knowledge in social interaction(Syafi’ie et al. 2001).
Writing is the process of generating ideas gradually
from the beginning until the end (Tompkins 1994).
Writing can also be considered as a series of
thinking and produce the reading results
activities.According to Semi (2003:41), every type
of essay has a specific characteristic that
distinguishes them from other types (Semi 1990).
2.3 Writing Narration and Suggestive
Narration: Steps
Writing stage, according to Murray (Tompkins
1994), consists of three stages. First is pre-writing
activities that include describing, selecting topics
based on themes, developing topics, writing titles
and developing a framework. In this stage, the
process that consists of discussing, clustering and
observing the activities in the classroom was
conducted. The second stage is writing activities that
comprise drafting and editing. The students made a
draft consisting points to be disentangled and not
separated from the topic. The betterment was made
by adding, reducing and eliminating words or
sentences on the development of their essays.
Meanwhile, editing was carried out by improving
the techniques such as beheading, capital letter
writing, and front-end writing, pronouns, and
development. The third is the post-writing stage in
which the students published their writings in front
of their friends to discuss in order to get input before
it is published on the bulletin board or in the journal.
Emilia (2011: 91) mentions that the purposes of
narrative text are telling, responding and entertaining
the readers or listeners(Emilia 2011). The narrative
text has several elements: direct and indirect
elements(Herman & Vervaeck 2005). The direct
element can be interpreted as having a denotative
meaning while the indirect element contains
connotative meaning. Connotative meaning, in this
case, can be a reference and support the aspect of
writing a suggestive narrative. Then the analysis
uses suggestive narrative(Keraf 1993). It is a series
of events that can stimulate the imaginary power of
the readers. Nevertheless, the stages of writing a
suggestive narrative are (1) determining the theme
and the message delivered, (2) setting the target of
the reader, (3) designing the main event in the form
of the groove, (4) dividing the main event into the
beginning, the development and the ending of the
story, (5) detailing the main events that will be
displayed as supporting the story, and (6) composing
figures and characters, setting and point of view.
In addition, writing skill is a language skill with
the highest level of competence. Writing skills have
five types with a distinctive feature of the character.
First, the narration is writing that contains the
chronological structures of the event, the time, and
the detail picture of the object. Narrative texts are
divided initially into two, the first is expository with
the actual portrayal of events or expository facts, and
narrative text is also subdivided in a special and
general way, while the suggestive narrative is
imaginary or (fictional). The difference between an
expository narrative and a suggestive narrative is the
purpose and use of the elements contained therein.
The expository narrative aims to convey information
about an event, develop knowledge, based on the use
of reasoning and ratio analysis, and the language
contains a denotative informative meaning.
Meanwhile, the suggestive narrative conveys the
implicit meaning, creates imaginative power, use
flexibility in reasoning only to convey meaning, and
the use figurative language.
2.4 Constructivism on Suggestive
Narrative Writing Learning
Constructivist learning approach is a way or process
of human processing that constructs knowledge and
builds her/himself with knowledge gained from
lecturer or teacher. Teaching is a knowledge-
building process built on knowledge-based
collaboration between teachers and students and
schemata owned by a student or students(Suparno
Students are expected to construct the
knowledge already taught by the lecturer by
collaborating with their respective schemata.
Students become motivated and being taught to
write suggestive narratives with the help of CD
learning media that contains some regional stories or
traditional drama results that are loaded with local
culture. Students are not only trained on aspects of
language skills but also on aspects of local culture in
the CD learning media that contains some regional
stories. It can stimulate the young generations to
love Indonesian culture and have a responsibility to
internationalize the Indonesian culture that will be
written in their writing.
2.5 Folklore-based CD Learning
Media: Suggestive Narrative
Media can be interpreted as an intermediary in the
learning process. The Association for Educational