 (27.7)
7 (14.9)
20 (42.6)
7 (14.9)
34 (72.3)
1 (2.1)
11 (23.4)
1 (2.1)
RCD 2018 - The 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology 2018
40.4%). This result similar with study among women
in Kermansyah Province, Iran which showed that
about 51,5% female CA patients are housewives.
(Najafi, 2016)
Sexual behaviour was found to be strongest risk
predictor for CA in both males and females. The age
of the first sexual intercourse differs in various
population according to the cultural and religious
beliefs. For example, in Indian study the mean age of
firts sexual experience was 13 years old but in
American study it was reported as 17 years old.
(Insinga, 2003) (Shewl,2006) .In our study, mostly of
patients started their first intercourse at the age of 15-
20 (males 68.1% vs females 57.4%). Given that most
of our male patients were single, it indicates that
many male CA patients started their sexual activity
before marriage and even in early adolescence. Thus,
this should be emphasized that sexual health
education in our country should be started for junior
and high school students and premarital couples.
Moreover, similiar with study by
Panchanadeswaran et al which reported that males
were much likely than females to have more than 1
lifetime sexual partners and to have concurrent
regular as well as casual partner
(Panchanadeswaran,2006), 38 of 47 male patients in
our present study are multipartners with more than 2
sexual partners in lifetime (80.9%) and only 9 of them
(19.1%) are singlepartners. It was sigfinicantly
different from females CA patients who mostly only
has 1 sexual partner in lifetime (n=33, 70.2%) and
none of them had sexual partner more than four.
Study by Wen et al stated that greater numbers of
lifetime sexual partners were independently
associated with increased risk of genital CA in men
only. Men with 10 or more lifetime partners were
approximately twice as likely to acquire CA than man
with no or one lifetime sexual partner. But there is no
such association was found for women. (Gage,1998).
Many studies have reported the role of condom
use in the prevention of HPV infection.
In our study,
most of CA patients confessed that they never use
condom in their sexual activity (51.1% male vs 72.3%
female). Some adolescents believe that condoms are
unnatural, that they reduce pleasure or sensation and
that their use indicates a general lack of respect for
the female partner. The nonmonetary costs of condom
use appear to be even higher among famales than
males. Some females feel that a partner’s wish to use
a condom suggest that they, the females, are not
clean, that they are commercial sex workers or that
they are in extra-relationship sexual activity. It seems
that safe sex and the use of condom in preventing CA
should be considered and educated to all groups.
(Gage, 1998).
In this present study there were 19 (40.4%) male
CA patients and 7 (14.9%) of female CA patients who
had HIV infection. Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(HIV) is a predisposed factor for HPV infection,
including CA. Many studies reported that the
incidence of CA increasing in HIV/ AIDS patients.
Systemic review by Baruna et al in Sub Saharan
population showed a significantly high prevalence of
CA in HIV/ AIDS patients. (Banura,2013).
International Institute for Allergy and Infectious
Diseases in a study titled HPV FACT SHEET
reported that CA can be transmitted by oral, vaginal
and anal sex. However, oral and anal sex behaviors
are the most common routes.
Twenty of all male CA
patients in this study were engaged to oral intercourse
(42.6%) and 14 of them (29.8%) were male sex male
patients who had anal intercourse.
Our study showed that CA are more involves younger
patients in sexual active age, males who were singles,
workers and multipartnersand females who were
married, housewives and singlepartners. Further
studies with larger sample size are needed to achieve
more information about various aspects of CA as well
as sexual behaviors and risk factors, to help policy
makers make informative decisions about adopting
effective tratment and preventative practices. Early
sex education starting from junior high school
especially about STI and HIV is necessary.
Condyloma acuminta sexual partners is suggested to
get routine STI examination and also Voluntary
Counselling and Testing (VCT) must be performed in
CA patients
We acknowledge that this study was not funded by
any organization. There was no conflict of interest in
this study.
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