Obstacles experienced by participants who have
children with a history of febrile seizures include
concerns about recurrent febrile seizures and cost
problems. This is as stated by Gunawan, et al (2008),
that 20-50% of children with febrile seizures will
experience recurrent seizures of febrile seizures
(Gunawan, W., Kari, K., & Soetjiningsih,
2008). There were also participants who said their
children had febrile seizures up to nine times since
the first febrile seizure up to the last few months.
The funding problem presented by participants, this
is related to health insurance that is not yet owned by
participants, where participants who convey this
matter are transferred people who have not had time
to administer documents for health insurance.
The information on how to overcome obstacles
in the care of children with febrile seizures are
obtained such as providing drugs, giving
supplements, providing nutritious food, providing a
clean environment and directly to health services
when recurrent seizures occur. This is in line with
information that febrile seizure incident was most
frequently associated with a sudden increase in the
body temperature in 53.40% (Gontko-Romanowska
K, Żaba Z, Panieński P, Steinborn B, Szemień M,
Łukasik-Głębocka M, Ratajczak K, Chrobak A,
Mitkowska J, 2017). It is important for parents who
have toddlers with febrile seizures to keep their
children from various infections by maintaining a
healthy body and environment, providing nutritious
food, and additional supplements.
The incidence of febrile seizures in toddlers often
makes families, especially mothers, react differently
physically and psychologically. For the treatment of
seizures, it can be done at home or in health services.
Some obstacles that are felt by families with toddlers
who have febrile seizures include concerns about
recurrent seizures and cost constraints. Ways to
overcome obstacles include maintaining a healthy
environment, providing nutritious food,
supplementation and prepared medication.
The authors thank to the participants. This study was
supported by Health Polytechnic Jakarta III funding
by letter number HK.02.04/III.1/02857/2016 about
Determination of beginner research proposals,
Health Polytechnic Jakarta III.
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