anisotropic grains which were not detected by XRF
are probably sulphides. Spherical particles which
appear dark in both transmitted and reflected light
correspond to wüstite. Brucite forms the fine eutectic
structure, probably with wüstite needles.
Structures like the ones in Figure 3b and 5 are too
fine to be analised correctly by EDX in SEM. Also,
different phases will only show grey tone contrast in
SEM. XRD cannot detect phases which are present in
small amounts, nor amorphous components, which
are readily identified in OM. As EDX cannot quantify
oxygen, discrimination between different metal
oxides and hydroxides is often not possible, while it
is fairly straightforward in a petrographic
For the present materials, the limited resolution of
OM poses no problem. One drawback is that most
reference works on OM refer to geological materials.
Reference to man-made waste materials is not
available. Additional SEM/EDX analysis of the thin
slices may help to solve this limitation in future work.
Selection of slag materials for specific applications of
environmental engineering requires the identification
of potentially active components. Petrographic
microscopy is a classical tool used by geologists to
elucidate the mineralogical composition of rocks but
is rarely used outside this speciality and has been
partially substituted by SEM. Here it was shown that
it provides valuable details on the microstructure and
phase distribution in slags, especially when combined
with SEM, EDX and XRD. The technique has proven
particularly useful in the analysis of the oxides and
hydroxides of Fe, Mg and Ca, which play a
fundamental role in contaminant removal.
This work was sponsored by DGAPA project IV100616.
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MEEP 2018 - The Second International Conference on Materials Chemistry and Environmental Protection