events demonstrates that the defects contribute to the
melting of SiO
Attribute to the presence of the void, there is a
higher potential energy for both of a-defect1 and
a-defect2. The glass transition temperature is
estimated to be 1812.6 K, 1846.4 K and 1587.8 K,
for a-intact, a-defect1 and a-defect2, respectively.
While the introduced of the defect concentration
1.47% makes the glass transition temperature reduce
by about 12.4%. From this calculated RMSD, we
can know that the vacancy cluster can reduce the
glass transition temperature of the material to a
certain extent.
We thank the financial support from the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (NSAF. Grant
No. 11176020 and NSFC. Grant No. 11374217).
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