in the present simulations but can be incorporated
into future experiments and models.
Figure 4: Contact pressure distribution as predicted by the
model at an indentation depth of
Spark erosion can generate randomly rough surfaces
with controlled roughness and a high fractal
dimensions. Combining standard equipment for
instrumented indentation with an optical surface
profiler mounted on the same console, precise
measurements of contact load-displacement curves
can be combined with a detailed analysis of the
surface topography before and after testing.
Using purposely developed software, the
measured surface can be superposed on a pre-existing
finite element mesh. The measured geometry and the
finite element geometry are the same, the only
limitation is the spatial resolution of the
measurement. This is a significant innovation and can
be used in future, more extensive studies in which the
surface roughness will be varied through systematic
analysis of the electric discharge parameters.
Financial support from DGAPA projects PAPIIT
IN114718 and PAPIME PE111018 is acknowledged.
MA Ramírez and CG Figueroa thank DGAPA for
their post-doctoral fellowships. HA Juárez thanks
CONACYT for her master’s scholarship.
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Physical and Numerical Simulation of Contact Mechanics of Spark-eroded Tool Steel with Controlled Roughness