The Relationship of Self-esteem with Resilience of Teenagers
Survivors of Mount Agung Eruption
I Nyoman Asdiwinata and Ni Putu Tresna Anjani
Nursing Program, STIKes Wira Medika Bali, Indonesia
Keywords: Self-esteem, Resilience, Teenager, Survivors.
Abstract: Objective: This study aimed to analyze the relationship of self-esteem with resilience in teenagers survivors
of Mount Agung eruption. Method: Descriptive correlational with cross sectional approach was used in this
study. The sampling technique with purposive sampling resulted in the number of samples 203 teenagers who
lived in affected area. Data was collected in May 2018 using questionnaire of self esteem and resilience that
has been tested its validity and reliability. Data was analyzed by Spearman Rank test. Result: self-esteem and
resilience of teenagers were mostly in the moderate category (74.9% and 64.0% respectively). There was a
significant correlation between self-esteem and resilience in teenagers survivors. Conclusion: This study
showed alteration of psychological state from survivors rely on internal and external protective factors. The
higher the level of resilience survivors the higher they would have self-esteem.
Indonesia has a large area and is located on the
equator in a cross position between two continents
and two oceans, in a region that has geographical,
geological, hydrological and demographic conditions
that are prone to disasters with a high frequency.
Indonesia is on an active continental plate,
surrounded by a row of very active volcanoes called
the ring of fire. Indonesia's natural and geographical
conditions make Indonesia very vulnerable to
disasters (Ramli, 2010).
Disasters can occur anytime and anywhere.
Indonesia is often hit by disasters both small and large
scale which is causes large casualties. Some of the
disasters that occurred in Indonesia such as the
Tsunami on December 26, 2004 in Aceh resulted in
150,000 people died and tens of thousands more
missing. The height of the tsunami reached 35 meters
due to the 8.5 SR tectonic earthquake in the Indian
Ocean. The West Sumatra earthquake on September
30, 2009 measuring 7.6 on the Richter scale resulted
in 1,115 deaths (Ramli, 2010). Lately, Indonesia,
especially Bali, experienced natural disasters, namely
the eruption of Mount Agung located in Karangasem
Regency, which is still level 3 or erupted.
A total of 22 villages have the potential to be
affected by eruptions after the alert status of Mount
Agung was determined. The village is in a prone
radius of eruption as far as eight kilometers from the
crater of Mount Agung, plus sectoral expansion to the
north, northeast, southeast, south and southwest as far
as 10 kilometers. Due to the eruption of Mount
Agung, the number of refugees starting on
Wednesday, November 1, 2017 at 18.00 WIB reached
129,276 people spread across 229 refugee points.
Refugees are in Buleleng Regency (20,853 people),
Klungkung (15,500 people), Karangasem (50,215
people), Bangli (3,882 people), Tabanan (4,074
people), Denpasar City (14,852 people), Gianyar
(12,887 people), Badung (6,383 soul), and Jembrana
(630 people) and up to Sunday, March 4, 2018 the
distribution of refugees in 40 refugee points in
Karangasem Regency was 1750 people.
Every disaster event will produce a number of
victims. Victims who survive of disaster called
survivors. Survivors are those who directly
experience traumatic/natural disasters and survive the
disaster (Pratiwi, A.C., Suci, M.K., dan Rin, 2011).
Survivors of natural disasters face very complex
situations and conditions, both physically,
psychologically and socially (Rusmiyati, Chatarina
dan Enny, 2012). For survivors who are able to adapt
well, they will produce a positive performance in their
lives, whereas for survivors who are less able to adapt
they will remain in these unpleasant conditions. The
term that describes personal quality that allows
Asdiwinata, I. and Tresna Anjani, N.
The Relationship of Self-esteem with Resilience of Teenagers Survivors of Mount Agung Eruption.
