The Effect of Conditioned Medium Derived Wharton’s Jelly
Messenchymal Stem Cell for Diabetic Foot Ulcer:
Preeliminary Study – Case Series
Ferry Arrochman, Eva Niamuzisilawati, Nurrachmat Mulianto, Indah Julianto
Dermatovenereology Departement Dr. Moewardi General Hospital/Faculty of Medicine Sebelas Maret University,
Keywords: Wharton’s jelly, diabetic foot ulcer.
Abstract: Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is the one of long term complications of diabetes melitus with the life time risk up
to 25%. The patogenesis of DFU is complicated and multifactorial, resulting from the combined effects of
both local and systemic abnormalities. It is a chronic inflamation condition that diabetes melitus it self can
increase vascular complications like perifer neurophaty, vascular permeability cause high compartment and
triger tissue hypoxia. The failure of diabetic fibroblast to produce VEGF disturb neovascularization then
DFU can not recover easily. Topical conditioned medium derived wharton’s jelly as the therapeutic
strategies in regenerative medicine of diabetic foot ulcer. It is an evolution for DFU regeneration.
Chronic ulcers are defined as spontaneous or
traumatic lesions, typically in lower extremities that
are unresponsive to initial therapy or that persist
despite appropriate care and do not proceed towards
healing in a defined time period with an underlying
etiology that may be related to systemic disease or
local disorders (Suthar et a., 2017).
Diabetic foot ulcer are the most common medical
complication of patients with diabetes melitus, with
an estimated prevalence of 12-15% in diabetes
melitus patients (American Diabetes Association).
Diabetes mellitus type II (DM2) is a metabolic
disorder defined by hyperglycemia due to insulin
resistance. In diabetes, chronic skin ulcerations are
common on the lower extremities, particularly the
foot (Okonkwo & Dipetro, 2017). The diabetic
patient with foot ulcer require long-term
hospitalization and cary the risk of limb amputation
(Mariam et al., 2017).
Diabetes mellitus–associated impaired wound
healing severely affects life quality of patients
(Dangwal et al., 2015).
The hunt for effective
therapies to treat the sizable patient population
affected by the chronic, non-healing wounds brought
on by diabetes has been elusive. While there has
been research that has progressed from laboratory, to
clinical trials, and finally to clinical practice, these
treatments have failed to be the silver bullet that will
heal chronic diabetic wounds (Dangwal et al., 2015).
Wound healing requires a coordinated interplay
among cells, growth factors, and extracellular matrix
proteins. Central to this process is the endogenous
mesenchymal stem cell (MSC), which coordinates
the repair response by recruiting other host cells and
secreting growth factors and matrix proteins
(Julianto & Dindiastuti, 2016). This study use
messsenchimal conditioned media from
messenchimal punca cell wharton’s jelly. Wharton’s
Jelly is the primitive mucous, connective tissue of
the umbilical cord lying between the amniotic
epithelium and the umbilical vessels. First observed
by Thomas Wharton in 1656, this gelatinous
substance is comprised of proteoglycans and various
isoforms of collagen. The main role of the
Wharton’s Jelly is to prevent the compression,
torsion, and bending of the umbilical vessels which
provide the bi-directions flow of oxygen, glucose
and amino acids to the developing fetus, while also
depleting the fetus and placenta of carbon dioxide
and other waste products (Taghizadeh et al., 2011).
Messenchimal punca cell has a specific character
that is improve and transdiferensiasi it self to
become some cell strain like bone cell, tendo and
myosit. On the other hand messenchimal punca cell
Arrochman, F., Niamuzisilawati, E., Mulianto, N. and Julianto, I.
The Effect of Conditioned Medium Derived Wharton’s Jelly Messenchymal Stem Cell for Diabetic Foot Ulcer: Preeliminary Study Case Series.
DOI: 10.5220/0008161305260528
In Proceedings of the 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology (RCD 2018), pages 526-528
ISBN: 978-989-758-494-7
2021 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
can regulate human immunity and inflamation
responses. It is very important for wound healing by
reapair and make inflamation process be faster then
there is no chronic healing (Julianto & Rindiastuti,
Figure 1: Before treatment.
We reported a preeliminary study - case series taken
from dermatology outpatient clinic Moewardi
hospital Surakarta. The patient is a male 58 years
old who is consulted from an orthopedics with DFU.
He suffered from diabetes melitus since he was 42
year old. He got DFU for a year. His foot fingers,
digiti 2 and 3 has been amputated 6 month ago by
orthopedics. We started treated this patient by
applicated topical conditioned medium derived
wharton’s jelly messenchymal stem cell while the
ortopedics did debridement.
Photographic documentation was performed by
the same investigator and with the same digital
camera immediately before (Figure 1) the procedure
and after (Figure 2) therapy session
Chronic wounds (CWs) are by definition 'wounds
that have failed to progress through the normal
stages of wound healing and therefore enter a
pathological state of inflammation. As a result, the
healing process is delayed, or incomplete, and does
not proceed in a coordinated manner, subsequently
resulting in a poor anatomical and functional
outcome (Abbott et al., 2005).
With respect to diabetes, patients with the
disease have a 12-25 % lifetime risk of developing a
diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) (Singh et al., 2005;
Johansson et al., 2008). and 5-8 % require
amputation within 1 year (Johansson et al., 2008;
Pompers et al., 2008). In fact complications of DFUs
are the primary cause of non-traumatic lower
extremity amputations with DFUs preceding
approximately 85 % of such amputations.
Furthermore amputation secondary to DFUs is
associated with a high morbidity and mortality rate,
with a survival rate as low as 31 % for major limb
amputees (Larsson et al., 1998; Miyajima et al.,
SC-CM has a wide range of cytokines and GF
related directly to the wound healing process (Table
1). The next phase of recovery involves
angiogenesis, whereby molecules such as VEGF,
bFGF, EGF and TGF-b promote new blood vessel,
sustain the newly formed granulation tissues and
help in the survival of endogenous keratinocytes. In
the late phase of the wound healing process, GFs
such as EGF, GM-CSF and hepatocyte GF (HGF)
prompt keratinocytes to migrate from the basal
population around the wound edge to cover the
lesion and differentiate into squamous keratinizing
epidermal cells (Metcalfe & Ferguson, 2007).
Then after treatment we can report that Topical
conditioned medium derived wharton’s jelly
messenchymal stem cel is an evolution which can
regenerate diabetic foot ulcer very well.
Figure 2: After treatment.
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RCD 2018 - The 23rd Regional Conference of Dermatology 2018