surrounding environment. Both also stated that
having good knowledge does not guarantee that
someone has a good attitude. Therefore, it is
important for each individual, especially the nurse to
recognize the factors that influence his attitude and
behavior to patients. Based on observations in the
ward, researchers also found that the pattern that
prevailed in the ward, the feeling of giving the best,
and the inability to manage themselves and time also
became factors that influenced them to be negative
Based on the overall results of the research analysis
entitled "The Relationship of Nurses' Knowledge
Levels About Palliative Care with Attitudes Toward
Patient Management in Palliative Care in Western
Indonesian Private Hospitals”, from 45 respondents,
the result obtained from demographic data, the
highest proportion of working nurses is 20-30 years
old as many as 33 people (73.3%), with female as
many as 43 people (95.5%), having a Bachelor's
education background (S1) as many as 24 people
(53.3%), with experience working for one to five
years as many as 32 people (71.1%), and those who
have not yet attended the palliative basic training as
many as 23 people (51.1%). From univariate
analysis, it was found that the level of knowledge of
nurses in the moderate category consisted of 31
people (68.9%) based on the result from the PCQN
questionnaire. Whereas, for attitude, nurses who
have a tendency to behave negatively was amounted
to as many as 25 people (55.6%). After the Kendall's
Tau B Correlations test, it was found that Sig. (2-
tailed) of the two variables is 0.434 where Sig> 0.05,
the initial hypothesis is accepted. In conclusion, the
results of this study indicate that there is no
correlation between the level of knowledge of nurses
and the attitude of managing palliative patient care.
Based on the results of analysis, observation and
interviews, this can be caused by several factors
such as age, experience, and workload of nurses in
the hospital.
It is expected that future studies can focus on and
reexamine the possibility of other factors that may
influence the level of knowledge and tendency of
nurses' attitudes when doing management in
palliative patients. In addition, the researchers also
suggested hospitals to conduct periodic evaluations
of the level of knowledge and attitudes of nurses so
that they could improve the quality of care and
reputation of the hospital. In addition, it is expected
that there will be a character development seminar,
time and personal management and moral support
from various parties to improve the attitude of
nurses to be more positive. Nurses can also use the
opportunity not only to continue their education to a
higher level, or to enrich their knowledge and skills
by attending existing palliative seminars, but also
make some time to do meditation, counseling, and
other positive things.
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