DOI: 10.5220/0008202900720077
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of Indonesian National Nurses Association (ICINNA 2018), pages 72-77
ISBN: 978-989-758-406-0
2020 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
individuals and their communities to grow even
though they are in disadvantage is called resilience
(Margareth, 2016)
Resilience is the ability of a person to survive and
not give up on difficult circumstances in his life, and
try to learn and adapt to these conditions and then rise
to become better (Widani, 2015). Factors that affect
the resilience are by internal and external protective
factors. Internal protective factor is a protective factor
originating from inner self such as self-esteem, self-
efficacy, ability to overcome problems, regulation of
emotions and optimism. Whereas the external
protective factor is a protective factor originating
outside the individual, for example, support from
family and the environment (Singarimbun, 2017)
Self-esteem is obtained from oneself and others who
are loved, respected, and valued. Individuals will feel
high self-esteem if they often experience success, and
vice versa individuals will feel low self-esteem if not
accepted in their environment and often failed
(Widani, 2015).
Teenagers who are in a period of growth and
development really need self-esteem, because self-
esteem reaches its peak in adolescence. Teenagers are
one group that receives the effects of natural disasters,
one of which arises from the experience of living in
refugee camps without access to schools (Sandha P,
T., Sri, H., dan Nailul, 2012). This is also due to
several factors, namely the existence of adolescents is
still under risk and endanger their survival, the level
of life dependence that is still high on adults, do not
have much life experience, the ability to protect
themselves is still limited, not in conditions that can
make decisions on themselves alone (Hidayati, 2014)
Several study showed that self-esteem and
resilience has different result. For intance, self-
esteem and resilience from adolescene at Mount
Sinabung survivor stated there was no significant
correlation to their life (Singarimbun, 2017). In
different perspective, research from (Margareth,
2016), stated there was a significant correlation from
self-esteem and resilience leve of adolescene to their
life during disaster experiences. Based on that
different result, therefore a new research to emphasise
that need to be conducted.
Based on a preliminary study is conducted by the
researcher on March 19, 2018 through interviews
with the principal of the Selat 1 Public Junior High
School, the number of 512 students was divided into
8 classes for 9th grade, 7 classes for 8th grade, and 6
classes for 7th grade. Most of the students who attend
live in the level 3 eruption-prone area of Mount
Agung, amounting to 412 people. Students of the
Selat 1 Public Junior High School attend the school
closest to their place of refuge. The results of
interviews with 12 students, they said that the
situation in the refugees was very uncomfortable,
they claimed to be embarrassed when they had to
attend other schools because they were the center of
attention in the schools where they were displaced.
This study aimed to analyze the relationship between
self - esteem with resilience in adolescent survivors
of the eruption of Mount Agung
This research was a quantitative study with the
research design used was descriptive correlational
cross sectional. In this study the researcher connected
two variables, self-esteem with resilience in
adolescents who survived the eruption of Mount
Agung. The population in this study were all students
of Selat 1 Public Middle School who resided in the
disaster-prone area of 3 volcano eruptions which
numbered 412 people. The sampling technique in this
study is non probability sampling, namely purposive
sampling, obtained a sample of 203 people. The
instruments used were the self-esteem and resilience
Validity of questionnaire self-esteem has been
tested with result range from 0.384 to 0.720 whereas
reliability test result was 0.775. Validity
questionnaire of resilience has been tested with result
range from 0.376 to 0.690 and reliability test result
was 0.863 which means all the questionnaire are valid
and reliable. Data was collected by using primary data
directly to respondent. Before data had been
collected, researcher have been doing some
administrational procedure due to authorized party
such as, government and school. All respondents
were given informed consent before filling the
questionnaire. After principal of Selat 1 Public Junior
High School giving a permit to collecting data,
researcher gathered all students based on their
respective classes to be given two questionnaires,
after filling out, the researcher checked again before
the tabulation was conducted. Data was analysed
using statictical analysis such as descriptical
frequencies and for both variable using Rank
Spearman test to obtain relationship between two
The Relationship of Self-esteem with Resilience of Teenagers Survivors of Mount Agung Eruption
3.1 Characteristic of Respondents
This research contains three types of respondents
characteristic data collected such as age, gender and
duration of living in evacuation area.
Table 1: Frecuency distribution of characterictic of
respondents by age, gender and duration of living in
evacuation area.
