than 6 °C/min. In other words, hackles distributing
among adjacent fibers decrease with heating rate
increases under high-pressure microwave curing,
which is consistent with the results of macroscopic
mechanical tests. Therefore, with increase of heating
rate under high-pressure microwave curing, the
resin flow and resin impregnation of carbon fiber
surface were hindered in a certain extent. This
phenomenon causes the void contet decrease and
brings a negative effect on interfacial adhesion of
carbon fiber and resin, which causes difference of
the ILSS of CFRP laminates in macroscopic
mechanical property and difference of hacles in
microcosmic fracture surface.
It can be seen that when the heating rate is
6°C/min under high-pressure microwave curing
process, the ILSS of CFRP laminates is 95.30 MPa
and the void content of samples is 0.44%, whose
value is basically consistent with value of sample in
standard thermal curing, which can meet the need of
engineering application of composites. In addition,
the way of microwave curing is different with
thermal curing because of selective heating of
microwave heating, which can reduce energy
consumption compared with thermal curing.
Furthermore, the heating rate of 6 °C/min is
recommended under high-pressure microwave
curing, the heating time is only 25 min and the total
time could be saved by 28.85%, so this heating rate
can improve curing efficiency and reduce energy
According to the analysis results obtained by ODM
and SEM technologies, the heating rate had a
significant influence on the void content of sample
and the ILSS of CFRP laminates under
high-pressure microwave curing. The void content
of sample increased with the increasing heating rate
under high-pressure microwave curing. The ILSS of
CFRP laminates tended to decrease and hackles
distributing among adjacent fibers decreased with
increase of the heating rate. Specially, when the
heating rate was more than 6 °C/min, the ILSS of
CFRP laminates decreased sharply. In the heating
rate of 6 °C/min process under high-pressure
microwave curing, the total time could be saved by
28.85%, and the ILSS of sample was basically
consistent with the value of sample in standard
thermal curing, which could be provided in
reference for the later microwave curing application
of composites.
This work is supported by the National Key Basic
Research Program of China (Grant No.
2014CB46502) and the Fundamental Research
Funds for the Central Universities of Central South
University ( 2018zzts473 ).
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MEEP 2018 - The Second International Conference on Materials Chemistry and Environmental Protection