nodulo infiltrative based on growth pattern including
aggressive BCC.
BCC on the facial region may yield higher degree
of subclinical spread compare to tumor’s arising
elsewhere. Generally, the cosmetic outcome for the
standard surgical excision is quite satisfying.
Howbeit the lesion removal procedure in which a
significant excision on the margins area needed,
could caused an alarming tissue losses. Special
attention therefore needed to avoid further damages,
for fuctional and cosmetic importance, to certain
locations in the facial region such as the periocular,
perioral and perinasal areas (Jadotte, 2010). In the
current presented case, the location of the tumor was
in the infraorbital dextra, which is considerably a
difficult area. Therefore, the flap selection after
surgery should be adjusted to avoid the lid retraction
as the aftermath.
Additionally, there are several schematic
classifications for flap surgery. The Flap is
categorized based on the blood vessels supply
(random or axial), primary motion (advancement,
rotation, transpotation), configuration (rhomboid or
bilobed) and location (local or distant) (Cook, 2005).
Rotational flap include rotation movement flap.
Rotational flap is flap tissue that transferred over an
area of unaffected skin to reach defect (Chen, 2009).
The procedure of surgery include preoperative,
operative and pascaoperative. The preoperative
planning include examine the patient in the upright
position in both static and dynamic situation. Flap
design with consideration of aesthetic boundaries,
relaxed tension line and decision margin excision. in
this case wound closure using rotational flap. Flap
design was done as preoperative procedure.
There are several principles in the Flap, namely,
1) primary defect; is the post tumor removal wound
which intended to be closed while also acted as the
recipient from the subsequent skin-flap. 2) Secondary
defect; is the Flaps’ procreated wound. It derived
from the incision and removal of the surrounding skin
layer and the subcutaneous tissue, to overlay the
primary defect (thus called the donor) 3) the primary
flap motion is the displacement movement that will
be placed above to cover the primary defect. 4)
Secondary movement is the displacement movement
that is placed into around tissue of primary defect
using flap (Cook, 2005).
The surgical field should include the contralateral
aspect of the surgical wound (i.e. the entire face
should be prepped in the usual sterile fashion). This
will allow the intraoperative assesment of flap
movement on tissue symetry and free margins. BCC
with diameter less than 2 cm, approximately 85%
successful removal of all tumors with margin excision
3 mm while 95% with margin excision 4-5 mm
(Madan, 2016), (Abullarade, 2013).
should be perfomed to release vertical and pivotal
tissue restraint and elasticity and the plane of flap
elevation and undermining should match the wound
depth closely.
In this case wide local excision with 3mm margin
was carried out to prevent recurrences. Rotational
flap was done to maintain function and physical
aesthetic post operative. The rotating end portion is
located shorter than the primary defect that flap will
cover the furthest edge of wound if the flap edge is
expanded with secondary defects. After the incision,
the undermining was done with blunt scissors that
made the flap easily rotated towards the wound.
Triangular sutures are done on the end flap and the
donor tissue. Finally, the lateral initiation line is
sutured in interupted while the cranial side lines are
sutured with the continuous suture.
Post operative care after flap reconstruction is
similar for other wound. A pressure dressing, include
ointment shoud be applied over the flap. The initial
dressing should be removed after 24-48 h, the area
cleaned and a dressing of ointment and tape reapplied
(Chen, 2009). In this case
dressing include ointment
applied over the flap.
We reported BCC cases with nodular infiltrates type
in 43 years old woman. The BCC is treated with the
toto surgical excision with the rotational flaps. The
rotational flap technique can close the primary defect
seemlessly while at the same time causing less lesion’
tension. In the histopathologic examination, the
nodulo infiltrative BCC is found, with the none-free
margin therefore required more observation.
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