Characteristic Categories Frecuency
11 y.o 1
12 y.o 14
13 y.o 85
14 y.o 74
15 y.o 24
16 y.o 4
17 y.o 1
Female 104
Male 99
Duration of
living in
1 month 27
2 month 30
3 month 37
4 month 35
5 month 38
6 month 36
3.2 Self-esteem in Survivors the
Eruption of Mount Agung
Table 2: Self-esteem in survivors the eruption of Mount
Agung (n = 203).
No. Categories Frecuency
High 46
Moderate 152
Low 5
Most of the 203 respondents were in the
moderate category, which were 152 respondents
3.3 Resilience in Survivors of Mount
Agung’s Eruption
Table 3: Resilience in survivors the eruption of Mount
Agung (n = 203).
No. Categories Frecuency
High 71
Moderate 130
Low 2
Most of the 203 respondents were in the moderate
category, which were 130 respondents (64.0%).
3.4 Data Analysis between Self-esteem
and Resillience of Survivors Mount
Agung Eruption
Table 4: Analysis between self-esteem and resilience of
survivors Mount Agung Eruption (n=203).
High Moderate Low total
f 42 4 0 46
% 20.7 2.0 0 22.7
f 28 124 0 152
% 13.8 61.1 0 74.9
f 1 2 2 5
% 0.4 1.0 1.0 2.4
f 71 130 2 203
% 35.0 64.0 1.0 100.0
P value 0.000
ICINNA 2018 - The 1st International Conference of Indonesian National Nurses Association
According to the description of the table above, it
showed that most of them have self-esteem in the
moderate category, namely 124 people or 61.1% and
have resilience in the medium category. Based on the
results of the Rank Spearman test results obtained p
value = 0,000 < level of confidence or the specified
error rate is 0.05.
These results indicate that there is a significant
relationship between self-esteem and resilience in
adolescents who survived the eruption of Mount
Agung in the Selat 1 Public Junior High School, Selat
District, Karangasem Regency.Based on the results
of the Rank Spearman test also obtained a correlation
coefficient of 0.632. This showed that the variable
self-esteem with resilience has a strong degree of
relationship. The correlation coefficient is positive,
which means that the variable self-esteem with
resilience has a direct correlation, meaning that the
higher the level of self-esteem, the higher level of
resilience and vice versa.
4.1 Self-esteem
The results obtained were based on a study of 203
respondents who were teenagers who survived the
eruption of Mount Agung in the Selat 1 Public Junior
High School, Selat District, Karangasem Regency,
respondents with moderate self-esteem were
dominating as many as 152 respondents (74.9%).
Self-esteem is an individual's comprehensive
assessment of himself both positive and negative
obtained from himself, others who are loved,
respected and valued in his environment. (Dewa,
2016) mentions that the factors that affect self-esteem
include individual development, unrealistic self-
ideal, physical and mental disorders, non-functioning
family systems, repetitive traumatic experiences such
as war, physical and emotional abuse, natural
disasters and so on.
Most respondents feel confident in their ability to
deal with natural disasters that occur, they feel able to
do something like what other people do. They are able
to accept themselves as who they are, and they feel
confident about what they are doing, they feel good
about themselves.
One of the effects that they felt from the eruption
of Mount Agung was that they had to evacuate to a
safer place, and they had to follow the learning
process at the school closest to their place of refuge.
Uncertainty about the disasters that occur make them
also feel uncomfortable because teaching and
learning activities are uncertain, they feel less
confident when they have to study at a school that is
close to the location of their evacuation for fear of
looking strange in front of other students. This shows
that they have a worry about the views of others about
them including their physical, abilities and
The results of this study are in accordance with the
results by Singarimbun (2017) who conducted
research on the relationship of self-esteem with
resilience to teenagers survivors of Mount Sinabung
eruption conducted to 45 adolescents who survived
the eruption of Mount Sinabung, 36 people (80%) had
self-esteem in the moderate category. Self-esteem is
a dynamic development process that can develop
along with the development of the individual.
Teenagers is the period in the search for identity can
make youth self-esteem will be continued to grow and
not stable (Kamila, 2013).
Social contexts such as family, friends and school
have an influence on the development of teenagers
self-esteem. A study found that when family
cohesiveness increases, teenagers self-esteem also
increases with age. Fair treatment, giving
opportunities to be active, and educating democratic
ones will make children get high self-esteem (Sandha
P, T., Sri, H., dan Nailul, 2012). Parents who often
provide penalties and prohibitions for no reason can
cause children to feel worthless (Ghufron, M.N &
Risnawita, 2010).
