achieve goals, both individual goals and
organizational goals. Without the leadership of an
organization there are only a number of people who
have a machine that is confused (Ricardo, 2017).
Leadership is ability, process, and art. This refers
to an activity or activity that must be done to
influence other people to behave in a certain way.
Art means ways, methods, or strategies to influence
to get participation (Badeni, 2014). Research related
to leadership and organizational culture with the
performance of nurses and midwives at Siti Mariam
Islamic Hospital in Manado City, that there is no
leadership relationship with the performance of
nurses and midwives at Siti Mariam Islamic
Hospital in Manado City and there is a relationship
between organizational culture and nurse and
midwife performance in RS Islam Siti Mariam Kota
Manado (Darampalo, 2015).
Organizational culture and leadership in military
organizations have their own characteristics. Where
these characteristics as well as the identity of the
sapta clan and the oath of warriors include military
professionalism, defending the truth, honesty and
justice, holding fast to discipline, obedient and
obedient to leadership (loyalty), did not deny orders
and decisions (Mulyatiningsih, 2013).
RSAU dr. Esnawan Antariksa, RS type II,
belongs to the Air Force, with a capacity of 138 beds
with an average BOR of 64%. The number of
implementing nurses is 115 people. RSAU dr.
Esnawan Antariksa has been fully accredited in
2015 (Mulyatiningsih, 2018). The vision of RSAU
dr. Esnawan Antariksa Jakarta is to become a
leading hospital in the field of aviation health, health
services, and the development of aerial health. With
the Motto of Smiles - Greetings – Say hello - Polite -
Touch (Profile of RSAU Dr. Esnawan Antariksa,
RSAL dr. Mintohardjo is a Level II Education,
the composition of nurses working for RSAL dr.
Mintohardjo's as many as 171 people, Dr. RSAL Dr.
Mintohardjo has a Vision to be a superior Navy
hospital in the western region in Health, subject,
education and research, especially the health of the
sea. With the motto "More Caring and Reliable"
(Profile of RSAL 2018).
RSAD M. Ridwan Meuraksa is a Level II
Hospital within the Kodam Jaya Indonesian National
Army. RSAD M. Ridwan Meuraksa has an inpatient
care room capacity of 9 rooms with 64 nursing staff
with various educational backgrounds, RSAD M.
Ridwan Meuraksa's vision is to become a mainstay
hospital for Indonesian National Army personnel -
the Army and their families in the Kodam Jaya
neighborhood and the community with the motto "e
- spirit" namely Empathy, Solid, Professional,
FAITH, Friendly, Beautiful, Orderly (Profile M.
Ridwan Meureksa Hospital, 2018).
This study used a descriptive analytical design with
cross sectional cross sectional approach, which was
carried out on a group of nurses working in military
hospitals from 3 (three) Indonesian national army
dimensions / characteristics in Jakarta. The aim was
to obtain the most influential description and factors
regarding the leadership style and organizational
culture on the performance of implementing nurses
in RSAU, RSAL and RSAD hospitals in Jakarta.
Data analysis uses univariate, bivariate and
multivariate analysis. The population in this study
were all inpatient nurses in RSAU, RSAL, and
RSAD. The sample in this study amounted to 186
nurses from 350 nurses from 3 (three) hospitals. The
sampling method uses simple random proportions
for each hospital, while the distribution of samples
for each room uses cluster sampling.
The sample inclusion criteria in this study were:
1) Implementing nurses working in the inpatient
room of RSAU Dr. Esnawan Antariksa, RSAL Dr.
Mintohardjo and RSAD M. Ridwan Meureuksa, 2)
Minimum level of Nursing Diploma III education, 3)
Status as a permanent employee of the Hospital, 4)
Minimum work period of 1 year, 5) Current nurse
nurse serving in inpatient units not nurses on duty in
outpatient care, 6) Implementing nurses who are not
sick, maternity leave or childbirth, continuing
education or attending training, 7) Willing to be a
Based on Table 1, the age of nurses in three
hospitals on average is productive age, in RSAD M.
Ridwan Meureksa is 23 - 53 years, RSAL Dr.
Mintohardjo 21-56 years old, RSAU Dr. Esnawan
Antariksa 20 - 48 years. The average age of nurses
at RSAD M. Ridwan Meureksa is 30.98 to 37.08
years, at RSAL Dr. Mintohardjo 33.98 to 37.23
years, and at RSAU Dr. Esnawan Antariksa 31.62 to
35.04 years.
A. Univariate Analysis
1. Characteristics of Respondents