Margareth (2016) states that there are three
aspects of individual self-esteem, namely
performance self-esteem, which refers to one's
general competence including intellectual ability,
school performance, self capacity, self-confidence,
and self-efficacy. People who have high performance
self-esteem believe that they are smart and capable;
Social self-esteem refers to how someone trusts the
views of others according to them. If other people,
especially important people, value them, individuals
will have high social self-esteem. Someone with low
social self-esteem will feel anxious when in their
environment and will be very worried about the views
of others towards them; The physical (appearance) of
self-esteem refers to how one sees their physicality
including skills, attractive appearance, body image
and also stigma about race and ethnicity.
4.2 Resilience
Survivors of the Mount Agung eruption mostly had
moderate levels of resilience of 130 respondents
(64%). Resilience is a person's ability to survive and
not give up in difficult circumstances in life, adapted
The Relationship of Self-esteem with Resilience of Teenagers Survivors of Mount Agung Eruption
to these conditions and able to rise to be better than
A person with high resilience will be able to
accept changes positively and also can adapt to
changes that occur in their life, have a good coping
mechanism for stress, know what to do in the face of
unexpected situations. This is because teenagers are a
transitional stage, where one characteristic of
adolescents is experiencing emotional instability, so
that teenagers cannot control themselves when faced
with a situation that suddenly changes, adolescents
are still very dependent on adults, especially parents,
and lack of experience and knowledge in dealing with
disaster situations. Resilience in adolescents can be
volatile, will continue to develop over time.
The results of this study are in accordance with the
results of a study conducted by (Oktaviani, 2012)
about the resilience of Acehnese teenagers who
experienced the 2004 tsunami disaster that was
carried out to 25 respondents. From the results of the
study which was found that the resilience of teenagers
of the 2004 Aceh tsunami survivors was mostly
classified as moderate, some even relatively high.
This can occur due to several reasons, including that
resilience is a dynamic process that can change,
including the development of age.
According to Oktaviani (2012) the average
resilience score of teenagers classified as moderate
can be caused by lack of full understanding of one's
ability to deal with problems. This lack of
understanding of one's abilities is related to the task
of teenagers development, namely identity vs.
identity confusion. Teenagers at this stage try to find
their identity, are still confused about the changes in
identity and definition in life, as a consequence of the
transition period between children and adults.
Margareth (2016) revealed that there are five
aspects of resilience that explain about students who
experience conflict, among others: personal
competence, high standards and tenacity which
shows that someone feels as a person who is able to
achieve goals in situations of setbacks or failures;
Believe in yourself, have a tolerance for negative and
strong or strong effects in dealing with stress. This
aspect relates to calmness, fast coping with stress,
thinking carefully and staying focused even when
facing problems; Accept changes positively and can
make a safe relationship with others. This aspect
relates to the ability to adapt if facing change; Self
control in achieving goals and how to ask for or get
help from others; Spiritual influence that is sure of
God or fate.
4.3 Correlation between Self-Esteem
and Resilience
The results showed the results of p value = 0,000 <
level of confidence or the level of error specified is
0.05. These results indicate that there is a significant
relationship between self-esteem and resilience in
teenagers who survived the eruption of Mount
Agung. Based on the results of the Spearman Rank
test, the correlation coefficient was 0.632. This shows
that the variable self-esteem with resilience has a
strong degree of correlation and a positive correlation
coefficient, which means that the variable self-esteem
with resilience has a direct relationship, meaning that
the higher the level of self-esteem the higher the
resilience and vice versa. It indicate that one of the
factors that can influence resilience is self-esteem.
The results of this study are in accordance with the
research conducted by Margareth (2016) who
conducted a study of the relationship between self-
esteem and resilience in secondary school students
after floods and landslides in the Batu Gajah area of
Ambon. The results of data analysis showed that there
was a significant positive relationship between self
esteem and resilience. It can be happened because
high school students who experience floods and
landslides in the Batu Gajah area of Ambon have a
low level of self esteem, which causes low resilience
in themselves, which is caused by the lack of
experience they have about calamities and difficulties
in life.
The results of this study contradict the research by
Singarimbun (2017) who conducted a study on the
relationship between self-esteem and resilience in
teenagers survivors of Mount Sinabung eruption. The
results showed that there was no significant positive
relationship between self-esteem and resilience. This
means that self-esteem does not contribute to
resilience. This can be caused by other external
factors that influence resilience such as family,
environment, and culture, because resilience is a
dynamic process and develops over time. Similar to
self-esteem, self-esteem is also a dynamic
development process that can develop along with the
development of the individual. Teenagers where the
period in the search for identity can make youth self-
esteem will continue to grow and not stable.
Margareth (2016) states that self-esteem is an
internal factor that influences the formation of one's
resilience. Individuals with high self-esteem are able
to respect themselves, make good judgments on
themselves by accepting their abilities, accept all the
shortcomings they have, take responsibility for the
life they live by accepting the good and bad facts that
ICINNA 2018 - The 1st International Conference of Indonesian National Nurses Association
occur in their lives. The individual is not only
thinking of himself but also able to respect others and
have good social relations or relationships with those
around him. This will form individuals who have high
According to (Desmita, 2012), self-esteem is a
factor that plays an important role in all aspects of
human life. Self-esteem can affect motivation,
behavioral functions and life satisfaction, and
significantly relate to the well-being of all aspects of
life. Self-esteem is one dimension of self-concept,
and is one aspect of personality that has an important
role and influence on individual attitudes and
behavior (Kamila, 2013). Self-esteem is one aspect
that determines the success of teenagers in interacting
with their social environment. Through self-image,
learning process, experience and interaction with the
environment, teenagers can form a positive
assessment of themselves. Everything that a teenager
thinks and feels about himself is an important value
for teens to be able to realize their worth. The
formation of positive judgments in teenagers relates
to the appreciation of themselves, which in turn will
affect how teens display their potential (Sandha P, T.,
Sri, H., dan Nailul, 2012).
High self-esteem of someone who has confidence
in themselves includes physical, intellectual abilities
and skills they have, does not feel worried when they
are in environment and is not worried about the views
of others towards them, then these individuals will
have high resilience which is indicated by they will
show that they are people who are able to achieve
goals even in unpleasant situations, have positive
stress coping, are able to accept changes positively,
are able to adapt if they face change, are able to
control themselves and know how to ask for help
from others.
This results indicate that there is a significant
relationship between self-esteem and resilience in
adolescents who survived the eruption of Mount
Agung. The higher level of resilience survivors the
high they will have self-esteem.
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Bandung: Rosda Karya.
Dewa, P. I. K. (2016). Hubungan Self-esteem dengan
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dengan Resiliensi pada Remaja di Panti Asuhan
Keluarga Yatim Muhammadiyah Surakarta.
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Resiliensi pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pasca
Bencana Banjir dan Tanah Longsor di Daerah Batu
Gajah Ambon.
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Aceh yang Mengalami Bencana Tsunami.
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Perbedaan Tingkat Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Ditinjau Dari Bentuk Dukungan Emosi Pada Penyintas
Erupsi Merapi Usia Remaja Dan Dewasa Di Sleman,
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Rusmiyati, Chatarina dan Enny, H. (2012). Penanganan
Dampak Sosial Psikologis Korban Bencana Merapi
(Social Impact Of Psychological Treatment Merapi
Disaster Victims), 17.
Sandha P, T., Sri, H., dan Nailul, F. (2012). Hubungan
Antara Self Esteem Dengan Penyesuaian Diri Pada
Siswa Tahun Pertama Sma Krista Mitra Semarang.
Singarimbun, E. S. K. (2017). Hubungan Self-Esteem
dengan Resiliensi pada Remaja Penyintas Erupsi
Gunung Sinabung di Posko Mardingding Terong peren,
Kecamatan Tiga Nderket, Kabupaten Karo, Sumatera
Widani, N. N. (2015). Hubungan Resiliensi dengan
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The Relationship of Self-esteem with Resilience of Teenagers Survivors of Mount Agung Eruption